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@all: sorry I haven't checked back in awhile. It appears that the file-host was down for awhile but I just tested it and it worked ok...

ok... I'm in between classes at school and thought I'd check it since I was just messing around online. Down again... I'll try to find the binaries and re-upload them to rapidshare or something, but I'm not going to have time until this weekend (especially if I end up having to rebuild the binaries and/or repackage them).

if anyone has any recommendations for a FREE fileserver that is better than rapidshare go ahead and let me know and I'll try and upload them this weekend.


Umm... me? :)

Set up an account on my "image hosting", and I can change the permissions to include .zip or .rar files as well. Just let me know what your user name is on my hosting.

  • 2 weeks later...

The downloads (SP Ext Pack 1.0, Hidden Files Toggle 2.0 and so on) are dead.

Can you please upload them again???

Thank you very much. :)

Posted (edited)

All files have been uploaded to Zxian's server and the links should now be working!!

Also, SubMenuPack has finally been released!!

See the first post for both, and Happy Holidays guys :~D

Edited by spiritpyre
Posted (edited)


Your project is nice one. I'm also using Reshack, XVi32 and Wscite (as editor) on drive G:. Please post link so I can download your shell extension.


If you could make shell extension for modifype and makecab (.reg file only, and assuming modifype is in c:\windows\system32) plus combined with K_O_'s shellext, would greatly help in my modding of files :w00t:. No more using command prompt because I'm lazy using it :P ).

Good Luck! Happy Holidays!

Edited by mau-yong
  • 2 weeks later...

If you could make shell extension for modifype and makecab (.reg file only, and assuming modifype is in c:\windows\system32) plus combined with K_O_'s shellext, would greatly help in my modding of files :w00t:. No more using command prompt because I'm lazy using it :P ).

Good Luck! Happy Holidays!

Well, good news and bad news but here goes:

I don't have much free time to work on extensions anymore, but I was already planning on modifying my SubMenuPack extension so that you could call it or a similar app from right clicking on a file. The good news is that this would let you give a commandline type file-path to whatever program you want (hint hint) and the extension will be able to automatically figure out which file (or files) you've selected and pass it along to said program (assuming, of course that you tag on the correct parmeters and the program you're using will except them). Also on the good news end of the spectrum, I have most of the work for this done already. :thumbup

Now for the bad news part... I've been pretty busy lately and to top it off, schools starting back up. hopefully, i'll get a break and have decent profs this semester but either way it'll prolly be a couple of weeks before I have enough time/motivation to squash a few pesky bugs that have crept in (a couple feature have stopped working in my current build) and prepare to release. Also, I have some design decisions to make (involving a few more features) and I'd like to rework my install script a little. :wacko: So I'm guessin' around 2-3 weeks max. and hopefully I'll still find some time for coding when 24 comes back on. :lol:

- SP

Posted (edited)

SubMenuPack links are 404 again.

Maybe RapidShare wasn't such a bad idea.

Try Shellcity or Donationcoder. You could just attach the files in the forums at Donationcoder.com actually. I'm sure your extensions would be welcome in that community.

*edit: Ok, the link is 404 but I went to the root dir and found it there in the index.

Edited by Nighted
Posted (edited)

Ok, I'm at school right now and I have a class in twenty minutes but I had these with me, so here are some rapidshare links incase anyone is having problems with Zxian's server. I'll try to add the rest later:




SubMenuPack_1.0.10.7_Setup.exe //edit: note this is the old version; see first post for the newest version.

// edit:

here are the rest:





Edited by spiritpyre
Posted (edited)

ha! I figured out why the link for SubMenuPack on Zxian's server wasn't working: the file had spaces and the link had underscores. my bad; all fixed.

// edit

been busy at school/work, but i got a little done tonight.... apparently I had forgot to compile the MFC as a static dll. Good news, now it works without "MFC42D.DLL" but the filesize went way up. Fortunately, I have a "b" version for those of you who would prefer to just search google and download said dll. This version also has a bugfix for the escapable variables.


alright, i added the new links and even threw up some long over-due screenshots.

Edited by spiritpyre
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Update on the File-Menu Ext:

I'm going to have to revise the release time on this due to several factors. The main issues are that the project has experienced some feature creep (i.e. I've come up with more features so it'll take me longer to implement them) and I'm trying to redesign some aspects to work better (mostly for compatibility and "intuititive-ness"). My other problem is that between school and work I've only been able to squeeze in 2-3 hrs/week coding, so there's definately been some slowdown. If all goes well I might finally be able to get some stuff done over the weekend though.

Here's some of whats done so far:

- an extension that is accessible from the file-context menu

- a '%LIST%' variable that is replaced with a delimited list of the files selected

- Items can now use "Delimiter" and "FilterByType" to specify what delimiter to use and what file types are allowed.

- a "DebugInfo" feature that will display some debug info (for example, if you're command/parameters aren't working, it will show you what is being executed) when enabled

Since the extension uses code from the SubMenu extension as its basis, it probably means an update for it too when I get closer to finished. I'm also considering either completely merging these 2 extensions or maybe making them part of a single package. Any thoughts?

And as always if you find any bugs or a feature isn't working please let me know.

// UPDATE (1-27-07): I was finally able to add UNICODE support last night:


I also was able to get rid of a few bugs I was having with a few new features like the option to enclose the command path in quotes automagically and eliminating the need for case conversions while the variables are being expanded (noticed that a favorite program used case to specify between two different parameters)

a few other things I'm working on are the option to perform the same command repeated for each file selected or just feed it a list of the valid files (default). I'm also trying to re-work to algorithm for filtering by filetype so that its more effective. I have a few other little surprises I'm planning on but I'm going to keep them to myself until I'm sure I can actually implement them.

btw... I tried pasting in some chinese characters I find with google and didn't have any luck, but I noticed that they turned into squares as soon as they were entered into regedit. I'm wondering if it doesn't just have to do with my locale settings in windows. on the other hand, when charmap displays the codes too and it looks like UTF-16 might not have them...besides it couldn't display the arrow or the club either.


Edited by spiritpyre
  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
Can anyone tell me where i can find the "Change Uppercase & Lower Case shell extensions" for folder rename.

This might do what you're asking, but I didn't test it out:


if not, I could probably whip something up when I get caught up with my other projects...but it could be awhile :whistle:


As far as my projects go, I've had a lot on my plate, but I had some time this week to throw in towards getting them all caught up. I've made alot of headway with my FileMenu extension and I've got a whole bunch of new surprises either finished or at least somewhat workin. On a less cryptic note, I'm switching to the process of updating the config utility by adding Unicode support and working all the new features in (which is the main thing holding me up from any releases). Sorry still no reliable ETA at this point BUT not only does the file-type filtering work now, but you can even use wildcards (*) :D

The downside... even when I finish this thing, I'm gonna have a helluva time writing up all the documentation. :wacko:

Also I recoded the File Extension and Hidden File Toggle extensions the other day... not only do they now support Unicode, but they also support checkmarks now (and yes you can choose which state they will be displayed for). I still need time to rewrite the installers for them so it might be a few days before I re-release them. I plan on doing something similar with the standalone versions, but I have to come up with a more dynamic system for them (since they could be called from different programs) -- which will probably be a commandline parameter of some sort.

Edited by spiritpyre

spiritpyre thanks for the help. But the recase is not working & i saw the recase extensions in CRAZY XP version by nowur3iny. I should wait for ur extensions though.

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