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Win 98 Se Problem


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well here's a strange thing i observed.

well i got a new intel 965 motherboard.when i instaleed win 98 se it gives me display problems like it only shows 256 colour mode only.can i fix it? ne patches as a solution.

other thing i observed is IE 6 lags in net connection that IE 5.5. well is it that IE6 isn't compatible with win98se.also when i want 2 remove IE^ it won't uninstall. i tried thru add/remove but the uninstall option isn't highlighted.plz help me out

Thanking u in advance

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I find it quite strang ethat you are using such an old operating system with new hardware. Microsoft no longer supports win98! It's more than 7 years old!

when i instaleed win 98 se it gives me display problems like it only shows 256 colour mode only.can i fix it
-install the latest video driver. A generic video driver will be installed by windows and will only support up to 256 color and low window resolutions (640x480 or so)
IE 6 lags in net connection that IE 5.5

-There's actually little to no speed difference between these two versions. Keep in mind that even if you use the same website to test speed between each version, that website will NOT respond exactly as quick 5 seconds later due to the amount of traffic on the web server. Theoretically, you'll never get the same speed twice.

well is it that IE6 isn't compatible with win98se
- IE6 is compatable with it, otherwise MS wouldn't let you install it ;p
when i want 2 remove IE^ it won't uninstall

-Well, IE is really a very integrated part in your OS. Even if you "remove it" it is still there. think of IE as part of your OS, because it really IS.


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Well, first of all the I915 chipset doesn't support windows 98.

If your board manufacturer dis supply drivers and you did install them 2 things can be wrong.

1.) You need an INF-update. This update will install crucial drivers for your AGP-bus.

2.) Your graphics-adapter is installed correct but no monitor is installed.

Right-click on your desktop and choose properties. Go to the last tab and see what Windows says is installed. It should be something like:

Intel 915G adapter on plug-and-play monitor.

If it says: Intel 915G on (unknown monitor), you should install a monitor.

Click on the advanced butten, go to the monitor tab in install a plug and play monitor.

IE 6 can't be uninstalled properly (There was a big lawsuit about that), but i should be completely compatible with windows 98. I installed several hundreds of machines with windows 98SE and IE6 and never had a problem.

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There is no reason why a new hardware woudn't support w98se.

Some OS may not use all the advantgaes of special new hardwares, but that a hardware doesn't support an OS, that, I have never seen.

So far the only things I know that is not supported by w98se are:

-64 bit processor (still rare on the market)

-double processor (not common)

-more than 1 Gb of memory with SP2.0 , 512 Mb without.

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I find it quite strang ethat you are using such an old operating system with new hardware.

I do this as well - 98 SE with Athlon64 3400+, 1 GB, 300 GB disk space. It's amazingly fast, responsive, and powerful. The way I see it, there's no point in buying a powerful system if you are going to squander the performance on having a bloated OS.

Microsoft no longer supports win98!

Not true, they just released another patch a few days ago. It's going to be supported at least until June next year I believe, unless they extend it again.

It's more than 7 years old!

He said 98 SE; that's only 5 years old.

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I find it quite strang ethat you are using such an old operating system with new hardware.

I do this as well - 98 SE with Athlon64 3400+, 1 GB, 300 GB disk space. It's amazingly fast, responsive, and powerful. The way I see it, there's no point in buying a powerful system if you are going to squander the performance on having a bloated OS.

Microsoft no longer supports win98!

Not true, they just released another patch a few days ago. It's going to be supported at least until June next year I believe, unless they extend it again.

It's more than 7 years old!

He said 98 SE; that's only 5 years old. And XP is already 3 years old. Not that much age difference really.

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well i found some patches which can cure the display at m$'s site.as far as the ie6 removal thing goes i found a software named pclite which can do that things cause i have switched over from ie 2 Firefox so i don't want ie on system.well i agree with u guys on not using Old OS on a brand new pC but 98se is so stable not like feckin XP which is dam'n buggy.

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might be that I`m wrong ,but Intel dropped support for onboard graphics

on Windows 98SE on new chipsets. 915 was among them.

Intel often drops support for older OS ,so stick with Via or Sis etc.

I bought a notebook with Sis because it was cheap and with Windows 98SE drivers.

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Does anyone know of generic drivers that would give a resolution of 800x600?

Indeed I'd think it'd be nicer to have something flexible rather than having to look up a manufacturer. I guess lucky for me I've got Sis then. :D

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