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multi boot XP CD


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i have gone throught ur multi boot CD/DVD

i want to make 9 in 1 windows XP CD in a normal 700 MB CD.

I know this is possible coz i have found such CD in the market

i think it can be done with cdshell and ultraiso and bootable menu as cdimage

what i was confused is that i got wired in cdshell ... coz it is dos based and has no GUI.

UltraISO is a GUI based and i ows that software

i need to know the procedure to create duplicated index of the same XP folder for the rest of the 8 version so that it points to the root XP folder (main folder) whenever we try to install any version of the XP.

i think u r getting me

as stated in ur sute... but the main thing is that i dont want that 4.GB of data of whole version

i want to use the same folder for each version (other will be duplicate) and only the changes ( 10 MB approx for each) will in the additional folder

but how to make duplicate using ultraiso.

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i have gone throught ur multi boot CD/DVD

i want to make 9 in 1 windows XP CD in a normal 700 MB CD.

I know this is possible coz i have found such CD in the market

i think it can be done with cdshell and ultraiso and bootable menu as cdimage

what i was confused is that i got wired in cdshell ... coz it is dos based and has no GUI.

UltraISO is a GUI based and i ows that software

i need to know the procedure to create duplicated index of the same XP folder for the rest of the 8 version so that it points to the root XP folder (main folder) whenever we try to install any version of the XP.

i think u r getting me

as stated in ur sute... but the main thing is that i dont want that 4.GB of data of whole version

i want to use the same folder for each version (other will be duplicate) and only the changes ( 10 MB approx for each) will in the additional folder

but how to make duplicate using ultraiso.

search LN.EXE on the web. this is a soft that create hard links like Linux do.

But it isn't very easy. try to view how microsoft cd are made.

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Please refrain from posting if you don't know about the matter.

Hard links like you suggested are related to NTFS filesystems, NOT to ISO images.

From http://www.interex.org/pubcontent/enterpri...01/ntgd1101.jsp :

ln.exe?A great program that allows you to create true UNIX-style "hard links" for files on NTFS drives. (I certainly hope all your drives on your computer are NTFS!)

There are quite a bunch of similar utilities, see here:



There are some tools that make possible hard linking files inside ISO images.

Read my post here:


and related links.


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