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Version 3.3 shall be dedicated to themes and themeing WPI.

If you have any suggestions on how to make themeing work better - don't be afraid to post them here.

For now Version 3.3.0 is out. Check the options wizard to set the theme.



Version 3.3 fixed the odd behavior with deps and excl. My bad as well missing the one excl that was changed to deps. I think that was a result of the config wizard bug. All seems fixed and working now.



I don't know if I am the only one but I am working on making my own WPI on a stand-a-lone disk. Is it possible for you to include a autorun file for this purpose???

If not could someone help me with making one???

P.S. I love your Proggy!!!!!! :thumbup


Here is the autorun.inf that I use on my 1gb cruzer flash drive.



Put your wpi folder at the root of your pen drive or cd. MAKE SURE you put the WIN51 file on the root of your pen or cdrom because wpi searches for this file.

Keep in mind if you put this on a USB pen drive it will not autorun, BUT if you double click the drive letter from my computer then it WILL autorun. Or you can right click the pen drive and select autoplay. By default removable drives do not work with autorun. But if you burn this on a CD or DVD the autorun works fine.

I actually prefer this behavior because I use my usb pen drive for many things besides wpi and would rather not have it auto load the wpi screen every time I plug it in. This way if I need wpi I just double click the drive letter. If I dont then windows xp pops up a choice window anyway that I choose browse for my other uses.



Ummm I found this:

cmdow @ /HID


for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\WIN51 set CDROM=%%i:

regedit /S wpi.reg

start WPI.hta


Can I just change WIN51 to like WPI.Bat???


i have a problem with 3.3

when i use relative path in the cmd file that is placed at the root of the UA CD to execute WPI.hta, an anoying javascript runtime error occurs.

cmdow @ /HID

for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\WIN51 set CDROM=%%i:

regedit /S .\WPI\wpi.reg
start .\WPI\WPI.hta


but when i use absolute path everything works fine.so what's problem and how to solve it?

cmdow @ /HID

for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\WIN51 set CDROM=%%i:

regedit /S .\WPI\wpi.reg
start F:\WinXP_Pro_En_Vol\WPI\WPI.hta



I too am now getting this javascript error when I use the autorun.inf where it did not give this error before. If I run wpi.hta manually it works fine, but if I use the autorun then this is what I see




Think I found a bug...

In the config page when adding new files where I select Category it doesn't show the choices I have on other entries.

All I get is 2 choices other or none.

Is this normal? I thought it showed the categories previously listed.


Prob is, that people would post ther themes. And MSFN doesn't like wasting their space with tons of screenshots or archives. We have to find a way to share theme-zips on a non-MSFN server.

Anybody knows a free upload center ?

Also note: theme support is still under development. Tag your themes with version names (e.g myTheme_V330) so that others know, on which version this theme would run without any modifications. Since I'm still constantly working on enhancements with theme support, this would avoid problems.

If a theme is made up for a single resolution (like the vaio theme) - tag it (e.g. myTheme_V330_1280)


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