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Visual Effects (Finaly works)

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Actualy HKCU has nothing to do with default user accounts that are made. HKCU is meant for the currently logged in user.

HKU\.DEFAULT is where you can set settings that will transerfered to all new accounts.

In my regtweak file I dont use ANy HKCU for all those i use HKU. then every account I make gets those settings.

At the T-12 stage of setup, entries written to HKCU are written to Default.

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Ok new version has been put on the first post.

You can now have the visual effects set for all new accounts and even the default account you create during setup (cause its a new account duh)

Enjoy guys no more updates should be needed as of now. But you never know.

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to put it in a more simpler terms make sure the program and ini file get put into the system32 dir. then if you view the reg fil with the program you need those entered into the reg.

All the reg file is, is the runonce paths to the program.

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Create a folder under $OEM$ called $$ and then another under that called SYSTEM32




and copy your two files here. Anything in this folder is automatically copied to your System32 Folder under Windows. No need to batch command copy.

There is an excellent Overview of $OEM$ in the Unattended XP Guide - here

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Thank you for telling him that, I forgot to add the system32 part to the readme in the zip and on the first post (it was late last night)

I have fixed both the zip and first post to say with the system32 dir.

Also if people can please post and let me know that the program worked for them would be great.

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Well Done smc1979! Excellent and it works!

I wasn't too optimistic - but have just tested on my VMWare and the Visual Styles have been applied successfully for the first time!

As a step by step resume for others trying this method -

1. Download smc1979's file from his first post in this topic

2. Run the executable SetVisualEffects.exe and then select and apply the options you want.

3. This will then save your settings in 'settings.ini'

4. Copy the settings.ini and SetVisualEffects.exe into your $OEM$\$$\SYSTEM32 folder on your XPCD (thus automating the copy to your windows\system32 folder)

5. Copy the setstartup.reg to the $OEM$ folder (alongside cmdlines.txt).

6. Edit cmdlines.txt and add "REGEDIT /S setstartup.reg" to the second line (before any accounts are created)

et viola! Visual Effects that finally works! :thumbup

EDIT - I just tried creating a second account and the initial visual styles were back to default - however, as I am sure smc1979 did mention, after a reboot the new custom settings came into effect with no intervention.

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You dont need to hit apply in the program for the setting to be saved, every time you click with your mouse on just 1 check box all are saved. Hitting apply chnages your current system, hehe which isnt bad either.

I will post your step by step on the first post as it makes it sound much more easier than mine.

I cant help it Im a programmer and thats how I type LOL.

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why do you have to create ur own program. just use the registry to apply during the T-12. Here is my registry for Visual Effect. This work 100% on numerous computers and creating new accounts.

this codes only enable Smooth edges of screen font, use drop shadows for icon labels on desktop , and Use visual styles on windows and button.

; ************************************


;Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing

;Slide open combo boxes

;Show shadows under mouse pointer

;Show window contents while dragging

;Show shadows under menus

;Smooth edges of screen fonts

;Smooth-scroll list boxes

;Show translucent selection rectangle

;Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop

;Use a background image for each folder type

;Fade or slide menus into view

;Fade out menu items after clicking

;Slide taskbar buttons

;Use visual styles on windows and buttons

;Fade or slide ToolTips into view

;Use common tasks in folders

; Use "Windows Classic Folder" instead of common tasks in folders

; Disable "Translucent selection rectangle"

; Enable "Drop shadows for icon labels on desktop"

; Disable "background image for each folder type"

; Disable "Slide taskbar buttons"

; Enable "Visual Theme"

; Disable "Window contents while dragging"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]

; Enable "Smooth edges of screen fonts
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]

; Disable "Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics]

; Disable Menu Shadow & Fade
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]

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cause if you look in the forum TONS of people have tried those including me and they did not work. If they are working for you great.

But many have tried them and they dont.

So instead of "hoping" they will work I made a program that makes sure it does.

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