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Alcohol 120% v1.9.5.3105


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For those installing the newly released Alcohol 120% v1.9.5.3105

add this reg tweak after installing the application to eliminate the starwind service.


if you wish to delete the starwind folder.. go for it also


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  • 8 months later...
It allows you to share your drives (CD/DVD-ROM/RW) over the network so another computer can use them as if they were local to that PC.
so what's the difference?

i was able to share virtual drives in as a standart storage devices (even without additional service running and 2 open ports in my network configuration ;) )

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what is the starwind service? what perpose does it serve?

It allows Hard Drives and CD/DVD drives to be used remotely.

The big difference is that the remote machine can WRITE to a CD/DVD-RW drive in another machine.

Normal windows sharing only allows reading from CD/DVD drives.

These are the guys that make the software : http://www.rocketdivision.com/

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new hardware wizard pop up during runonce

do some search , its already discussed how to avoid

which one is the most suitable for WPI method?... i meant during runonce of windows xp installation

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  • 4 weeks later...
For those installing the newly released Alcohol 120% v1.9.5.3105

add this reg tweak after installing the application to eliminate the starwind service.


if you wish to delete the starwind folder.. go for it also


Please excuse my ignorance, but how is this input. Putting it in a "reg" file and inputting doesn't work. Do you have to remove the brackets


Edited by stargateok
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For those installing the newly released Alcohol 120% v1.9.5.3105

add this reg tweak after installing the application to eliminate the starwind service.


if you wish to delete the starwind folder.. go for it also


Please excuse my ignorance, but how is this input. Putting it in a "reg" file and inputting doesn't work. Do you have to remove the brackets


you have to put this on the first line of a reg file:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

then your commands and save it. thats all.

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  • 5 years later...

Adding the registry key[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\StarWindService]

is not a solution, as this key already exists and is loaded with values when the StarWindService is installed. This instruction does not provide any modifications to the settings which already exist ("Start" value is set to 2 upon install), and is therefore not a solution on machines where this key already exists.

I'm surprised no one on any forum I've been to has come up with the easiest solution of all -

Stop and Disable the service.

To Stop and Disable the service on Windows XP -

1. Go to Start/My Computer - Right Click and choose "manage"

2. Expand "Services and Aplications"

3. Click on "Services"

4. Locate "StarWindService" on right panel

5. Right Click and select "Stop"

6. Right Click and select "Properties"

7. Change "Automatic" to "Disable"


Edited by gmeades
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