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I've been using edonkey for several weeks. Once in a while it will not connect to any servers. I fix this problem by replacing the "server.met" file with a new one, such as this one http://members.home.net/edonkey2000/server.met

and this has worked every time. In the Edonkey forums the consensus seems to be that the server.met file gets too big and you end up with too many open internet connections or something. I don't understand it exactly, but it sounds like edonkey opens a connection (or several?) for each server on the list.


ahh thanx alot for the info will try it later after i kix me some more a** on wolfenstein:D [/quote:6e41846b91]I like UT. I played the test version of RtCW, but man do I suck at that game. I usually finish with 2 kills or less hehe.

PS I edited the earlier post, you may want to take a look...


Ok guys..I do agree that Edonkey can be slow..and the connection is bad somtimes...but heres the thing. Go here: http://www.sharereactor.com/ and read over the info guide on Edonkey...then go here: http://members.home.net/edonkey2000/server.met

and replace your server.met file.

I use to hate edonkey...and would never use it...but now with the reactor guide and the replacment of my server.met file, i always connect and get a decent if not good download speeds.

thankx for all the help with edonkey...IT ACTUALLY WORKS now!


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