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7zip sfx helper shell integration

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ok well, nobody knows this, but I have been working for a month on how to integrate to the right click menu of a directory/folder to take a 7z, sfx, and txt file and make an exe...mainly cuz im lazy and hate having to open command windows here and typing copy /b blah.sfx + blah.tx + blah.7z blah.exe...so I FINALLY figured it all out...It integrates into the HKCR\Directory\shell and HKCR\Folder\shell regkeys...its in reg_expand_sz because that is what I like HKCR to be in...causes me less agony since Ive noticed people complaining that some tweaks dont work for them as they do me...so here is the info for what it does

%COMSPEC% /c "cd %L && for /f %%i in ('dir/b *.sfx') do copy /b %%~ni.sfx + %%~ni.txt + %%~ni.7z %%~ni.exe"

AND LET ME TELL YOU, it took me FOREVER to finally get this, so I dont wanna hear anything bad about it

NOTES: your sfx, 7z, and txt must all have the same name...like mp10setup.7z mp10setup.sfx mp10setup.txt...I guess that is where this isnt the best method in the world, but I keep all my sfx, txt and exe's together in a folder (I erase the 7z after ive created the exe)

Ok without further ado, here is the registry info


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to all those who downloaded my attachment before now...please redownload...I changed it so that the cmd window does not stay up...it now closes after making the exe file...

Also, since some people have asked how this works, its like this

1. You create a 7z file that you want to turn into an SFX.

2. You have a txt file, using the same name as the 7z file

3. You have a sfx file that uses the same name again

4. It takes all 3 of these files and makes a exe file without you having to open a command windows and type "copy /b name.sfx + name.txt + name.7z name.exe"

5. You are able to do this by right clicking on the folder containing your 7z, txt and sfx files...obviously, it would probably be best if you didnt have more than one...although even if you had 20 in that folder, it would probably make EACH ONE into a seperate SFX file...havent tested, tho now that I think about it, I will.

EDIT: yep, works perfectly...it works for any number of sfx, txt, and 7z files in a folder.

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