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Bootable Ghost CD to deploy images - GUIDE


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What is it you don't get mate?

First off you need to turn on show hidden files etc so you can see the autoexec.bat and config.sys file. You need only the 4 boot files on the disk. The attached disk shows all you need on a boot floppy etc. You can ignore the autoexec.bat.bak and the go.bat as one is a backup and the other is just a spare copy of the go.bat that should be on the restore partition.

Does this help?

Try giving me some more info about what you are stuck on?



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Great guide, but, I've tried downloading boots of me and other versions of windows of the net and they don't have any of the files that are mentioned, do you perhaps mean to start with a bootable install disk?

I've got no idea...:S

Exactly which files do you not have?

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Show hidden files is set on aswell :S, the image i posted is exactly what I'm getting, and I've tried three different boot disk downloads in case they were dodgy and they're all the same.

The exact files I don't have are all the files that are apparently needed to make this Ghost Boot Disk lol.

In other words, these files:








are not there...

Edited by brodiepearce
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Show hidden files is set on aswell :S, the image i posted is exactly what I'm getting, and I've tried three different boot disk downloads in case they were dodgy and they're all the same.

The exact files I don't have are all the files that are apparently needed to make this Ghost Boot Disk lol.

In other words, these files:








are not there...

Again, as someone mentioned, autoexec.bat, config.sys, io.sys, msdos.sys, and command.com are hidden **system** files. even if you show hidden files, you won't be able to see the hidden **system** files. But they are there. the only files you really need are cd1.sys and mscdex.exe. MSCDEX.exe is included on win95 or win98 boot disks. try to get your hands on one of those. the cd1.sys files is needed to load cd-rom drivers. win95 or win98 boot disks include alternatives cd1.sys. if those work for you, then you don't need cd1.sys.

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I'll try that, but if you can't view them even with hidden files turned off, how is everyone else getting them?! lol

If you uncheck "Hide protected operating system files" you will be able to view those files. Then you can copy them, delete them, etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My ghost image is larger than one CD so I have place the other image on another CD for a total of 2. The CD boots fine and ghost launches but when ghost gets finished with the first image on the CD it doesn't ask me to put in the other CD but rather just tells me user aborted and brings me to a C> prompt. What command do I need so ghost will prompt be for the other spanned image which is on the 2nd CD?

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i maybe out of the topic here, but still, i wanna ask someone here to tell me how to update my dvd rom driver cuz i already created a bootable ghost dvd image but the problem is that my dvd rom drive isn't supported by norton ghost, or is there any way i could make a

dvd ghost image of my pc that doesn't have a floppy drive. sorry if the term i used here isn't right, i hope u'll understand. pls give me some words. thnx in advance.


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i already created a bootable ghost dvd image but the problem is that my dvd rom drive isn't supported by norton ghost, or is there any way i could make a

dvd ghost image of my pc that doesn't have a floppy drive.

How did you make a bootable ghost dvd if your dvd rom drive isn't supported by norton ghost? That doesn't seem possible. Also, do you have a DVD recorder or just a DVD-Rom drive that is not capable of burning DVDs?

If you have a recorder:

If your dvd rom drive isn't supported by Ghost natively, you need to create a boot disk with CD-ROM drivers such as the Win98 boot disk (it will work fine). Once your CD/DVD-rom is recognized in DOS, then run ghost. Ghost will allow you to restore images, but it will not allow you to create an image directly on the DVD because the DVD drivers were loaded by DOS, not by the Ghost program itself. So, create an image on your hard drive then burn the image in windows.

My ghost image is larger than one CD so I have place the other image on another CD for a total of 2. The CD boots fine and ghost launches but when ghost gets finished with the first image on the CD it doesn't ask me to put in the other CD but rather just tells me user aborted and brings me to a C> prompt. What command do I need so ghost will prompt be for the other spanned image which is on the 2nd CD?

Did you use Ghost to burn the images directly from within the program or did you create the images first, then burn the images using third-party programs like Nero or Easy CD Creator?

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My apology if i didn't explain it right, as i've said,maybe the term i used was wrong, and i was wrong. :)

honestly, i tried making a bootable Ghost DVD for my Laptop as a recovery dvd but unfortunately, i am not successful with it, i tried to create a ghost image hoping it could be a bootable one using norton ghost 2003(the old 1 i think,have ghost 9 too) but i i failed to make it right, i need alot of reading i think :) I just wish i could make a recovery disk of my own for my laptop, (its recovery dvd is also a ghost image i think but its sp1 only) so all i wanted to have is a new recovery disk with sp2 and all my softwares installed so that i would waste no time of reinstalling my os once it gets messed up which is always happenning bcuz my kid uses it all the time. Anyways, ty very much for the reply.


mine is also a dvdr/rw drive

Edited by ojojpogee
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  • 7 months later...

Hi can someone please send me the .ima file. My email address is murk20@hotmail.com

I,m using GHOST 8 and Nero. And I cant get this to work.

Do i replace all the text in the AutoExec.bat with?

@echo off

MSCDEX.EXE /D:tomato /L:R

SET TZ=GHO+08:00

prompt $p$g


for %%i in (r:\*.gho) do set image=%%i

echo Loading...

\ghost\ghost.exe -clone,mode=load,src=%image%,dst=1 -rb

And what are the only files I need to put in my floppy image?. There are lots of files on Win98 Boot Disk and I dont know which ones I do and dont need.

Additionally will these pick up all my CD\DVD devices??


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