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Addon Packs Slipstream?


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dziubek :hello:

What addon pack you are interested in? I found some usefull things there but most of them can be done more easy:

- some can be done with HFEXPERT folder (first should be unpacked);

- some can be repacked in selfextracting archieves.

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  • 1 month later...
dziubek :hello:

What addon pack you are interested in? I found some usefull things there but most of them can be done more easy:

- some can be done with HFEXPERT folder (first should be unpacked);

- some can be repacked in selfextracting archieves.

@ Oleg_II

These additions interest me :-)


7-Zip 4.32


Lavasoft Ad-Aware SE 1.06



TweakUI Control Panel Extension

CCleaner 1.26.218



Dariusz Taskill Addon Pack 1.02 (QuickLaunch)


Jcarles' Compression bin /version: Add to "SendTo" menu


Services and Devices CPL

official www


NirSoft MyUninstaller

official www


NirSoft ShellMenuView

official www


NirSoft IconsExtract

official www


NirSoft RegScanner Addon Pack - Standard pack


RegShot 1.7


NirSoft CurrPorts Addon Pack

official www


CurrProcess v1.11

official www



official www


NirSoft StartupRun

official www


Spyware Blaster 3.5.1 Addon

official www



Shell Extensions:


Attribute Changer 5.23

official www


Command Prompt Here Shell Extension


Attributes Context Menu



Ninotech Path Copy

official www


CopytoClip Shell Extension

official www


Find Target Shell Extension



official www


Opensubfolder shell extension



Control Panel Extensions:


Bootvis Control Panel Extension

CDImageGUI Control Panel Extension

TweakUI Control Panel Extension

User Accounts2 CPL Enabler

ResHack Control Panel Extension

DirectX 9.0c CPL


hacked files


XP RAID 5 Hack


replace the files needed for the XP RAID 5


You will help me ;)?

I greet


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I'm not sure why they call it a slipstream. Installing via svcpack isn't really a slipstream. Anywho, it is easier to run these via switchless installers with WXP than W2K. This is because svcpack is a little better with WXP. Here's how to do those intallers. Download those cab files you linked, and extract them. Place the EXE file into the switchless installer directory. Done. They make a big deal about installing software at svcpack. This feature was available with HFSLIP for quite some time.

Edited by tommyp
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dziubek :hello:

It's not really difficult. Unfortunatelly I can't help you right now because I'm on my way home and have very limited access to the Internet now. But it's really simple.

You can do as TommyP advised: unpack CABs and use switchless installers or just place files into HFEXPERT\WIN\SYSTEM32 folder (like CPL files).

I do it in an old-fashion way with a CMD file like this (an example that can be put into HFSVPK folder):


@echo off
Title Instaling Appz


echo Creating Windows Account
set User="Oleg 2"
set Pass="z"
net user %User% %Pass% /add /active:yes /expire:never /passwordchg:no
net localgroup Administrators %User% /add
net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited

rem Set to default user and user to autologon:
@echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00> %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Temp\logon.reg
@echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]>> %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Temp\logon.reg
@echo "DefaultUserName"=%User%>> %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Temp\logon.reg
REM @echo "AutoAdminLogon"="1">> %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Temp\logon.reg
regedit /s %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Temp\logon.reg
DEL /F /Q %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Temp\logon.reg

REM find cdrom and set variable CDDRIVE
for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\cdrom_nt.5 set CDDRIVE=%%i:
REG ADD "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v "CDDRIVE" /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d ^%WINPATH%^ /f

start /wait %CDDRIVE%\defence\antivirus.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\defence\AtGuard.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\defence\avp.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\defence\pdl.exe

start /wait %CDDRIVE%\games\Digalo.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\games\Eyden.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\games\Govorilka.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\games\irregverbs.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\games\Memory.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\games\memtren.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\games\Simon.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\games\Stamina.exe

start /wait %CDDRIVE%\media\1by1.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\media\audiograbber.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\media\cdrom.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\media\VideoEdit.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\media\mp3directcut.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\media\mplayer.exe

start /wait %CDDRIVE%\net\eMulePlus.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\net\firefox.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\net\NetStumbler.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\net\Skype.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\net\Teleport.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\net\TheBee.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\net\Thunderbird.exe

start /wait %CDDRIVE%\office\ATnotes.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\office\birthmil.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\office\Dictionary.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\office\help.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\office\manager.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\office\OpenOffice.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\office\pdffactory.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\office\pdfreader.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\office\UltraCompare.exe

start /wait %CDDRIVE%\pix\SplitImage.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\pix\XaraX.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\pix\XnView.exe

start /wait %CDDRIVE%\tools\boot.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\tools\cmd.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\tools\daemon.msi /qn Reboot=Suppress
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\tools\GetDataBack.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\tools\pagedfrg.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\tools\scheduler.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\tools\WinRar.exe

start /wait %CDDRIVE%\web\WebCraft.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\web\webpub.exe
start /wait %CDDRIVE%\web\xenu.exe

start /wait %CDDRIVE%\tweak\systemdrive.exe

PUSHD %~dp0
FOR %%I IN (%CDDRIVE%\net\ffext\*.XPI) DO (
START /WAIT "" "%PROGRAMFILES%\Firefox\firefox.exe" -install-global-extension "%%~fI"

PUSHD %~dp0
FOR %%I IN (%CDDRIVE%\net\tbext\*.XPI) DO (
START /WAIT "" "%PROGRAMFILES%\Thunderbird\thunderbird.exe" -install-global-extension "%%~fI"

xcopy /Y /E /H %CDDRIVE%\games\jiyili.exe %PROGRAMFILES%\Games\
xcopy /Y /E /H %CDDRIVE%\games\Nmemor.exe %PROGRAMFILES%\Games\
xcopy /Y /E /H %CDDRIVE%\media\ARFlashPlayer.exe %PROGRAMFILES%\
xcopy /Y /E /H %CDDRIVE%\media\cd.exe %PROGRAMFILES%\
xcopy /Y /E /H %CDDRIVE%\media\SCDWriter.exe %PROGRAMFILES%\
xcopy /Y /E /H %CDDRIVE%\net\nistime.exe %PROGRAMFILES%\
xcopy /Y /E /H %CDDRIVE%\net\utorrent.exe %PROGRAMFILES%\
xcopy /Y /E /H %CDDRIVE%\net\TCPOptimizer.exe %PROGRAMFILES%\
xcopy /Y /E /H %CDDRIVE%\office\Convert.exe %PROGRAMFILES%\
xcopy /Y /E /H %CDDRIVE%\office\excel.exe %PROGRAMFILES%\
xcopy /Y /E /H %CDDRIVE%\pix\LiquidIcon.exe %PROGRAMFILES%\

expand -r %CDDRIVE%\I386\chimes.wa_ %WinDir%\Media

ECHO Creating IMPORTANT Text File on Desktop (for Changing Logon Password and Computer Name)...
xcopy "%CDDRIVE%\tweak\afterinstall.inf" "%UserProfile%\Desktop\" /Y
xcopy "%CDDRIVE%\tweak\IMPORTANT.txt" "%UserProfile%\Desktop\" /Y
xcopy "%CDDRIVE%\tweak\clean.cmd" "%UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\" /Y

ECHO Delete programs from autostart
REG delete HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v Skype /f
REG delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v "DAEMON Tools-1033" /f
REG delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v "pdfFactory Pro Dispatcher v2" /f

rundll32.exe setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 128 %CDDRIVE%\tweak\install.inf


A few comments:

- introducing %CDDRIVE% variable - all programs are installed from CD;

- all programs are on CD placed in folders (Games, Media, Net, etc);

- most programs repacked into silent installers;

- some small utilities just copied from CD to their location in %ProgramFiles%;

Some twicks are implemented:

- creating TEMP folder (TEMP and TMP variables changed in INSTALL.INF then);

- a default user is created at the begining of the script;

- a CMD file that cleans from some possible garbage is ran from Startup during first logon (self-destructive);

- some regestry lines are deleted (removing some programs from autostart);

- last line runs INSTALL.INF with other tweaks directly from CD.

I agree that just placing CABs or installers in folders is easy. But you have to run twicks anyway and a couple of scripts containing ALL your installation needs are easy to menage too. In my example there are only three: appz.cmd, install.inf and afterinstall.inf (I use the last one for defining paging file size, Documents placement on other disk and some other stuff that depends on different computer configuration - not needed if you install on one computer) - they define users, installs programs, register codecs and extentions, do other twicks for the system ;)

Edited by Oleg_II
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Dziubek use RymanVM Integrator 1.5 work perfect for your idea.

nlite and hfslip do not get new directions for inegrate all AddonPack.

Only can put some program in Svcpack directory for installation in T-12 fase.

All program get some good and some bad.

I wont see you in ather Forum


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