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How to tell a graphics card has gone bad?

Bad boy Warrior

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More details pls - its hard to give advice without any details.

Generally on hardware faults the ones i find hardest to track down are memory faults as in my experience they do manifest themselves in many different ways as the system starts to become unstable, quite often giving the impression some other hardware is at fault.

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Ok sorry for not adding more info in the 1st place. The problem is odd couple of black spots on a LCD screen that come and go depending if the monitor is hot ive had the monitor replaced but theyre still there when the monitor is on for about 2+ hours


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Hmm I think that would have more to do with your LCD monitor than the graphics card...if the graphics card goes bad usually what you would see is intermittent crashing and automatic rebooting of the machine prob...along with weird intereference style bands across the screen and text and images and screens not displaying properly...I think you got a problem with the monitor. My 2 cents.

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if you do not happen to have an CRT,

try to lower the resolution of your LCD monitor. if the size of the black spots increases, its your graphics card. if the size of one black spot is the same as the size of one pixel of your LCD its the monitor.

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