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Everything posted by tijuana

  1. Hi! I just installed windows 7 onto a test machine and when it prompted for my username I rebooted it into audit mode. Then I installed all and after that I sysprepped it into audit mode using the generalize option. After that (and imaging of course) I tried booting into the same pc to reseal it and test the oobe part and invariably this is what happens: - It boots for the first time into a bsod stating the system halted (no error code is shown, something about memory parity check) - It endlessly reboots and gives me a message telling me that it encountered an unknown error and will restart after reboot. This happens until I restore the backup made and then it does it all over again (bsod + endless reboot for unknown reasons). I've tried every repair option from Windows setup to no avail and am starting to think I might have to do it all over again, so I'm posting here first in case someone can help. Thanks!
  2. Avast also finds a virus in vlite. I'm guessing it's a glitch in the A/V soft, 'cause SAV doesn't detect a virus in any of the two apps
  3. Hi! I nlited an xp cd and tested it on a virtual machine. Everything's good but when I try to open a file using any office app with a limited user account it says it's write protected and opens a read only copy. I can move, copy, rename and delete the file in question using explorer and the same limited account. If I logon as an admin, I can open files perfectly fine. here's a copy of my nlite setup: [Main] Env = 1.3.5 - 2.0.50727.312.Microsoft Windows NT 6.0.6000.0 Target = Windows XP Professional SP:2 - 5.1.2600.2180 - Español - España (alfabetización internacional) [Tasks] Remove Components Unattended Setup Tweaks Create a Bootable ISO Options [Components] ;# Drivers # Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Cameras and Camcorders Display Adapters Display Adapters (old) Ethernet (LAN) IBM PS/2 TrackPoint IBM Thinkpad ISDN Logitech WingMan Microsoft SideWinder Modems MultiFunctional Portable Audio Printers Scanners SCSI/RAID Serial Pen Tablet Sony Jog Dial Sound Controllers Tape drives Toshiba DVD decoder card Wireless Ethernet (WLAN) ;# Keyboards # Albanés keyboard Alemán (IBM) keyboard Alemán (Suiza) keyboard Alemán keyboard Árabe (101) keyboard Árabe (102) AZERTY keyboard Árabe (102) keyboard Armenio occidental keyboard Armenio oriental keyboard Azerí cirílico keyboard Azerí latín keyboard Belga (coma) keyboard Belga keyboard Bengalí (Inscript) keyboard Bengalí keyboard Bielorruso keyboard Bosnio keyboard Búlgaro (latín) keyboard Búlgaro keyboard Checo (Qwerty) keyboard Checo keyboard Checo para programadores keyboard Chino (simplificado) - teclado EE.UU. keyboard Chino (simplificado): Microsoft Pinyin IME 3.0 keyboard Chino (simplificado): NeiMa keyboard Chino (simplificado): QuanPin keyboard Chino (simplificado): ShuangPin keyboard Chino (simplificado): ZhengMa keyboard Chino (tradicional) - alfanumérico keyboard Chino (tradicional) - ChangJie keyboard Chino (tradicional) - código Big5 keyboard Chino (tradicional) - DaYi keyboard Chino (tradicional) - fonético keyboard Chino (tradicional) - teclado EE.UU. keyboard Chino (tradicional) - Unicode keyboard Chino (tradicional): ChangJie nuevo keyboard Chino (tradicional): fonética nueva keyboard Chino (tradicional): matriz keyboard Chino (tradicional): rápido keyboard Cirílico kyrgyz keyboard Cirílico mongol keyboard Coreano keyboard Croata keyboard Danés keyboard Devanagari: INSCRIPCIÓN keyboard Divehi fonético keyboard Eslovaco (qwerty) keyboard Eslovaco keyboard Esloveno keyboard Estados Unidos - Dvorak para la mano derecha keyboard Estados Unidos - Internacional keyboard Estados Unidos-Dvorak keyboard Estados Unidos-Dvorak para la mano izquierda keyboard Estándar multilingüe canadiense keyboard Estonio keyboard Faroés keyboard Finés con sami keyboard Finlandés keyboard Francés (Bélgica) keyboard Francés (Canadá) keyboard Francés (Suiza) keyboard Francés canadiense (heredado) keyboard Francés keyboard Gaélico keyboard Georgiano keyboard Grecolatino keyboard Griego (220) keyboard Griego (220) Latín keyboard Griego (319) keyboard Griego (319) Latín keyboard Griego keyboard Griego politónico keyboard Gujarate keyboard Hebreo keyboard Hindú tradicional keyboard Húngaro de 101 teclas keyboard Húngaro keyboard IBM de Lituania keyboard Irlandés keyboard Islandés keyboard Italiano (142) keyboard Italiano keyboard Japonés keyboard Kannada keyboard Kazakh keyboard Letón (QWERTY) keyboard Letón keyboard Lituano keyboard Macedonio (FYRO) keyboard Malayalam keyboard Maltés (47 teclas) keyboard Maltés (48 teclas) keyboard Maorí keyboard Máquina de escribir divehi keyboard Marathi keyboard Neerlandés keyboard Noruego con sami keyboard Noruego keyboard Persa keyboard Polaco (214) keyboard Polaco (programadores) keyboard Portugués (Brasileño ABNT) keyboard Portugués keyboard Portugués(Brasileño ABNT2) keyboard Punjabi keyboard Reino Unido (extendido) keyboard Reino Unido keyboard Rumano keyboard Ruso (mecanografía) keyboard Ruso keyboard Sami extendido (Finlandia y Suecia) keyboard Sami extendido (Noruega) keyboard Serbio (cirílico) keyboard Serbio (latín) keyboard Sirio fonético keyboard Sirio keyboard Sistema de entrada coreano (IME 2000) keyboard Sistema de entrada japonés (MS-IME2002) keyboard Sueco con sami keyboard Sueco keyboard Tabla de inglés (E.E.U.U.) para árabe 238_L de IBM keyboard Tailandés Kedmanee (sin bloqueo de mayúsculas) keyboard Tailandés Kedmanee keyboard Tailandés Pattachote (sin bloqueo de mayúsculas) keyboard Tailandés Pattachote keyboard Tamil keyboard Tatar keyboard Telugu keyboard Turco F keyboard Turco Q keyboard Ucraniano keyboard Urdú keyboard Uzbek cirílico keyboard Vietnamita keyboard ;# Languages # ;Árabe Árabe (Arabia Saudí) Árabe (Argelia) Árabe (Bahrein) Árabe (E.A.U.) Árabe (Egipto) Árabe (Irak) Árabe (Jordania) Árabe (Kuwait) Árabe (Líbano) Árabe (Libia) Árabe (Marruecos) Árabe (Omán) Árabe (Qatar) Árabe (Siria) Árabe (Túnez) Árabe (Yemen) Divehi (Maldivas) Sirio (Siria) Urdú ;Armenio Armenio ;Báltico Estonio Letón Lituano ;Chino simplificado Chino (RPC) Chino (Singapur) ;Chino tradicional Chino (Taiwán) Chino (Zona administrativa especial de Hong Kong) Chino (Zona administrativa especial de Macao) ;Cirílico Azerí (cirílico) Bielorruso Búlgaro Kazakh Kyrgyz (Kirguizistán) Macedonio (FYRO) Mongol (Mongolia) Ruso Serbio (cirílico) Serbio cirílico (Bosnia-Herzegovina) Tatar Ucraniano Uzbek (cirílico) ;Coreano Coreano ;Europa Central Albanés Bosnio latino (Bosnia-Herzegovina) Checo Croata Croata (Bosnia-Herzegovina) Eslovaco Esloveno Húngaro Polaco Rumano Serbio (latín) Serbio latino (Bosnia-Herzegovina) ;Europa Occidental y Estados Unidos Afrikaans Alemán (Alemania) Alemán (Austria) Alemán (Liechtenstein) Alemán (Luxemburgo) Alemán (Suiza) Catalán Danés Español - España (alfabetización tradicional) Español (Argentina) Español (Bolivia) Español (Colombia) Español (Costa Rica) Español (Ecuador) Español (El Salvador) Español (Guatemala) Español (Honduras) Español (México) Español (Nicaragua) Español (Panamá) Español (Paraguay) Español (Perú) Español (Puerto Rico) Español (República Dominicana) Español (Uruguay) Español (Venezuela) Euskera Feroés Finlandés Francés (Bélgica) Francés (Canadá) Francés (Francia) Francés (Luxemburgo) Francés (Mónaco) Francés (Suiza) Galés Gallego (España) Indonesio Inglés (Australia) Inglés (Belice) Inglés (Canadá) Inglés (Caribe) Inglés (Estados Unidos) Inglés (Filipinas) Inglés (Irlanda) Inglés (Jamaica) Inglés (Nueva Zelanda) Inglés (Reino Unido) Inglés (Sudáfrica) Inglés (Trinidad) Inglés (Zimbabwe) Islandés Italiano (Italia) Italiano (Suiza) Malayo (Brunei Darussalam) Malayo (Malasia) Maltés Maorí Neerlandés (Bélgica) Neerlandés (Países Bajos) Noruego (Bokmal) Noruego (Nynorsk) Portugués (Brasil) Portugués (Portugal) Quechua (Bolivia) Quechua (Ecuador) Quechua (Perú) Sami inari (Finlandia) Sami lule (Noruega) Sami lule (Suecia) Sami meridional (Noruega) Sami meridional (Suecia) Sami septentrional (Finlandia) Sami septentrional (Noruega) Sami septentrional (Suecia) Sami skolt (Finlandia) Sotho septentrional Sueco Sueco (Finlandia) Swahili Tswana Xhosa Zulú ;Georgiano Georgiano ;Griego Griego ;Hebreo Hebreo ;Índico Bengalí (India) Gujarate (India) Hindú Kannada (India) Konkani Malayalam (India) Marathi Punjabi (India) Sánscrito Tamil Telugu (India) ;Japonés Japonés ;Tailandés Persa Tailandés ;Túrquico Azerí (latín) Turco Uzbek (latín) ;Vietnamita Vietnamita ;# Multimedia # Luna desktop theme Media Center Tablet PC ;# Network # Client for Netware Networks MSN Explorer Netmeeting Web Folders Windows Messenger ;# Operating System Options # .NET Framework Manual Install and Upgrade MS Agent Out of Box Experience (OOBE) Search Assistant Tour Web View Zip Folders ;# Directories # DOCS SUPPORT VALUEADD ;# Compatibility # [KeepFiles] msconfig.exe [RemoveFiles] clock.avi yahoo.bmp swtchbrd.bmp [Options] CABMerge ClassicSetup BlackSetupBack DisableFreereq DisableMinMem OemBranding ProfilesDir = "D:\Documents and Settings" TargetPath = "os" temp_dir = %USERPROFILE%\Configuración local\Temp AdvTweaks [Patches] TcpIp = 50 DoUxTheme [Services2] ImapiService,4 Messenger,4 NLA,4 ClipSrv,4 RemoteRegistry,3 wscsvc,4 Alerter,4 CiSvc,4 UPS,4 upnphost,4 [Tweaks] Boot and Shutdown-Ctrl-Alt-Del at logon-Enabled Boot and Shutdown-Logon Page-Classic Privacy-Disable Driver Update Internet prompt Privacy-Disable Error Reporting Privacy-Remove Alexa Security-Disable Web Open With prompt Taskbar-Disable Hide inactive icons [Unattended] ComputerType = Default HibernationNo FirewallOff DisableSRestore MaximumDataStorePercentOfDisk = 12 RestorePointLife = 30 DesktopTheme = Default|| AutoUDay = 5 AutoUHour = 15 DoProgFiles ProgFilesPath = "\bin" [NetAdapter1] connname = "" macaddress = "" ipaddress = "" subnetmask = "" defaultgateway = "" dnsserver1 = "" dnsserver2 = "" winsserver = "" netbiossetting = "0" ipxnetworknumber = "00000000" ipxnetworkframetype = "0xFF" [GuiRunOnce] [Drivers] [Hotfixes] Any help would be appreciated Thanks!
  4. if you send them to my email - nicolas@fxs.cl - I can host them on my webserver Slow connection I have though
  5. I'm not sure whether this was reported already, but the DEP configuration feature doesn't seem to work. I set it to "Alwaysoff" and it added the switch to my boot.ini file, but didn't delete the "Optin" switch. I had to delete it manually to make the change work
  6. about DEP: if you want extreme security, set it to "always on", for increased (default) security, set it to "optin". If you (like me) hate those annoying messages confirming that you really want to load an app you just downloaded or the activex installation blocking "feature", set it to "alwaysoff"
  7. I agree... windows, then antivirus, then office, then sysprep (with uattended options), then ghost, then RIS the ghost image, then ghost again (save on a different partition on the same computer), then disable teen access to ghost partition, then configure ghost to run every day at 8 AM (or maybe 9, or maybe in the middle of the night, your choice ) If you need to know anything about how to do what I described above, feel free to pm me Greetz!
  8. tijuana

    can't load mdac

    Hi! I nlited my windows cd, then used RVM to integrate some stuff, then xpized it, installed, and now I can't find mdac in my administrative tools here's the list of comps I removed: ;# Applications # Accessibility Options Briefcase ClipBook Viewer Defragmenter Games Internet Games NT Backup Screensavers ;# Drivers # Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Cameras and Camcorders Display Adapters Display Adapters (old) Ethernet (LAN) IBM PS/2 TrackPoint IBM Thinkpad ISDN Logitech WingMan Microsoft SideWinder Modems MultiFunctional Portable Audio Printers Scanners SCSI/RAID Serial Pen Tablet Sony Jog Dial Tape drives Toshiba DVD decoder card Wireless Ethernet (WLAN) ;# Hardware Support # AGP filters ALI 1535 SMBus Host Controller ALI IDE Controller ATM Support Battery CPU Intel CPU Transmeta Crusoe Intel PCI IDE Controller Modem Support PCMCIA Ports (COM and LPT) Toshiba PCI IDE Controller VIA PCI IDE Controller Windows CE USB Host ;# Keyboards # Albanés keyboard Alemán (IBM) keyboard Alemán (Suiza) keyboard Alemán keyboard Árabe (101) keyboard Árabe (102) AZERTY keyboard Árabe (102) keyboard Armenio occidental keyboard Armenio oriental keyboard Azerí cirílico keyboard Azerí latín keyboard Belga (coma) keyboard Belga keyboard Bengalí (Inscript) keyboard Bengalí keyboard Bielorruso keyboard Bosnio keyboard Búlgaro (latín) keyboard Búlgaro keyboard Checo (Qwerty) keyboard Checo keyboard Checo para programadores keyboard Chino (simplificado) - teclado EE.UU. keyboard Chino (simplificado): Microsoft Pinyin IME 3.0 keyboard Chino (simplificado): NeiMa keyboard Chino (simplificado): QuanPin keyboard Chino (simplificado): ShuangPin keyboard Chino (simplificado): ZhengMa keyboard Chino (tradicional) - alfanumérico keyboard Chino (tradicional) - ChangJie keyboard Chino (tradicional) - código Big5 keyboard Chino (tradicional) - DaYi keyboard Chino (tradicional) - fonético keyboard Chino (tradicional) - teclado EE.UU. keyboard Chino (tradicional) - Unicode keyboard Chino (tradicional): ChangJie nuevo keyboard Chino (tradicional): fonética nueva keyboard Chino (tradicional): matriz keyboard Chino (tradicional): rápido keyboard Cirílico kyrgyz keyboard Cirílico mongol keyboard Coreano keyboard Croata keyboard Danés keyboard Devanagari: INSCRIPCIÓN keyboard Divehi fonético keyboard Eslovaco (qwerty) keyboard Eslovaco keyboard Esloveno keyboard Español keyboard Estados Unidos - Dvorak para la mano derecha keyboard Estados Unidos - Internacional keyboard Estados Unidos-Dvorak keyboard Estados Unidos-Dvorak para la mano izquierda keyboard Estándar multilingüe canadiense keyboard Estonio keyboard Faroés keyboard Finés con sami keyboard Finlandés keyboard Francés (Bélgica) keyboard Francés (Canadá) keyboard Francés (Suiza) keyboard Francés canadiense (heredado) keyboard Francés keyboard Gaélico keyboard Georgiano keyboard Grecolatino keyboard Griego (220) keyboard Griego (220) Latín keyboard Griego (319) keyboard Griego (319) Latín keyboard Griego keyboard Griego politónico keyboard Gujarate keyboard Hebreo keyboard Hindú tradicional keyboard Húngaro de 101 teclas keyboard Húngaro keyboard IBM de Lituania keyboard Irlandés keyboard Islandés keyboard Italiano (142) keyboard Italiano keyboard Japonés keyboard Kannada keyboard Kazakh keyboard Letón (QWERTY) keyboard Letón keyboard Lituano keyboard Macedonio (FYRO) keyboard Malayalam keyboard Maltés (47 teclas) keyboard Maltés (48 teclas) keyboard Maorí keyboard Máquina de escribir divehi keyboard Marathi keyboard Neerlandés keyboard Noruego con sami keyboard Noruego keyboard Persa keyboard Polaco (214) keyboard Polaco (programadores) keyboard Portugués (Brasileño ABNT) keyboard Portugués keyboard Portugués(Brasileño ABNT2) keyboard Punjabi keyboard Reino Unido (extendido) keyboard Reino Unido keyboard Rumano keyboard Ruso (mecanografía) keyboard Ruso keyboard Sami extendido (Finlandia y Suecia) keyboard Sami extendido (Noruega) keyboard Serbio (cirílico) keyboard Serbio (latín) keyboard Sirio fonético keyboard Sirio keyboard Sistema de entrada coreano (IME 2000) keyboard Sistema de entrada japonés (MS-IME2002) keyboard Sueco con sami keyboard Sueco keyboard Tabla de inglés (E.E.U.U.) para árabe 238_L de IBM keyboard Tailandés Kedmanee (sin bloqueo de mayúsculas) keyboard Tailandés Kedmanee keyboard Tailandés Pattachote (sin bloqueo de mayúsculas) keyboard Tailandés Pattachote keyboard Tamil keyboard Tatar keyboard Telugu keyboard Turco F keyboard Turco Q keyboard Ucraniano keyboard Urdú keyboard Uzbek cirílico keyboard Vietnamita keyboard ;# Languages # ;Árabe Árabe (Arabia Saudí) Árabe (Argelia) Árabe (Bahrein) Árabe (E.A.U.) Árabe (Egipto) Árabe (Irak) Árabe (Jordania) Árabe (Kuwait) Árabe (Líbano) Árabe (Libia) Árabe (Marruecos) Árabe (Omán) Árabe (Qatar) Árabe (Siria) Árabe (Túnez) Árabe (Yemen) Divehi (Maldivas) Sirio (Siria) Urdú ;Armenio Armenio ;Báltico Estonio Letón Lituano ;Chino simplificado Chino (RPC) Chino (Singapur) ;Chino tradicional Chino (Taiwán) Chino (Zona administrativa especial de Hong Kong) Chino (Zona administrativa especial de Macao) ;Cirílico Azerí (cirílico) Bielorruso Búlgaro Kazakh Kyrgyz (Kirguizistán) Macedonio (FYRO) Mongol (Mongolia) Ruso Serbio (cirílico) Serbio cirílico (Bosnia-Herzegovina) Tatar Ucraniano Uzbek (cirílico) ;Coreano Coreano ;Europa Central Albanés Bosnio latino (Bosnia-Herzegovina) Checo Croata Croata (Bosnia-Herzegovina) Eslovaco Esloveno Húngaro Polaco Rumano Serbio (latín) Serbio latino (Bosnia-Herzegovina) ;Europa Occidental y Estados Unidos Afrikaans Alemán (Alemania) Alemán (Austria) Alemán (Liechtenstein) Alemán (Luxemburgo) Alemán (Suiza) Catalán Danés Español - España (alfabetización tradicional) Español (Argentina) Español (Bolivia) Español (Colombia) Español (Costa Rica) Español (Ecuador) Español (El Salvador) Español (Guatemala) Español (Honduras) Español (México) Español (Nicaragua) Español (Panamá) Español (Paraguay) Español (Perú) Español (Puerto Rico) Español (República Dominicana) Español (Uruguay) Español (Venezuela) Euskera Feroés Finlandés Francés (Bélgica) Francés (Canadá) Francés (Francia) Francés (Luxemburgo) Francés (Mónaco) Francés (Suiza) Galés Gallego (España) Indonesio Inglés (Australia) Inglés (Belice) Inglés (Canadá) Inglés (Caribe) Inglés (Estados Unidos) Inglés (Filipinas) Inglés (Irlanda) Inglés (Jamaica) Inglés (Nueva Zelanda) Inglés (Reino Unido) Inglés (Sudáfrica) Inglés (Trinidad) Inglés (Zimbabwe) Islandés Italiano (Italia) Italiano (Suiza) Malayo (Brunei Darussalam) Malayo (Malasia) Maltés Maorí Neerlandés (Bélgica) Neerlandés (Países Bajos) Noruego (Bokmal) Noruego (Nynorsk) Portugués (Brasil) Portugués (Portugal) Quechua (Bolivia) Quechua (Ecuador) Quechua (Perú) Sami inari (Finlandia) Sami lule (Noruega) Sami lule (Suecia) Sami meridional (Noruega) Sami meridional (Suecia) Sami septentrional (Finlandia) Sami septentrional (Noruega) Sami septentrional (Suecia) Sami skolt (Finlandia) Sotho septentrional Sueco Sueco (Finlandia) Swahili Tswana Xhosa Zulú ;Georgiano Georgiano ;Griego Griego ;Hebreo Hebreo ;Índico Bengalí (India) Gujarate (India) Hindú Kannada (India) Konkani Malayalam (India) Marathi Punjabi (India) Sánscrito Tamil Telugu (India) ;Japonés Japonés ;Tailandés Persa Tailandés ;Túrquico Azerí (latín) Turco Uzbek (latín) ;Vietnamita Vietnamita ;# Multimedia # Luna desktop theme Media Center Mouse Cursors Music Samples Old CDPlayer and Sound Recorder Windows Media Player Windows Sounds ;# Network # Client for Netware Networks Communication tools Internet Connection Wizard IP Conferencing MSN Explorer Netmeeting NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS Protocol Peer-to-Peer Synchronization Manager Windows Messenger ;# Operating System Options # .NET Framework Blaster/Nachi removal tool Color Schemes Desktop Cleanup Wizard Disk Cleanup File and Settings Wizard Manual Install and Upgrade MS Agent Out of Box Experience (OOBE) Private Character Editor Search Assistant Security Center Shell Media Handler Tour User account pictures Zip Folders ;# Services # Alerter Beep Driver Fax Service IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service Messenger Remote Registry Secondary Logon System Restore Service ;# Compatibility # [KeepFiles] msconfig.exe msconfig.exe scrnsave.scr bdaplgin.ax kstvtune.ax ksxbar.ax kswdmcap.ax l3codecx.ax msdvbnp.ax msyuv.dll psisrndr.ax vbisurf.ax wstdecod.dll psisdecd.dll dxntunp.inf dxver.inf diactfrm.inf dpvoice.inf dmusic.inf dsound.inf dinput.inf ksreg.inf dplay.inf dxdllreg.inf dxbda.inf bda.inf kscaptur.inf mpe.inf ndisip.inf nabtsfec.inf slip.inf streamip.inf ccdecode.inf wstcodec.inf bdasup.sys ccdecode.sys ks.sys ksolay.sys ksproxy.sys kstvtune.sys ksuser.sys kswdmcap.ax ksxbar.ax mpe.sys msdv.sys mskssrv.sys msyuv.dll nabtsfec.sys pid.dll slip.sys stream.sys swenum.sys wmasf.dll wmpasf.dll wmidx.dll msaud32.acm drmv2clt.dll wmadmoe.dll wmsdmod.dll wmsdmoe2.dll wmspdmod.dll wmspdmoe.dll wmadmod.dll dxmasf.dll msdxm.dll sl_anet.acm strmdll.dll drmclien.dll wmpdxm.dll wmploc.dll wmpsrcwp.dll wmnetmgr.dll wmp.dll qasf.dll wmvcore.dll wmvdmod.dll wmvadvd.dll l3codecp.acm mp43dmod.dll mp4sdmod.dll mpg4dmod.dll There doesn't seem to be anything related with mdac in there... is there any way I can launch the util from somewhere else, or reinstall mdac without having to reinstall windows? Thanks!
  9. he, every day you learn something new well in that case, if the app was installed for "this user only", then it would appear in the user's ntuser.dat. If it was installed for all users, then it would appear in the folder I mentioned before. What I do is put windows on c:, program files on d:, and docs and settings on e:; and then another disk /partition for all my stuff. Then I simply ghost c:,d:,and e: together, and would restore them together. The benefit of this is that if my system hasn't been formatted for a year, I can simply restore drives c and d without losing my settings (after checking to be sure there are no viruses or junk anywhere). It's just nice to have that option, at least for me.
  10. nope, the installed programs list is stored in the registry, which in turn is stored in %windir%\System32\config
  11. I'd like a cup of tea, a bit of that tasty looking apple pie and a muffin please. Oh, and do you have some peanut m&m's? probably the only post I understood in the whole thread anyway
  12. hi! First of all thank you nuhi for conceiving and developing such a program. I've known it for barely a week and has really changed the way I look at windows unnatended setup! Now to the point: I can't seem to find the download link on the webpage either. All I get on the downloads section are links to nlite 1, 1.01, and the framework and framework lite. No link to nlite 1.2 Could you maybe post a direct download link so that the people having this problem can download the software too? I can't wait to get my hands on it! Greetz!
  13. here's what I did (you need your system disk to be ntfs for it to work though): 1. Leave a couple of gigs unpartitioned at the end of the disk 2. as soon as install finishes, go to your windows (winnt) dir and rename the installer folder to something else (like installer2, for example) 3. go to start --> run --> type diskmgmt.msc 4. Select the unpartitioned spaced and right click --> create logical drive. 5. A Wizard will open, click next till it asks you whether you wish to assign a drive letter, select "Mount this volume at an empty folder that supports drive paths" 6. Select browse and browse to your winnt dir, select New folder and name it "Installer"; select it and click ok 7. Format the partition as ntfs 8. copy the contents of your old installer folder (now called installer2) to the new installer mounted volume 9. give the mounted volume the hidden attribute. You will now have two gigs of space coming from another partition where the installer folder is supposed to be.
  14. almost, this soft connected to the internet to download the installers while windows was still installing. Will check this app though
  15. Hi all! I remeber a few days ago I saw a topic about a piece of software that added the functionality of downloading and installing user-selected apps during the t-13 portion of windows' setup. Then I reinstalled windows on my pc and now a week later I can't remember where the thread was! (I remember it was on this forum though ). I tried searching the board for an hour, then browsing the "member contributed projects" section but found nothing. Could someone please tell me the link to this app? or is it that i'm becoming deluded into inventing addons to make my windows setup an easier experience? Greetz!
  16. I think you might be reffering to the winnt.sif file located in the i386 directory of the windows setup cd. Plz check to see if that's the file you want
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