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how do i get runonceex to perform right after windows setup?

whats happening now is, i have to reboot windows after the installation is done, and then the runonceex will start on my next logon


You can try placing

rundll32.exe iernonce.dll,RunOnceExProcess

in a batch file after you import your runonceex keys. Haven't tested to see if this will work in setup though.


Got this so far... (gosh style)


Signature="$Windows NT$"

1 = %cdname%,%cdtagfile%,,""





;HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\000",,,"Registry Tweaks"
;HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\000",1,,"%11%\%RunInfSection% TweakInstall 128 %01%\runoncex.inf"

HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\003",,,"Microsoft Windows Journal Viewer (Windows XP)"
HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\003",1,,"%24%%AppsPath%\Batch\JournalViewer.msi /qn"

HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\005",,,"Actualización para la compatibilidad de HighMAT en Windows XP en el Asistente para grabación de CD (KB831240)"
HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\005",1,,"%24%%AppsPath%\Batch\HMTCDWizard_ESN.exe /qb ALLUSERS=1 REBOOT=ReallySuppress"

;HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\007",,,"Microsoft .NET Framework versión 1.1 (español)"
;HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\007",1,,"%24%%AppsPath%\Batch\????? /qn"

HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\010",,,"Adobe Acrobat 6.0.1"
HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\010",1,,"%24%%AppsPath%\AdobeRea\AdobeReader.msi /qn"

HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\020",,,"MSN Messenger 6.2"
HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\020",1,,"%24%%AppsPath%\MsnMsgs.msi /qn"

HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\030",,,"WinRAR 3.30 Español"
HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\030",1,,"%24%%AppsPath%\wrar330es.exe /s"

;HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\040",,,"Sun Java 1.4.2"
;HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\040",1,,"%24%%AppsPath%\SunJava\j2re-1_4_2_01-windows-i586.exe /s /v /qn"

;HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\050",,,"Nero Burning ROM 6.0.125"
;HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\050",1,,"REGEDIT /S %24%%AppsPath%\nero\register.reg"
;HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\050",2,,"%24%%AppsPath%\Nero\Nero63125.exe /silent /noreboot"
;HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\050",3,,"%24%%AppsPath%\Nero\NBR63125ESL.exe /silent /noreboot"

HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\060",,,"Ad-Aware SE Pro 1.05"
HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\060",1,,"%24%%AppsPath%\AdAware\aawsepro.exe /S"
HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\060",2,,"taskkill /IM Ad-Aware.exe /F"
HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\060",3,,"taskkill /IM hh.exe /F"

;HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\070",,,"WinAmp 5.05 full"
;HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\070",1,,"%24%%AppsPath%\Winamp\winamp505_full.exe /S"
;HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\070",2,,"%24%%AppsPath%\Winamp\Espannol5.exe /S"

HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\080",,,"RealPopup 2.5 Build 142"
HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\080",1,,"REGEDIT /S %24%%AppsPath%\RealPopup\RealPopup.reg"
HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\080",2,,"%24%%AppsPath%\RealPopup\realp25_142.exe /NORESTART /SP- /VERYSILENT"

HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\990",,,"Borrar archivos temporales de instalación"
HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\990",1,,"%11%\%DeleteDir% %16407%\PrintM~1";PrintMe Internet Printing
HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\990",2,,"%11%\%DeleteDir% %24%%AppsPath%\AdobeRea"
HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\990",3,,"%11%\%DeleteDir% %24%%AppsPath%\AdAware"
HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\990",4,,"%11%\%DeleteDir% %24%%AppsPath%\RealPopup"
HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\990",6,,"%11%\%RunInfSection% CleanupInstall 128 %01%\runoncex.inf"

;HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\999",,,"Reiniciar el equipo"
;HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\999",1,,"%11%\shutdown.exe -r -f -t 2 -c """%ShutdownMsg%"""

;apps settings must run at T-13
HKCU,"Software\mIRC\UserName",,,"Usuario registrado"

;Disables Windows Tour bubble popup

;Disable Messenger Service (to stop spam. Does not affect MSN or Windows Messenger)

;Max your Internet Explorer's simultaneous downloads to 10 (default was 2)
HKCU,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings","MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server",0x00010001,0x0000000A
HKCU,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings","MaxConnectionsPerServer",0x00010001,0x0000000A

;Removes Sign up with Passport Wizard when trying to sign in MSN Messenger
HKCU,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Passport","RegistrationCompleted",0x00010001,0x00000001

;Executes after inf exits

HKLM,"%DeleteFiles%\010",1,,"Adobe Reader 6.0.lnk"





HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\Infs",,,"Preprarando First-Logon"
HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\Infs",1,,"%11%\%RunInfSection% DefaultInstall 128 %01%\runoncex.inf"
HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\Infs2",,,"Registry Tweaks"
HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\Infs2",1,,"%11%\%RunInfSection% TweakInstall 128 %01%\runoncex.inf"

cdname = "Windows XP Professional CD-ROM"
productname = "Windows XP Professional"
cdtagfile = "\win51ip"
DeleteDir = "rundll32.exe advpack.dll,DelNodeRunDLL32"
RunInfSection = "rundll32.exe setupapi,InstallHinfSection"
RunOnceEx = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx"
DeleteFiles = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\DeleteFiles"
RunOnceExTitle = "Instalando aplicaciones"
ShutdownMsg = "Windows XP reiniciará en 1 segundo..."
AppsPath = "Instalar\Programas"

; A DIRID can be one of the following values: -01,
; Value Destination Directory
; 01 SourceDrive:\pathname (the directory from which the INF file was installed)
; 10 Windows directory
; This is equivalent to %windir%.
; 11 System directory
; This is equivalent to %windir%\system32 for NT-based systems,
; and to %windir%\system for Windows 9x/Me.
; 12 Drivers directory
; This is equivalent to %windir%\system32\drivers for NT-based platforms,
; and to %windir%\system\IoSubsys on Windows 9x/Me platforms.
; 17 INF file directory
; 18 Help directory
; 20 Fonts directory
; 21 Viewers directory
; 23 Color directory (ICM) (not used for installing printer drivers)
; 24 Root directory of the system disk.
; This is the root directory of the disk on which Windows files are installed.
; For example, if dirid 10 is "C:\winnt", then dirid 24 is "C:\".
; 25 Shared directory
; 30 Root directory of the boot disk, also known as "ARC system partition,"
; for NT-based systems. (This might or might not be the same directory as
; the one represented by dirid 24.)
; 50 System directory for NT-based operating systems
; This is equivalent to %windir%\system (NT-based systems only).
; 51 Spool directory (not used for installing printer drivers see Printer Dirids)
; 52 Spool drivers directory (not used for installing printer drivers)
; 53 User profile directory
; 54 Directory where ntldr.exe and osloader.exe are located (NT-based systems only)
; 55 Print processors directory (not used for installing printer drivers)
; -1 Absolute path
; Value Shell Special Folder
; 16384 %userprofile%\Desktop
; 16386 %userprofile%\Start Menu\Programs
; 16389 %userprofile%\My Documents
; 16390 %userprofile%\Favorites
; 16391 %userprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
; 16392 %userprofile%\Recent
; 16393 %userprofile%\SendTo
; 16395 %userprofile%\Start Menu
; 16397 %userprofile%\My Documents\My Music
; 16398 %userprofile%\My Documents\My Videos
; 16400 %userprofile%\Desktop
; 16403 %userprofile%\NetHood
; 16404 C:\WINDOWS\Fonts
; 16405 %userprofile%\Templates
; 16406 %allusersprofile%\Start Menu
; 16407 %allusersprofile%\Start Menu\Programs
; 16408 %allusersprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
; 16409 %allusersprofile%\Desktop
; 16410 %userprofile%\Application Data
; 16411 %userprofile%\PrintHood
; 16412 %userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data
; 16415 %allusersprofile%\Favorites
; 16416 %userprofile%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
; 16417 %userprofile%\Cookies
; 16418 %userprofile%\Local Settings\History
; 16419 %allusersprofile%\Application Data
; 16420 System Root (C:\WINDOWS)
; 16421 C:\WINDOWS\System32
; 16422 Program Files
; 16423 %userprofile%\My Documents\My Pictures
; 16424 %userprofile%
; 16425 C:\WINDOWS\System32
; 16427 C:\Program Files\Common Files
; 16429 %allusersprofile%\Templates
; 16430 %allusersprofile%\Documents
; 16431 %allusersprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools
; 16432 %userprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools
; 16437 %allusersprofile%\Documents\My Music
; 16438 %allusersprofile%\Documents\My Pictures
; 16439 %allusersprofile%\Documents\My Videos
; 16440 C:\WINDOWS\resources
; 16441 C:\WINDOWS\resources\0409
; 16443 %userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\CD Burning

Add this line to your TXTSETUP.SIF:

AddReg = runoncex.inf,NewHive

Learned so far:

Double quotes in registry entries halt the setup at 10 minutes of start. Happily informs you where is the offended line.

At T-13 [NewHive] section shows up. [WinXP.Tweak] executes. Any error at this stage halt the setup without a trace.

At First-Logon [WinXP.apps] section shows up.

At last [WinXP.Cleanup] executes

If you run from CD replace all %24% instances with %1%.

If you need run all al T-13 stage (not tested) replace that line from TXTSETUP.SIF:

AddReg = runoncex.inf,WinXP.apps

I'm curious about people .inf type RunOnceEx. If you own one please post it in this thread.

You can try placing
rundll32.exe iernonce.dll,RunOnceExProcess

in a batch file after you import your runonceex keys.

That's correct.

Run all those REG ADD ----- things.

Then at the end of the batch-file (just before EXIT), have that command, and RunOnce is processed right then and there.

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