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re: kb885835 & kb885250

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If you are using this method, KB885835 must be integrated before KB885250, otherwise you will end up with Mrxsmb.sys version 5.1.2600.2541 and effectively the issues addressed by KB885250 will not be fixed.

Also it is not necessary to copy out any files from /svcpacks/ merely open up HFINT.DAT after integrating KB885835 and change the filename mrxsmb.sys to something else before integrating KB885250, then change it back to its original name after integrating KB885250 as the following example shows:

Integrate KB885835

In HFINT.DAT change:




Integrate KB885250.

Then change:


back to:


This type of workaround should work, however it would be nice if Microsoft would address the issue properly.

My idea:

Integrate KB885835

In HFINT.DAT change:




Integrate KB885250.

That's all . Beter or no?

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I've modified the originl posted solution at the top of the thread to include Warrax's ordering. Also fewer steps are needed.

And in the continuing saga I rcvd this from M$ today (NOTE: IT DOES NTO WORK, just posting to keep everyone informed. I have sent them the current working method along with the proof that their way does not work and mine does.)

Thank you for the reply.

I apologize for the delay. I tested the issue on several of my machines and reproduced this issue.

This issue can occur because some files are duplicated in the updates and the version is the same. I have reported this issue to our Windows Update team for their immediate attention.

Meanwhile, I would like to suggest you use the following method to workaround this issue:

I suggest either integrate 885835 and the other updates before 885835, and then, please use the following method to workaround this issue:

1. Download 885250 again from the following link to the hard drive.


2. Use the /X switch to extract the files to a folder.

3. You will see several folders in this folder:





Please copy the sys file in SP2QFE along with the spcustom.dll file in the update folder, and the file spmsg.dll to the i386 folder that contains the integrated files.

After copying these 3 files to the i386 folder, the update 885250 has been integrated to the folder.

Please let me know the results at your earliest convenience. If anything above is unclear, please don't hesitate to let me know and I will be glad to be assistance.

You still do not end up with kb885250 installed, I'd post the screen shots, but whats the point.

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I guess this is the end of the saga until Microsoft releases updates in March. I hoping they are inteigent enough to release an update to fix this then, probably cause more problems but wht's new.

Here's their ?final? response:

Thank you for the reply and letting me know how you resolved the issue.

The method you used is one of the workarounds available now.

I am glad that the updates are integrated successfully. I really appreciate your time and effort on this issue.

I will keep you updated if there is any update from the Windows Update team about if they will change the registry part of the INF file.

Please understand that our support team handles system malfunction issues. However, to resolve this issue completely, we need to change the installation package of the updates. I will forward the information to you if I get any update from the development team.

Although, we are not able to resolve the problem without using a workaround, we still want to let you know that we always strive to provide high level support to our customers and hope you are happy with the whole process so far with this service request. If there is anything you are not very satis

fied with, please don't hesitate to let us know as your feedback is very valuable and meaningful to help us improve our service process and quality. Our goal is to provide 1st class customer service to our customers.

If you agree, I will mark our case as temporary closed before there is any update from the development team.

Please let me know if you have you any further concerns on this issue.

I look forward to hearing from you.

For those who didn't follow the entire thread here the "workaround" mentioned is in the first post of this thread.

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Jeeez, they make it suond like it was difficult to reproduce. And yes, they need to update the whole installer, not just this package to make it work. But that is old news ... So, will we see a "Thanks to the IcemanND" on the Microsoft Web Site soon!? Also, inist that they do not count that as one of your "incidents", as it is a flaw on their part.

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I don't think I could ever run out of incidents, too many lincese number for me to choose from. And besides all of my other issues are flaws on their part too, since I'm using Windows XP. So none of my calls should count against me.

Actually I take that back I do have a driver problem with an ATI product but I won't call Microsoft about that.

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Waraxx method with

Integrating kbxxxx35




Integrating kbxxxx50




Works the best and it takes ~10 sec - Move it on 1st page!

The method described now on 1st page is :realmad:

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Next conflict




sysmain.sdb is common, and there is no teling which one is newer (unlike dll no version number.

Probably the one from KB886716 (since the fix is from february and the other one from 2004)

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@anonim1979 - I'll let you open the case with Microsft on 886716 & 885894, since neither of these two updates have applied to any system I have built since SP2 release. Good Luck.

I have changed the first post to note that only the line in HFINT.DAT needs to be modified. by adding anything to the end of mrxsmb.sys after integrating kb885835.

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To make my life easier I created the following script to integrate all of the hotfixes I use, it is attached to the first post for download. It automatically makes the changes to HFINT.DAT.

for your use change line 2 from

set sourcedir=h:\bootcd\working

to point to your cd working directory.

Leave Service pack 2 with its full name or change line 5 to point to what you named it. (Don't have it name KB835935.exe or it will try to integrate twice.)

rename the other hotfixes to KBxxxxxx.exe.

have the hotfixes in the same directory as this script and away you go. Takes less than 2 minutes on my system. SP2 and 17 hotfixes.

@echo off
set sourcedir=h:\bootcd\working
set svcpackdir=%sourcedir%\i386\svcpack
echo Integrating Sevice Pack 2
if not exist %sourcedir%\win51ip.sp2 start /wait WindowsXP-KB835935-SP2-ENU.exe /integrate:%sourcedir% /q
echo integrating KB885835.exe
start /wait KB885835 /integrate:%sourcedir% /q
for /f %%L in (%svcpackdir%\HFINT.DAT) DO (
if %%L==mrxsmb.sys (
 echo %%L.temp>>%svcpackdir%\HFINT.TMP
) ELSE (
 echo %%L>>%svcpackdir%\HFINT.TMP
move /y %svcpackdir%\HFINT.TMP %svcpackdir%\HFINT.DAT

for %%U in (KB??????.exe) DO (
if not exist %svcpackdir%\%%U (
 echo integrating %%U
 start /wait %%U /integrate:%sourcedir% /q

for /f %%L in (%svcpackdir%\HFINT.DAT) DO (
if %%L==mrxsmb.sys.temp (
 echo mrxsmb.sys>>%svcpackdir%\HFINT.TMP
) ELSE (
 echo %%L>>%svcpackdir%\HFINT.TMP
move /y %svcpackdir%\HFINT.TMP %svcpackdir%\HFINT.DAT


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Hey even Microsoft support checks out the forum:

Thank you for the reply.

I do appreciate your time reporting further solutions to us.

I also found some similar solutions on some forums:


I have forwarded the information to our Windows Update development team.

Once again, I would like to thank you for brining this issue in to our attention. Your time and effort on this matter is appreciated.

We do appreciate having users like you who stand closely with our products and always provide such great feedback. It is your efforts help to make our product powerful and easy to use.

If I get any update from the development team, I will surely let you know as soon as possible.

Thank you for choosing Microsoft and taking time to let us know the problem as well as the further information!

Best regards,

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