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Unattended Audio Player Version 1.0 Release...

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cool :D

maybe as a v2 or whatever it could support reading from an ini file for a list of songs? :P or a directory..

already thinking of that, was looking up the coding to do it already. but most people probably won't need more then 1 song as it would be time for the computer to reboot by the end of the first song.

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I use WPI for installing my apps and do this, when the shell's already started. Could you add an option to sit in the system tray ? And since I'm installing from DVD with a lot of big apps (Office, Visual Studio, Oracle ...) it would really be nice to have it playing - lets say - all files from its starting directory ?

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The system Tray isn't even loaded when the install batch file runs. but if i make a version 2 i'll add that option, support for INI *to make a sort of Playlist and settings*, and won't have it call the MP3 like how it is now.. (Mplay2.Filename = app.path & "\music.mp3")

now that i think about it i guess it would be nice to have multiple MP3's so if your installing from a DVD. ;)

I'll work on that when i get the time...

*EDIT* also, i've never worked with WPI, so i'll have to look that up so it may take a bit of time lol.

Edited by Bi0haZarD
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Heres some Notes

I have used a different thing in the past and I even make it play at User.cmd but I call it this way so it just starts the thing and goes on.

start UAP.exe /b

/b Starts an application without opening a new Command Prompt window.

For XP Home or even Pro using pskill its: pskill UAP

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Heres some Notes

I have used a different thing in the past and I even make it play at User.cmd but I call it this way so it just starts the thing and goes on.

start UAP.exe /b

/b Starts an application without opening a new Command Prompt window.

For XP Home or even Pro using pskill its:  pskill UAP

/b? i haven't programmed any command line switches yet... and even with /b i didn't notice anything diffrent...

as for pskill, i think you mean tskill, i just tried it on my Home and Pro XP computers and it worked on both.. so taskkill doesn't need to be used and will update the readme.txt file when i release 2.0...

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Uhh, no I said pskill


Just copy PsKill onto your executable path, and type pskill with command-line options defined below.

PsKill works on NT 3.51, NT 4.0, Win2K and Windows XP.

EDIT: Ok I found info on tskill. Me thinks I'll stick to sysinternals stuff, they tend to be more advanced. Also get mixed info on that tskill whether it works 100% or not.

Edited by maxXPsoft
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kk, i'll bundle pskill with my executable now, i don't think Systernals would have any problems with it since it's freeware anyways :P anyone that doesn't want to use pskill can just remove it and use taskkill or tskill.

Version 2.0 progress

1. I have added Support for ini files

2. The play list is a max of 20 songs right now i'm sure thats more then enough but can easily add more if anyone thinks that should be increased.

3. in the settings.ini file i have put in an option for Start in SystemTray, so it will start by the system clock.

4. the first track detected is played no matter how many blank spots are before it... (example: you put an mp3 for track15, but the first 14 are blank, it will detect that and play track 15 when ran.)

5. Playlist will loop and autoadvance to the next track, so if you have 5 songs it'll loop 1-5 -> 1-5 and so on...

6. Simple Naming.. (actually is was confusing as hell to code lol) in the settings.ini file you specify the name of the track.. example "Metallica - Master of Puppets" would show up, insted of c:\my music\rock\metallica\metallica - MoP.mp3.. or whatever you have it named..

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This is what I use on my GuiRunOnce.cmd

ECHO *******************************************
ECHO Starting some nice background music while you wait
start mplayerc %systemdrive%\install\music\*.mp3 /play /minimized
ECHO *******************************************

This will open Media Player Classic minimized and play all the MP3s contained in %systemdrive%\install\music, allowing for a playlist of your choice.

If you dont put mplayerc.exe in you $$\System32 folder you have to edit your app path accordingly.

Oh, and of course I have a

start /wait taskkill /f /im mplayerc.exe >nul

before the install folders are deleted

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I load up a special preconfigured mini-foobar2000 when installing.

I fire it up with

foobar2000.exe "path/to/music/files/*.*"

and when it's time to close, I use:

foobar2000.exe /command:foobar2000/close"

So no need for pskill or anything like that.

And it also uses only ~3mb of memory, which is not bad (though it could be lower).

This is what it looks like:


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these both work IF the person doesn't mind Media Player Classic or Foobar 2000 to be installed, I personally hate both of them and thats where my program comes in. it can be run from the install folder and when its time to clean up it gets deleted and nothing left behind and no registry changes done.

And if you install something like Media Player Classic or Foobar 2000 and the person doesn't like it if they remove it there maybe some FileType screw ups.. not sure how both of them handle that though..

This is what UAP2.0 looks like as of now


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Awesome idea Bi0haZarD,

I noticed in the screenshot you attached that the player was currently running.

Is there a way to make it hidden?

hard to take a screenshot of it if its hidden dont ya think ;)

There is a way to run the player in the system tray, and double clicking the icon brings it up to normal size.

in the settings.ini file theres a line called "Startinsystemtray" and setting that to 1 will run it in the system tray when ran.

What it looks like when ran in the system tray.... *not a very impressive screenshot though lol.*


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these both work IF the person doesn't mind Media Player Classic or Foobar 2000 to be installed, I personally hate both of them and thats where my program comes in. it can be run from the install folder and when its time to clean up it gets deleted and nothing left behind and no registry changes done.

And if you install something like Media Player Classic or Foobar 2000 and the person doesn't like it if they remove it there maybe some FileType screw ups.. not sure how both of them handle that though..

This is what UAP2.0 looks like as of now


Well actually foobar doesn't need to be _installed_, for a minimal install you only need to extract the main exe and a few components (utf8api.dll, foo_input_std.dll, foo_output_std.dll and foo_ui_std.dll).

The good thing in your player is that it's much smaller (that kind of minimal foobar still weights almost a whole megabyte), but that's because of foobar being able to play more filetypes than just mp3. :)

But I still prefer foobar :P

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