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Help! cmdlines.txt is executed before Windows installation has fin

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When I insatll my my UA DVD (WinXP +appz), the cmdlines.txt is executed (about 30 min) before Windows installation has finished.

Here my cmdlines.txt:


Is there any how to prevent cmdlines.txt to be executed until the Windows installation ends.




If your invoke RunOnceEx to run at Cmdlines.txt stage, rather then allowing it to run at first logon, then running at T12 + installing Apps for the other 18 mins would give you your 30 minutes before the finish of Windows setup.


TNX MHz for the info... unfortunately it doesn't make me to move forward.

In fact, not only the RunOnceEx.cmd run but WPI.cmd also run and start installing the appz, before Windows XP installation has finished.

Well, is there any command to make RunOnceEx and WPI waiting until the Windows XP installation END???




You're not getting what you're trying to do.

CMDlines.txt executes the given applications at T-12, meaning 12 minutes before the setup ends. For RunOnceEx this works, as all it does is write some registry values that are read at bootup. What you need is GuiRunOnce, do a search on that. ;)

Posted (edited)

cmdlines.txt isn't the correct file for post-installation, you must use one RunOnceEx.cmd in cmdlines.txt which set the regkey's RunOnceEx, and after first login the other batch like WPI are launched ...


edit: tu doit appeller WPI.cmd depuis RunOnceEx ...

Edited by sonic

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