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well rly all i need to know is what each of the command are such as in this:


prog[pn]=['Microsoft Office 2003']


desc[pn]=['Installs Microsoft Office 2003 Professional. Recommended']


cmd1[pn]=['%CDROM%\\Install\\MicrosoftOffice\\setup.exe TRANSFORMS=Unattended.MST /qb-']




i'de like to know what is actually going on here and also how to make the different categories on the application such as in this:

image link

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well rly all i need to know is what each of the command are such as in this:


prog[pn]=['Microsoft Office 2003']


desc[pn]=['Installs Microsoft Office 2003 Professional. Recommended']


cmd1[pn]=['%CDROM%\\Install\\MicrosoftOffice\\setup.exe TRANSFORMS=Unattended.MST /qb-']




i'de like to know what is actually going on here and also how to make the different categories on the application such as in this:

image link

All of this stuff is very easily done in the config page.

The categories and sorting are done pretty much auto.

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For a quick refererence:

var prog=[];             //  Program Name
var desc=[];             //  A description
var cmd1=[];             //  Command Line 1
var cmd2=[];             //  Command Line 2
var cmd3=[];             //  Command Line 3
var cmd4=[];             //  Command Line 2
var cmd5=[];             //  Command Line 3
var cmd6=[];             //  Command Line 2
var regb=[];             //  registry entry b=before installing the application
var rega=[];             //  a=after installing the application
var dflt=[];             //  Whether it's a default option. If it's not yes, then it will assume no
var forc=[];             //  Force installation of application even if not Checked
not selectable
var cat=[];              // category, a string
var ordr=[];             // [number], install order
                        //    order by definition in config, if not set
                        //    same order position is possible. if 2 progs have the same
                        //    order position, they'll be sorted by name
var uid=[];              // unique identifier, used for dependency checking                        
var deps=[];             // dependency, fill in uids of progs, this one is dependent of
                        //  if a dependent program is selected, its 'parent' gets selected too
                        //  if 'parent' is deselected, program is also deselected
var excl=[];             // exclusions, fill in uids of progs, that will be
                        //  disabled, if this prog is selected.
var cond=[];             // Javascript conditional statement to check if this will be installed.

additional/other information can be found in this forum and on the WPI homepage

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