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btw. Ive checked the BLKVIPER page but there's still no info what DCOM SERVER PROCCESS LAUNCHER is supposed to do, well except cos major probs when not set to automatic. Does any1 know what this service is used for?

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I don't know just what it 's supposed to do, all I know is that it is one of the few services which will cause agravation if you disable it. I lost just about every function, including Internet access when I accidentaly disabled this service - It took me half a night (and the loss of a lot of hair) to discover what I had done wrong. Boy...did I feel sick!

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There's certain things Windows needs to function correctly but any things aren't needed. I hope MS would install Windows with the least function and let the user let the services enabled or disabled. But, Windows is a consumer product aimed for novices so I guess we just have to figure out everything by our selves.

Anyway, I think that if MS has those services or functions disabled at the time of the release of any Windows system, there won't be many threats aimed at the product since, for those threats to function, certain functions would be needed to be on or enabled.

But for things to get going, we all need a good night rest after the long war against Windows!

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I don't know just what it 's supposed to do, all I know is that it is one of the few services which will cause agravation if you disable it. I lost just about  every function, including Internet access when I accidentaly disabled this service - It took me half a night (and the loss of a lot of hair) to discover what I had done wrong. Boy...did I feel sick!

Then I quess I was lucky. I had that service on manual(but it never started) for more than 2weeks. Without big probs. Just some RPC SERVER errors here and there.I could play games, surf the net, listen to music, pretty much do everything. But when I couldn't installled latest OMEGA I was p***t! And naturally I blammed SP2. But then I just got a gut felling that perhaps it's the SERVICE's fault, since RPC error is usually a SERVICE's job so then I started pooking STARTING services pice by pice and then found the reason!!

M$-sure could inform us of the new services he puts in

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That's another thing, some services, on my machine at least, seem to interpret the manual setting as a stop command - Windows Installer being one of the culprits. Every time I need to use the installer it's necessary for me to start the service by hand and, as soon as it's done its job, it switches off (I have it on manual as it's not one of these services that you call on all the time). Still, that's just a minor gripe.

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With Windows Installer service I had no probs when it was on MANUAL it started automaticly. But with SP2 I had have this prob. BUt since I enabled the DCOM SERVER PROCCESS LAUNCHER I don't know wheter the Windows INstaller service will get enabled automaticly now. Will try it when I get home

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automatic will start it when ever needed

manual will start only with user intervention and when stopped shouldnt start with out the user

and disabled means just that

WRONG! AUTOMATIC will start it at BOOT UP!No matter if it's needed or not! Manual should start it when a service or a program call to a specific service! And disabled shouldn't start the service no matter what!!!

If U don't belive I can tell what U can do to test this MANUAL thing out

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In manual the service should run when you click on "Start this service" and it should continue to run (and service the relevant applications) until told otherwise i.e. the user clicks on "Stop this service". Unfortunately my machine appears to think for itself - and it doesn't do that very well at all, hence the fact that I must continually start the service whenever I need it however, as I stated before, it's only a minor gripe.

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