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Cmdlines.txt - Wich Order Is Right?

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In which order should I have my commands in "cmdlines.txt"?

Mine looks like this - and I have problems with the menu and the quicklaunch bar. It worked just fine before i added XP SP2 - then it all went to h*ll...


Thanx in advance

/ SwedenXP :no::wacko::blink:

(It takes all three to express what I feel...)

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I don't think the order matters unless something your changing in

one file depends on something in another file.

Did that make sense?

Are you sure your not stopping a service or program that XPSP2

depends on that earlier XP didn't.

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To the best of my knowledge, the commands from cmdlines.txt will be executed in the same order that they are listed in the file. So if you have certain commands that need to be executed after certain others, make sure that you have them listed in the proper order. Other than that it really shouldn't make any difference.

Having said that, your file looks fine, but there's really no way we can check without knowing the contents of the reg files and cmd scripts.

Mine looks like this - and I have problems with the menu and the quicklaunch bar. It worked just fine before i added XP SP2 - then it all went to h*ll...

Care to elaborate on this? Maybe if we knew exactly what the symptoms were we would be better able to identify the cause.

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Alanoll - on 2 places... In my case this worked just fine upto SP2 - after that...

Cartooninte - of course! The problems are as follows - On my start menue, I loose the "show small icons" and "hide the toolbar" options. And the quicklaunch bar has to be pulled out. This happends on every reboot, so my idea is that these tweaks has not been added to the default profile or my admin profile (which is the only profile).

The commands.com, setuser.reg, quicklaunch.reg, regtweaks.reg are the same as before SP2. And I will include my services.reg...

Suggestions are appreciated.

/ SwedenXP :wacko:

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Well i have just one regfile i run with all my registry entries in it... also the quicklaunch

i use this regtweak

;Enables Quick Launch

Which is the default quicklaunch configuration. It works fine with me, i also have SP2

Is there a good reason why you take these seperate .reg files?

Maybe the problem is because you have more .reg files?

I am mearly suggestion options you can explore.

Hope you get it fixed, cheers!

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Alanoll - on 2 places... In my case this worked just fine upto SP2 - after that...

Cartooninte - of course! The problems are as follows - On my start menue, I loose the "show small icons" and "hide the toolbar" options. And the quicklaunch bar has to be pulled out. This happends on every reboot, so my idea is that these tweaks has not been added to the default profile or my admin profile (which is the only profile).

The commands.com, setuser.reg, quicklaunch.reg, regtweaks.reg are the same as before SP2. And I will include my services.reg...

Suggestions are appreciated.

/ SwedenXP  :wacko:

Have you modified these reg files since applying SP2, Sweden? Another thought is that maybe hex format of the reg key entry that MyDomain mentioned changed with SP2. If you set up your taskbar the way you like and then export that reg entry, it should work. Alanoll says he imports it twice to be sure, but I myself have never had any problems just importing from cmdlines.txt.

Hope this helps.

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Thanx for all the good advice... but so far I still have the same problems :wacko:

Feels like these tweaks doesn´t stick to the default profile and for that reason are not incorporated in my admin profile (which is the only one I have).

/ SwedenXP

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Small progress :w00t: adding these lines made the "small icons on start menu" stick - but not the rest :huh:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


/ SwedenXP - still a bit :wacko: - but optimistic!

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