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How to tell if RyanVM packs are installed

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very common method to find out is

if ur windows by default have (for the first boot)

these files then u know that ryans pack is installe





process explorer

calc plus


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very common method to find out is

if ur windows by default have (for the first boot)

these files then u know that ryans pack is installe





process explorer

calc plus


that's entirely dependant on which version of the pack you downloaded.

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if ur windows installation CD contains ryan*.cab inside i386 folder

In order for it to install correctly the registry entries need to be installed. Having the cab file in the i386 folder means squat if the inf is not running.

Your best bet is to look to see if the reg entries are being added by the inf. The best way to do that is to use the nirsoft tool to see if you have a bunch of hotfixes installed. That should be universal across all the packs as far as I know.

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