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My Drive just fried itself, just wondered if anyone knew where i could get a replacment circuit board for it so i can recover my data without paying a rediculously high price?


Its a

Maxtor Diamondmax Plus 9 80GB ATA/133 HDD



fried itself? wow.

u could ask for a replacement from maxtor it should at least have 1 year warranty right?, i dunno where u can get the circuit board, i dunno your capabilities but u won't find it easy to replace the board even if u find it...

and have u find a probabl cause why it fried? i'd focus on that and fix the cause to stop further problems....


You can try to contact Maxtor first, since it's fried. I don't think they will cover it ever if it still under warranty. Check if you can find a similar or exact same model and change the board and backup whatever you need. It will work only if the board is the only thing fried.


Maxtor genrally only does replacment for the entire drive, not any individual part.

What i would reccomend doing, is finding the drive on ebay and using the dirves pcb to get the drive working again.



I beleive that maxtor will only replace the drive with a refurbished one, and you have to send them your bad one thats still under warranty first. Best bet is to try to buy the same drive, but that would be tough becasue they constantly revise the PCB Board, Chips, and the Firmware.


If the drive does not spin at all you are probably S.O.L. If it will still spin then hook it up as a slave on another computer. If you still can't see the data then I would find the trial version of ERD Commader and try that.

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