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Adding Additional Variables To Be Used With Wpi?

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@durex I don't know about anybody else, but I'm a little confused by the question: not sure what is meant by "add additional variables." Can you provide an example of what you are trying to accomplish? Thanks.

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Sure can...

In my RunOnceEx script, to save on some typing, I would create additional variables to be used throughout the script..


APPS = %CDROM%\Custom\Applications
REG =  %CDROM%\Custom\Registry
SYSTEM = %CDROM%\Custom\System
RESTORE = D:\!Personal!\SystemBackup

This way when Im inputting execute / install lines throughout runonceex, I can simply use these variables instead of having to type out the entire path every time....

Now, after pawing through the js files, I think Ive figured it out... if someone could verify my work here, Id greatly appreciate it as vbscript is my scripting language of choice.. not JS...

In the 'generate.js' file I found the following section which looks like it converts system variables to ones to be used throughout WPI...

function replpath(u) {  
position = "generate.js";
cddrv = FindCDRom();
sysdrv = WshEnv("SYSTEMDRIVE") + "\\";

As well as this section...

rs = rs.replace(/%cdrom%/gi, cddrv); 	 
rs = rs.replace(/%systemdrive%/gi,sysdrv);
rs = rs.replace(/%windir%/gi, windir);  

So I made the following additions to allow the use of my variables..

apps = cddrv + "Custom\\Applications\\";
network = cddrv + "Custom\\Network\\";
reg = cddrv + "Custom\\Registry\\";
restore = "D:\\!Personal!\\SystemBackup\\";
system = cddrv + "Custom\\System\\";


rs = rs.replace(/%apps%/gi, appdata)	
rs = rs.replace(/%network%/gi, network)
rs = rs.replace(/%reg%/gi, reg)
rs = rs.replace(/%restore%/gi, restore)
rs = rs.replace(/%system%/gi, system)

Ive only tested it with an absolute path (C:\Temp), I havent tested the "cddrv +", lines, but it appears as though it should work...

Make sense?

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  • 1 month later...

I have created a System variable on the XP client like this:

Variable = apps

Value = \\dc01\apps

And in the generate.js i added this:

Under the function replpath(u) add:

apps = WshEnv("apps") + "\\";

rs = rs.replace(/%apps%/gi, apps);

Best regards

Erling Johansen

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