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Stop asking for partition info


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I have searched for the answer to this question and I can't get a real straight answer. When using my Unattend CD it asks for partition information every time. I can't seem to get it stop even though I think I have followed the directions correctly. If someone could look at my winnt.sif file and tell me what I am doing wrong I would appreciate it.

   UseBIOSToBoot = 0
   AutomaticUpdates = yes

   OemPreinstall= yes
   Repartion = yes
   UnattendSwitch = yes
   WaitForReboot = No
   NoWaitAfterTextMode = 1
   NoWaitAfterGUIMode = 1
   DriverSigningPolicy = Ignore
   NonDriverSigningPolicy = Ignore
   Hibernation = No
   AutoActivate = No


I want 1 partition - ntfs - use all of the drive - and no more questions

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I have searched for the answer to this question and I can't get a real straight answer.  When using my Unattend CD it asks for partition information every time.  I can't seem to get it stop even though I think I have followed the directions correctly.  If someone could look at my winnt.sif file and tell me what I am doing wrong I would appreciate it.

   UseBIOSToBoot = 0
   AutomaticUpdates = yes

   OemPreinstall= yes
   Repartion = yes
   UnattendSwitch = yes
   WaitForReboot = No
   NoWaitAfterTextMode = 1
   NoWaitAfterGUIMode = 1
   DriverSigningPolicy = Ignore
   NonDriverSigningPolicy = Ignore
   Hibernation = No
   AutoActivate = No


I want 1 partition - ntfs - use all of the drive - and no more questions

Does this mean that the unattended install will repartition and format the drive? without the needs of any other partition tool such as diskpart etc :thumbup

thanks :yes:

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You are correct Orion2. The Windows CD has one built in, I just had a typo and was having to manually tell the installer how I wanted the drive partitioned and formated. I corrected my typo and it does it automatically now

Edit: Actually, if I understand it correctly diskpart is the portion of the Windows CD that does all of the formatting and partitioning. Diskpart is built in.

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I can't seem to find the [DiskConfig] section in ref.chm.  :huh:

Nor can I. Haven't seen this before.

As it is not part of unattend.txt/winnt.sif, but winbom.ini, which is used in factory mode.

But that doesn't mean it won't work in unattend.txt - maybe it's silently supported, have someone tested it?

And as for diskpart - yes, windows setup uses it to do the partitioning.

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I've been looking at this as well - i need to set up a c, d and s partition.

Tried looking at diskpart running as a RunOnceEx, but it can't handle splitting an existing partition which takes up an entire disk. Another option may be a freeware partition manager utility (which I'm saving as a last resort).

What I'm intending to do is to break apart the boot.img used with cdimage, and edit it so that in the autoexec.bat fdisk runs and removes all existing partitions, then creates the ones I want.

I've currently extracted boot.img using BBIE and am trying to figure out how to unpack image1.bin that BBIE has given me - any thoughts anyone?

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Can you please explain the purpose of the following things and their intended effects during setup?


NoWaitAfterTextMode = 1

NoWaitAfterGUIMode = 1





What if I wish to format Partition 1 of Disk 1 only? And what if it's Partition 2 of Disk 2? Please, elaborate, as your comments have enormous potential of implementations.


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even if it doesn't allow you to create multiple partitions on the same disk, you can use it to create the c partition of a fixed size leaving the remainder as unpartitioned space. You could then use diskpart via RunOnceEx to create the other partitions in the unpartitioned space.

I'll have a play with this later

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