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Visual Effects (Finaly works)

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if I don't want to put the files in System32, am i correct in assuming that the only thing i need to change is this:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


"Set Visual Effects"="%systemdrive%\Install\Tweaks\Visual\SetVisualEffects.exe /silent"


"Set Visual Effects"="%systemdrive%\Install\Tweaks\Visual\SetVisualEffects.exe /silent"

[Assuming that setstartup.reg is in the same folder as cmdlines.txt, and the other two files (SetVisualEffects.exe, Settings.ini) are in "$OEM$\$1\Install\Tweaks\Visual"]

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When you right click on "My Computer" and go to properties, then click on the advanced tab, then click on the first button you will see some visual effect settings for windows.

A lot of these are unnessicary and put a drag on performance, even worse on slower machines.

Well a lot of us have to have our XP at top performance so we want to turn alot of these off as they are no really needed and make no real visual change being on, so why use up the resources?

Well many have tried to have these be set during the XP setup with no luck.

If you have ever messed with themes and the uxtheme.dll in XP then you know for some strange reason microsoft doesnt like people playing with the visual setings.

Well through my research I found the part of the regisrty the visual effects are set at. Big problem was is the main key it was under is different for every computer and user account, so a simply reg fix wont work.

What the app does is finds that stupid key for you and sets the settings.

Yet another road block by microsoft overcome hehe.

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Yes you are totally right.

Basicly the program just needs to made sure and stay on the system, dont delete it, as long as that is ok then you can put it anywhere you want and change the reg file just like you did to point to it.

Basicly what the reg file does it puts the runonce command in the reg where everytime a new account is created that will be put in the new account to run once. Thus making sure you never have to worry about the effects again.

So you can put the program anywhere you want just make sure the reg file points to it.

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Yes you are totally right.

Basicly the program just needs to made sure and stay on the system, dont delete it, as long as that is ok then you can put it anywhere you want and change the reg file just like you did to point to it.

Basicly what the reg file does it puts the runonce command in the reg where everytime a new account is created that will be put in the new account to run once. Thus making sure you never have to worry about the effects again.

So you can put the program anywhere you want just make sure the reg file points to it.

err...ok, but what if i dont want it for every single account. rather, i just want it for the current account?

what if i dont want to keep it on my system? can i delete it during cleanup?

what do i do?

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well if you dont want it for every account do this.

First change the reg file to put the runonce under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE instead, this will do it once for the current machine with who ever logs in first, of course since it is a automated setup it will do it at first logon.

Now since it isnt in the part of the registry to be copied over to new accounts

it is safe to delete. you just need it to run once to do its work.

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First change the reg file to put the runonce under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE instead, this will do it once for the current machine with who ever logs in first, of course since it is a automated setup it will do it at first logon.

is this what you mean?

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


"Set Visual Effects"="%systemdrive%\Install\Tweaks\Visual\SetVisualEffects.exe /silent"

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wait... why do I even need that setstartup.reg?

can't I just call the command:

"%systemdrive%\Install\Tweaks\Visual\SetVisualEffects.exe /silent"

and have just SetVisualEffects.exe, and Settings.ini in that folder?

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well the reason why you cant use that option so easily is the settings get over written by windows. I tried many times with a test machine, timeing was everything to have the settings set since windows overwrites them with the first logon, like I said microsoft didnt make it easy to change these automaticly.

If you read some of the posts from the first few pages you will see the whole thing I went through with that.

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maybe i'm wrong.. but shouldn't msvbvm60.dll be put in the folder that is copied over to windows\system? so that this app will run. without that file you get "msvbvm60.dll wasn't found" error message.

also not sure if that file is there during every install or what...

other then that Nice program :D

btw lol, together is misspelled incorrectly in the gui :P

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God I hate spelling, I type so fast I always get my letters wrong.

Anyways yes the program is written in VB but the default runtime files are part of xp from the get go.

And as you can see others have used it without any trouble or adding anyother files.

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