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I can't believe this thread is over 30 pages long. :no:

Why can't we all just let everyone run what they want on their own PCs without meddling in their business? :blink:

Posted (edited)
I'll say it again, not that it'll make much difference with that selective reading/hearing thing you have going on, Corporate Edition doesn't exist, there's no such issue of XP.

Of course this exists,

or do you think we have manually installed and activated hundreds of XP licences in our company???

See Microsoft " Volume License Product Key "

Go ahead and trash it, because that won't do you much good! Not everyone can afford Windows XP and activation can suck! Also, not everyone has Opterons than can OC to like 3.5 ghz.

You don't have to use activation to use Windows XP. That is what the corporate edition is for. Also, there are easy ways around the activation, but such discussion is not allowed in these forums.

so we have to compromise our morality to get the best out an OS now ?

Corporate Edition doesn't actually exist, it's volume-licensed copies of Windows XP Professional, i doubt you have a legitimate volume-licensed copy nor could many of us legitimately attain one.

what your talking about (tempered by experience methinks) is a pirated OS.

and if so your espousing the virtues of something you don't even pay for ?

that's just great, that is.

now i fully understand why you don't see costs as prohibitive.

can you read at your company ?

MS produces no such product which goes by that name. if you doubt that try the searches i suggested (i did, before i posted, likewise i've already read MSs volume-licensing pages) you can buy a volume-licensed copy of Windows XP Professional (as i said) but that's what it's called. not 'Windows XP Professional Corporate Edition' or 'Windows XP Corporate Edition' that's a moniker (a nickname) and that's all.

link me to an MS page where the name is used.

post an image of a box cover or disc with 'Corporate Edition' on it.

you should be able to pull at least one off Google image search without too much trouble if it's a real product.

go on.

no ?

next time read the thread.

Edited by miko
Posted (edited)
can you read at your company ?

MS produces no such product which goes by that name. if you doubt that try the searches i suggested (i did, before i posted, likewise i've already read MSs volume-licensing pages) you can buy a volume-licensed copy of Windows XP Professional (as i said) but that's what it's called. not 'Windows XP Professional Corporate Edition' or 'Windows XP Corporate Edition' that's a moniker (a nickname) and that's all.

link me to an MS page where the name is used.

post an image of a box cover or disc with 'Corporate Edition' on it.

you should be able to pull at least one off Google image search without too much trouble if it's a real product.

go on.

no ?

next time read the thread.

Whatever the heck you want to call it, it does not matter!! A volume licensed copy can be referred to as a corporate copy. You can legally obtain one under certain circumstances. Just becuase I refered to it as a corporate copy does not mean I was referring to something that doesn't exist and/or is pirated!! You are pretty fast to accuse someone of something just because they happened to use different termonology!! SO ZIP IT and stop being picking over the use of terminology!!! I always knew it was a Volume licensed copy, I was just calling it a corporate copy!!

I have a legit volume license copy of Windows XP Pro from my workplace!!. I used the exact MS correct terminology, so now are you satisfied?? :blink::blink:

Edited by Link21
Posted (edited)





This thread is a sore on the face of the forum.

Edited by travisowens
Posted (edited)
There exist volume-licensed copies of Windows XP Professional that do not require Windows Product Activation at all. These copies, intended for use by customers with many PCs, are referred to by some as "Windows XP Corporate Edition". According to Microsoft, 90% of pirated installations of Windows XP use a volume-licensed version to circumvent WPA. The most famous volume license key (VLK) is one beginning with FCKGW, which was released with the first pirated copies of the final version of Windows XP.

i stand by what i accused you of Link21 and i don't care what you think. i can't see why you'd have a copy of that OS a home when that's not what it's for, and i can't see why you wouldn't use windows update and why you'd be so informed about avoiding activation if you had nothing to worry about.

these are, after all, some of the benefits of XP (current support) you've been espousing to us.

i conclude that your using a pirate OS that would cost me over $500 to buy.

so are you worth listening to ?


and if you find that insulting i couldn't give two f***s, since you've been in essence calling us 9X users stupid since you started posting in here.

PS. you know if you times the number of Link21s last post by 2 . . .


Edited by miko
Posted (edited)





This thread is a sore on the face of the forum.

Edited by travisowens
Posted (edited)

you know if you times the number of Link21s last post by 2 . . .


I agree close this thread!!!





This thread is a sore on the face of the forum.

you'll get no argument from me matey :thumbup

Edited by miko
Posted (edited)
There exist volume-licensed copies of Windows XP Professional that do not require Windows Product Activation at all. These copies, intended for use by customers with many PCs, are referred to by some as "Windows XP Corporate Edition". According to Microsoft, 90% of pirated installations of Windows XP use a volume-licensed version to circumvent WPA. The most famous volume license key (VLK) is one beginning with FCKGW, which was released with the first pirated copies of the final version of Windows XP.

i stand by what i accused you of Link21 and i don't care what you think. i can't see why you'd have a copy of that OS a home when that's not what it's for, and i can't see why you wouldn't use windows update and why you'd be so informed about avoiding activation if you had nothing to worry about.

these are, after all, some of the benefits of XP (current support) you've been espousing to us.

i conclude that your using a pirate OS that would cost me over $500 to buy.

so are you worth listening to ?


and if you find that insulting i couldn't give two f***s, since you've been in essence calling us 9X users stupid since you started posting in here.

PS. you know if you times the number of Link21s last post by 2 . . .


STFU and stop spreading lies and accusing people of something they did not do!!

How would you like it if I just assumed you did something just because you used different terminology!!!?!??!?

i conclude that your using a pirate OS that would cost me over $500 to buy.
You conclude your a** wrong SMART a**!! Miswell accuse Timeless and Jlo555 of using it too because they mentioned corporate as well and how they hate activation!! OH NO!!! Also, you miswell accuse Nuhi of using a piarted verison of Windows XP because in nlite, there is the option to remove WIndows Update and because he specifically lists in the help that unless you are using a Corporate verison of WIndows, you can't remove Out of the Box Experience. Oh NO. Nuhi used the word corporate version of Windows, which you say doesn't exist. So you must assume anyone that uses the word corporate edition or doesn't use Windows update is using a pirated copy!! Nothing but an arrogant smarta**!!!! to try and rub in mean arrogant such assumptions based on certain comments.

Oh and BTW:

as for your examples iTunes and Napster 2.0 i suspect these won't install on 98 because of security issues, these programs want to securely track your usage and so will use security related parts of XP that are not in 98.

oh wow that's soooooo significant, in XP i can have my music collection spied on and securely tracked and you can't aha,ha,ha,ha . . . . . . . . . . . . hang on.

Read your very own post here: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=44398&st=40

Why would you make such comment if you don't use pirated music and have nothing to worry about!!!!! I as such conclude you are using pirated MP3s!! If you weren't you wouldn't have made such a comment and you would have nothing to worry about!!!

You accuse me of something I didn't do and just want to assume it because I don't like activation, you are going to get it shoved right back at your a**!!! I really get angry as heck when someone tries and accuses me of something I did not do!!

Edited by Link21

I don't think this thread should be closed. So far at least two people that I referred to this thread have installed Windows 98SE again. (Admittedly they did it in dual boot mode with XP/2000)

This thread has generated some seriously positive publicity for Win98SE. Link21, you just go ahead and keep posting. I don't know what your agenda is, but I do know what effect its having.

Posted (edited)
bla bla, bla, bla bla
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

get angry all you want, hehe, at this point i'd lay money on it.

and as for copying music, i'm perfectly within my legal rights to rip my CDs to MP3s (for personal use) without the apps involved telling anybody else about it (and that would be known as 'privacy' which is why object to programs which track usage).

if it were illegal to rip the function would hardly be included in WMP and be the basis for multiple big name companys to make money from selling MP3 players.

as stated here it's legal in US and it's legal where i live too, it only becomes illegal if you have a copy of something you haven't bought.

so suck it.

Edited by miko
Posted (edited)
bla bla, bla, bla bla
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

get angry all you want, hehe, at this point i'd lay money on it.

and as for copying music, i'm perfectly within my rights to rip my CDs to MP3s (for personal use) without the apps involved telling anybody else about it otherwise the function would hardly be included in WMP and be the basis for multiple companys to make money of MP3 players.

as stated here it's legal in US and it's legal where i live too, it only becomes illegal if you have a copy of something you haven't bought.

so suck it.

It is perfectly in my right to use a legit copy of Windows XP Pro from the company I work for which has agreements with Microsoft for certain qualified employees to be given a free copy of some Microsoft software. It is also perfectly in my right to use that legit copy of Windows XP and choose to not use Windows Update.

This has turned into the wrong discussion. This thread was about Why run Windows 98, not about legal use of software. Never the less, this thread can die because it has been beaten to death. Say what you want next Miko Smarta** , but liars don't mean anything to me.

Edited by Link21
Posted (edited)
I don't think this thread should be closed. So far at least two people that I referred to this thread have installed Windows 98SE again. (Admittedly they did it in dual boot mode with XP/2000)

This thread has generated some seriously positive publicity for Win98SE. Link21, you just go ahead and keep posting. I don't know what your agenda is, but I do know what effect its having.

Better make that 3 people. When this thread began, I was using windows 2000 on my main computer. Last night I installed Win98se, and it's the ONLY OS on this computer. So far with a fresh install, all updates, and USP2.1a, I've had no crashes, no hangs and overall it's pretty goddamn fast! I don't think this thread should be closed anymore. This thread is getting to be just like cigarettes... it's pointless and retarded, but it's gotten very addictive. A lot of the main points that the pro-NT people are mostly what has made me COMPLETELY switch back to 98se. There is now one XP computer in my house, and 3 98se computers, and they're all running perfectly, except for the XP computer, which needs to be reformatted again.

Edited by Jlo555
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