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Good Ratio for IT department

Incroyable HULK

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Hello all,

I was wondering if anyone could indicate a good source of information about IT management... especifically about the number of technician you should have for a given number of Computers/Users.

And tell me how it is at your place...

At my place, we have about 450 users and 700 computers and we are 3 technicians (also 3 professionals but don't count on them). We have to take care of everything including: customer support, installation, re-installation, configuration, network, IP telephony, inventary, licensing, etc...

The only thing we don't do, is to "teach" how to use applications... we can help be we are not there to tell how to integrate a spreadsheet into the word processor...

Edited by Incroyable HULK
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It really depends on the level of support you are willing to provide, and the way your network is configured.

For instance, at my school, there are 1000+ computers, 1500+ users, 3 level 2 admins, and one level 1 admin. They're job is to manage the Win2k3 servers, the RAID servers, and the OSX servers, plus manage licensing, telephony, internet, network, VPN, WiFi, etc... Granted, they dont really have weekends or breaks, but... It's really more of an art than a science.

I would say with that many comps and users, and not knowing anything else about your network, your 3 admins are fine. If you want a halfway, note halfway, decent admin information, you can check out C|Net's TechRepublic: www.techrepublic.com.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...


We have roughly 2000 staff PCs and 6 technicians to administrate them. Most PCs reside at a single location, but there are still a fair number (over 100) at 2 remote locations, as well as a fair number of roaming laptops.

All technicians are based at the single largest site.

Hope that helps,


Edited by Fencer128
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  • 2 weeks later...

We are an architectural firm and have in office about 200 users, 30 users in an office about 40 miles north of our location, a total of about 100 users in about 7 sales centers, and a growing office of 15 users in our new york office, soon to expand to the middle east somewhere on an incredible job being done there, called The World.

We are a total of 5, we just hired the 5th person who started on monday 11/28. There's (1)IT director, (1)Network Operations Admin, (1)Net. Engineer / Desktop Support, and then there's "rookie" and myself as Desktop Support....I will soon be upgraded to Network Administrator! :) Nice jump!

The new guy will give the Net. Engineer / Desktop Support & myself time to focus on the administrative part of the network (AD, backup, operations, etc) which our IT Director wants us to know. The rookie can do the monitor/workstation moves, install/remove apps/hardware and other stuff.

That's an average of about 80 users per tech and sometimes it seems like we do everything around the office....even things that we consider IT should not do we still do. "If it has a power button we take care of it"....that's our ongoing joke!

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well i'll chime in here..

i work for an IT consultation firm that will do pretty much anything from help desk to app dev to disaster recovery, blah blah. currently we have 130 salaried employees across 4 states (6 sites). overall size varies on how many consultants we have working for us, but it is less than 200. current internal IT staff?


not only that, i get to support our desktops/laptops, but also consultants laptops that i have never touched nor do i know what they are running.

That's an average of about 80 users per tech and sometimes it seems like we do everything around the office....even things that we consider IT should not do we still do. "If it has a power button we take care of it"....

thats pretty much my job description.

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I would say it depends were you are at, if you are at a high school were you get all the people who think they are "l33t" and screw with both the software and the hardware you would probly need more people to take care of it than say you were running an office were the only apps used were word, excel, etc you would probly need less as most problems will be less technical and moreso user error (PEBKAC) ... were you just have to tell people how to do simple things, or check that the power strip is on

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