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how to make win98se unattended cd


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Check Windows 95/98/98SE/ME forum, for further reference...

any way, in the admin folder of your Win98 CD you have a Batch maker program, that will make your ini file...

use a bootable CD to automaticly run setup.

after you have created your ini file, use this command line:

setup.exe your_batch.ini

(instead of setup.exe alone)

have fun...

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I believe only the original Win98 CD has this tool. (in folder "\Reskit\MSBATCH\setup.exe")

Installing that tool, helps you create a "msbatch.inf" file which you then need to keep in the Win98 cabs install folder. Then just directly running setup.exe will see the msbatch.inf and do a silent unattended install.

*moving to win9x forum

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  • 4 weeks later...

From all above replies, what PRATHAPML said is what I am familiar with.


1.the tool to create the “msbatch.inf” file is located on the original win98 CD, but removed from some versions of the Win98 Second edition CD

2. I’ll add that if the win98 setup will be fully unattended only if you have the RETAIL version of win98. Most people own the OEM version. When using this version, even with msbatch.inf in action, the system will hang at the middle of setup, you will need to hit “enter” and than it will continue.

3. Still need to install 98 on multiple machines? Holly s***s!!

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Is there a way to use the msbatch.inf from 98SE and do a true unattend.  So that it atomatically accepts the EULA and steps through the product code and continues on? :unsure:

Yes, but only for retail CDs not OEM CDs!

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  • 4 months later...

You can install an OEM unattended at least somewhat. I can't figure out how to automatically get out of scandisk without hitting ok or the **** plug & play monitor at the end. BUT the eula can be passed by. :D






somewhere under the [install] section in your batch.inf bypasses that.

I don't feel like explaining it detailed like tho'. But this should help. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=21230

I've also figured out how to add some settings automatically to msdos.sys. And am supposed to be able to do the same for autoexec.bat, config.sys, and win.ini I think. :thumbup

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