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Standard-Option when using group


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When using group.x I have to select one Item and unselect the others manually (or unselect all), because selecting more than 2 would be useless. This works well so far, but when I select the main-Item, always the first group-item is selected, when I select "Alles auswählen" (bottom-left) always the last item is selected...

In my opinion best behaviour would be that always the points are selected, which are selected in the .ini

Übirgens tolles Programm ;) Für Installationen nach dem Setup einfach genial!

Aber, könnte man dieses und das von Wraith nicht kombinieren? Zumindest das beide die gleichen Dateien auslesen? Wäre cool beim Setup von CD bei T-13 XPlode laufen lassen zu können und für alle andern Fälle wo XP schon installiert ist WIHU ^^ Werde Wraith das auch nochmal vorschlagen

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...when I select "Alles auswählen" (bottom-left) always the last item is selected...

Yes this is a bit inconsistency. I should change this.

In my opinion best behaviour would be that always the points are selected, which are selected in the .ini

hmm, what if more than one is selected (which is theoretically possible)? Isn't it better to select first item by default?

Übirgens tolles Programm  Für Installationen nach dem Setup einfach genial!

Danke :blushing: Ich antworte mal weiter auf englisch, wir wollen ja keinen hier ausschließen ;)

There was already one who asked to combine xplode and WIHU. But I think wraith don't really want this. And also, WIHU uses a completely different config file structure.


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Aber, könnte man dieses und das von Wraith nicht kombinieren? Zumindest das beide die gleichen Dateien auslesen? Wäre cool beim Setup von CD bei T-13 XPlode laufen lassen zu können und für alle andern Fälle wo XP schon installiert ist WIHU ^^ Werde Wraith das auch nochmal vorschlagen

Hhm, finde ich auch nicht so nötig. Aber was generelles: WIHU eigent sich vorzüglich, um auch _während_ der Windowsinstallation seine Proggis aufs System zu bringen! :D Ich führ es z.B. via cmdlines.txt zum Zeitpukt T-12 aus und es klappt wunnerbar! :) Warum sollte es das da auch nicht tun?

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Ich mach dann auch mal auf Englisch weiter ^^


I think when using group You only want to install one item in this group, otherwise group wouldn't be the right choice, right?

So selecting more than one point in the .ini doesn't make sense to me. When you change something you also can't select more than one point any more. Only at the start in the ini you can select more than 2, what would be a programming-failure in the ini for me, when you do so ^^

So the best choice for me would be, only select one of the items in the ini and using this as "default".

So when selecting "alles auswählen" or the item above, all items should be selected, which are selected in the ini ^^

But sure it's up to you how to configure WIHU in this case, it's only my opinion ;)


Sure, it would work.

But in XPlode the design is very cool, so it covers the Original Setup-design of XP and only the left frame is visible.

Sicherlich würde das klappen, so weit hab ich das Programm ja auch schon verstanden ;)

Aber bei XPlode ist einfach die integrierende Optik ziemlich genial, bei mir legt sich XPlode mit dem Setup-Design über den Setup-Schirm, nur der linke Teil ist dann noch zu sehen, einfach genial.


the different config-file struture is sure a problem and would cost programming-time to combine.

If Wraith and Benjamin would like to think about combining the config-files, I would suggest using the XML-format, because it seems to be easier for the user.

For example if you want to change two positions, you just need to copy and paste ;) in the install.ini you have to change the numbers for all points, which are in my case 3-4 per item. So when writing a new regTweak (which I sort by letters) it's very uncomfortable to change the numbers of 30 items ^^

Here an example, what a combined config-file could look like:

<item display="IrfanView 3.91">

<execute display="Installiere..." program="IrfanView3.91.exe />

<selected=1 />

<item display="deutsche Sprache">

<execute display="kopiere .ini" program="copy" arguments="i_view32.ini %programfiles%\IrfanView" />

<selected=1 />



If You think it's too much programming-effort, what about a user-friendly way of arranging the items? Maybe a sort of auto-increment instead of the numbers, so copy&paste would work? Every "description"-point would make such auto.increment fpr example. For the Sub-Items one could set sub = 1 or something like this, for a new set of Sub-Items, when finishes you set sub = 0 and you're back on your main-area.

Example for this:

;beginning with .0

description = 7-Zip 3.13

command = Software\7-Zip3.13\setup.exe -y /q /r:n

selected = 1

collapsed = 1

;recognizes the "sub=1", program stays with .0 and starts a sub-item .0.0


description = deutsche Sprache

command = regedit /s regtweaks\7-Zip.reg

selected = 1

;not changed back to main-level, staying with .0 and suffix would automatic be .0.1

description = abcdef

command = regedit /s regtweaks\abcdef.reg

selected = 1

sub = 0

;as recognizing "sub=0" program will get back, adding .1

description = Aida32

command = Software\Aida32_3.94.2.exe

selected = 1

So You wouldnt have to use numbers for your items, program would recognize items by description and put everything after description until next description to one point. Sub-Items would be generated like this:

















hope I could express what I mean ^^


Das soll nun nicht so rüberkommen, als ob ich das ganze nur kritisieren will, ich find das Programm echt genial;)

Die einzigen beiden Sachen die halt nicht schlecht wären, wären das Abschaffen der Zahlen und ein ins Setup integrierendes Design ;)

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Sure, it would work.

But in XPlode the design is very cool, so it covers the Original Setup-design of XP and only the left frame is visible.

Sicherlich würde das klappen, so weit hab ich das Programm ja auch schon verstanden ;)

Aber bei XPlode ist einfach die integrierende Optik ziemlich genial, bei mir legt sich XPlode mit dem Setup-Design über den Setup-Schirm, nur der linke Teil ist dann noch zu sehen, einfach genial.

Hhm, well, dunno what exactly your aim is but mine is an unattended installation. :whistle: In best and hopefully usual case I won't be sitting at my computer and watch what's going on. ;) Moreover I'll switch off my screen. :rolleyes:

And regarding the numerical system of WIHU: yes, indeed, this can be annoying sometimes. But I grouped my ini entries so there aren't really many which I would have to re-number. And in most cases order of installation is more or less unimportant, so I just add new programs to the list's end. *hehe* And now that my ini is somehow complete there won't be many changes in future I guess.

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The problem is, when looking for something special to install, e.g. regtweaks, its very annoying for searching it in 60 other tweaks, so best would be to sort them, but when adding a new one.... ;)

And Optic:

I think it's more or less important, matters on whom you ask^^ I would like to have a nice optic at the setup, so you could think the program integrates fully in the setup. But also you are right when you say, the program is not for the optik but for an unattended installation ;)

Another point:

Does already a thread exist, how to get the versions of several programs? ^^ (Like for MediaPlayer/DirectX/.Net)

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Hmm, Im personally don't like XML ... morever it is very elaborately to use MS XML Interface. I like the kind of ini files. What about using spaces or tabs to form indentation?

command = xyz.exe
description = Item
   command = xyz.exe
   description = Sub Item
       command = xyz.exe
       description = Sub Sub Item
   command = xyz.exe
   description = Sub Item
command = xyz.exe
description = Item

would be

[x] Item
   [x] Sub Item
       [x] Sub Sub Item
   [x] Sub Item
[x] Item
and so on


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Would be a possibility ;)

I think everything what helps to get away from the numbers would be great ^^

Another idea was:

sub = 1 (eine Ebene runter)

main = 1 (eine Ebene höher)

something like this ;)

Another idea:

Would it be possible (and not to much effort) to use more than one ini also for software? Software-Set A and Software-Set B -_-

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Personally I like the numbers, it forms a great system, so I know EXACTLY what items are grouped together.

With indentations, occasionally when you open them with different text editos (or sometimes the same ones) you can get errors and tabs and such are removed.

Yeah, changing numbers can be a pain, but its not too big of a deal.

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Personally I like the numbers, it forms a great system, so I know EXACTLY what items are grouped together.

With indentations, occasionally when you open them with different text editos (or sometimes the same ones) you can get errors and tabs and such are removed.

Yeah, changing numbers can be a pain, but its not too big of a deal.

Here are some regtweaks, at the beginning they were all in one group, can you think which effort it was to change all the numbers? ;)

But when some people want to stay with the numbers, would it be possible to use both methods?

Maybe stay with the current interpreter(?) and only let a tool configure the ini and everywhere where are'nt numbers it sets them (according to one of the examples)?

Hope i don't think to complicate :wacko:


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Some hint on how to delete an item:

command.0 = cmd.exe
description.0 = Item to be deleted <= delete this
command.1 = cmd.exe
description.1 = Item 1
command.2 = cmd.exe
description.2 = Item 2
command.3 = cmd.exe
description.3 = Item 3

Instead renumber each item you should do following:

command.1 = cmd.exe
description.1 = Item 1
command.2 = cmd.exe
description.2 = Item 2
command.0 = cmd.exe
description.0 = Item 3 => become Item 0

With indentations, occasionally when you open them with different text editos (or sometimes the same ones) you can get errors and tabs and such are removed.

Yes, but this could make things easier. May be I'll support both in future. With and without numbering. Im currently working on such an ini file parser. There will also no more section per software item, only one [software] section which contains each software entry below it.

Benjamin Kalytta

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