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Is Brain Still Developing?


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These things showed up much less than 200,000 years ago, and the first article says that people who have damage to them (or, I assume, don't have them at all) end up with brains more like a chimp... so what were people like before that? Still chimps, I would think.

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Hmmm, I really don't know anthropology. If I recall correctly, most of the early hominids had small brain cases. One of the articles says that homo sapiens evolved 200,000 years ago and that varients of two specific genes occurred 37,000 and 6,000 years ago. They said that these time periods also were also when sophisticated tool making (37,000 yeas ago) and the first known modern civilization , Mesopotamia (6,000 years ago), occured. It doesn't mean that humans were still chimps as this article shows- here

Even modern people who suffer damage at this level are more often than not at a higher level than chimps. Microcephaly

It's also interesting that (if memory serves) about 40,000 years ago there was a volcanic eruption that put the human population into a bottleneck. It gave the world a nuclear winter and the human population dropped to 40,000 people worldwide. We were on the endangered species list. Think about how thin the populations would have been if you took 40,000 people and spread them across the globe.

Just interesting stuff.


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If 30% population have one of those genes and 70% population have the other gene, it means that there are people who don't have any of those genes???

Non evoluted "monkey people"???

At least it's interesting.

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The article says that 30% and 70% don't have a particular variation of those genes. Anybody with damage to those genes in general suffer retardation not that if they don't have those particual variations. They just noted that one of the genes cropped up at the same time as modern civilization got under way. People were still people prior to that but maybe that one of the variations was enough to change the way people thought and that changed the way they lived. Everybody else just picked up on it. This is just my take on it.

Their other point was the rate at which our brains have evolved and that it is faster than they thought. I can understand the survival of the fittest and a beneficial gene putting you in an advantage to survive but the way the world is set up now, I don't think that rule will apply to humans.


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:D You're welcome.

Now, if they discover that genes can change to accomodate environment ..........

It only takes a little to change things a lot. We are constantly being inundated with information and new technology. How much are we having to change the way we think to get along in this brave new world?


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  • 2 weeks later...
Thats what I don't get... why do we have it if we don't use it???  Why can't we unlock the power of our own thinker???  :blink:

I think we use a good portion of our brains. To what degree we make use of it is another matter. The other thing is, you have to take into account how each individual's brain is wired. More synapses, different arrangements, greater cell count in some areas and so on.


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lol man 10% ? omg laugh out loud the human use only 2% of his brain and 3 % is a **** genius

Einstein used 4 % of his brain and till now nobody used more then him

you only use whats relevant to activity, its impossible to use 100% cause then you'd be having an orgasm while solving a math problem,excersising, remembering your moms birthday, whistling,fantasizing....etc all at the same time. the combinations of chemicals reacting in the body alone from that would probably kill you.

no one knows how much of einstiens brain was used...do you think they had cat scans back then or something?

genius is not how much of your brain you use, its how its wired, some aspects can be wired very efficiently and some have alot more conections to elsewhere in the brain therefore better comprehension of information...not %

there are retarded people who do genius things...like the guy that cant dress himself but can speak 20+ languages perfectly. or the guy that can feed himself or talk yet played mozart on piano at age 3

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