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the hardest part will be recovery once everything gets organised again. all the clean up and teh rebuilding of peoples lives will take months, even years.

tsunamis don't always have to be caused by earthquakes. theres a volcanic mountain on the west coast of africa, its an island. the last time it erupted, teh side of it slid 4 meters. the next time it erupts, it might send the entire sid of the mountain into the water, cause a giant tidal wave to cross the atlantic ocean, and run into the east coast of north america. its predicted it will destroy completely everything 11 km inland.....

the world is shifting.. we had an earthquake a couple years ago. iv never in my life heard of an earthquake in this city...... something is changing this planet, might be man made, or natural. either way, we're all going to be affected by it.


hey did u hear the latest....thers a good chance of a tsunami even bigger than this one striking UK and USA..though not in the immediate futute, its supp to be so big tht it can kill over a million ppl..apparently it is likely to be caused by an exploding volcano somewhere..jus read it in the newspaper today.


Well, don't believe the news papers. What THEY want is spice and heat to splash on front page.

Fact is, earth is long overdue for many disasters - tsunami, earthquakes, volcanoes, ice-ages, global warming...... But it doesn't all happen at once! Humans have survived so many millennia, we'll continue to do so (that is if we don't decide to self-destruct with nukes ;) ).


do u think all this has to do with global warming and changing climate due to huiumans activites? i saw the news abt grass growing in antarctica..and SNOW falling in dubai..which is supposed to be a desert area!!! :blink:

Well, don't believe the news papers. What THEY want is spice and heat to splash on front page.

Fact is, earth is long overdue for many disasters - tsunami, earthquakes, volcanoes, ice-ages, global warming......  But it doesn't all happen at once! Humans have survived so many millennia, we'll continue to do so (that is if we don't decide to self-destruct with nukes ;) ).

Prathapml is correct. And these things have been happening all along. We just don't have all of it in our history books.

Yellowstone National Park in the US is one monster huge volcano--and it is active and there has been movement in the last 50 years. It might not blow in our lifetimes but if it does, 50% of the US will be wiped out and global climate will change drasticly. Hawaii has monster huge landslides--and it is always active. One landslide caused a tsunami that hit either New Zealand or Australia. The wave pushed sea sediment and living organisms 100 feet in altitude up a mountain and sucked plates of solid rock 1 yard wide and many yards long out of the bedrock. It crossed the bedrock at 200 mph. A volcanic lake in Cameroon had a landslide on one side and this caused the water to roll, top went to the bottom and bottom to the top. The water at the bottom of the lake was supersaturated with hydrogensulfide. When the bottom water came up, it burped all the gas out. The gas was cool and heavy and flowed into the land below. It suffocated all animals dead in their tracks, including the people who were sleeping in the villages near by (this is realatively current).

How to expect the unexpected?


Actually since we (muslims) have a greater influence of religion on our lives (compared to other religions + athiests), we think that although these accidents should be studied by a geological perspective, but moreover we should ask forgiveness from God on our misdeeds. After all, the earth and the winds & waters are all under His control. All the rules of science can be cancelled/suspended if He wants to do His wish. (Oh boys, if He were also to obey science, then what's the benefit of Him being God - he would then be same as us mortals lolz)

As we are progressing, we see that vice is growing more powerful day-by-day, and personally I think that all these disasters are happening because God is quite unhappy with us humans, and he is just letting those forces free, which we cannot fight. If we become better as human beings, he shall again refrain these forces from harming mankind.

No flames needed. But - do you agree?


I do not agree because my believes are different from yours. Your post can be called "a theory" because everyone has different beliefs and neither can be proving.

It's just a matter of opinion and respecting everyones views.

What I do find sickening is a team of scientist knew it was coming and didn't warn anyone. :realmad:


i do not agree with u either rupert86,

first i don't agree with muslims having greater influence of religion on our lives over other religions.

2nd, god's unhappy with us? god was sending prophets, can still send some, and our lives were supposed to be like a "test" in this world according to most religions,.. eeh anyways, don't want to get into boring and indefinite topic,

I could say this is due to global warming if i'd be talking scientifically instead..


rupert86, please do not bring religion into discussion. No more posts about that....

Lets get back on topic. While prayer is okay, humans should take care of themselves as well. When the tsunami hit Indonesia and was known to be progressing towards India, that news SHOULD have been instantly transmitted to the relevant authorities. All the countries along the coast could have given a warning asking people to stay away from the beach (and find a good place to stay in till water level reduced).


yea that's a messed up situation, why did nasa/usa/anyone watching the sky from a satellite warn those countries? politics?


I agree with what you said.

The tsunami hit Sri Lanka two hours after Indonesia was hit. And half-hour after that, India was hit. Indonesia could have alerted neighbouring countries (so SriLanka's deaths would have been lower), and SriLanka could have alerted India (that half-hour is **** **** useful to run away inland where the water won't kill you).

I'd like to know if the scientists and meteorologists were sleeping at that time! :lol: (considering that the tsunami struck early in the morning)


I caught a newsbroadcast 2 or 3 days ago that had an interview with a geologist in the USA and he and his team saw the events taking place. They did try franticly to make contact with 'people' but were not successful in getting a message through to any established system that would get the warning disseminated.

And how many competent geologists in that part of the world also saw and felt under their feet what was happening and also could not get the warning out? Even if someone foresaw the coming events, how many people would take a satement like 'well, there is going to be a 9.0 quake, Sumatra is going to move 100 feet and then there is going to be a tidal wave that will be in the Indian Ocean, not the Pacific and it might happen tomorrow or in 500 years and it will kill roughly a quarter of a million people' seriously enought to start installing a warning system? How much has been found in the past that might indicate that this is not an isolated incident in this area? Such as geological evidence that there have been earthquakes or tsunamis and if they have, has there been a cycle in the evidence that show it to be an event that will take place every 100,000 years or what ever? The ground grumbles, well is there going to be a quake now or later? Dunno, never happened before.



OK the next time I'll experience much more caution when writing things like this. Anyway it was just my pt. of view so its no need for everybody to agree w/ it. Also, most probably things like ASEAN etc. are supposed to promote this interaction??

P.S: Out territorial SAARC just wakes from its sleep once in a decade lolz.

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