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What line/lines are you using to install Winamp and to register it? As in copy paste what you TRIED to get Winamp to register via the MSI. I'm betting it's a simple issue as mistype or not proper syntax


K I was wrong,

so I can't get it working with runonceex:

REG ADD %KEY%\074 /VE /D "WinAmp 5.05" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\074 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\install\WinAmp\winamp.msi /qn Xaudio=1 Xjump=1" /f

after install finished I tried manualy
winamp.msi /qn Xaudio=1 Xjump=1

If I manualy try to register it won't work:

winamp.msi /qn Xaudio=1 Xjump=1 Xuser=username Xkey=XXX-KEY-ETC
even tried
winamp.msi /qn Xaudio=1 Xjump=1 Xuser="username" Xkey="XXX-KEY-ETC"

did you try moving the /qn AFTER the others? did you try adding msiexec.exe /i prior to the whole thing?

The registration thing, try XNAME not XUSER. Wrong switch.

winamp.msi /qn Xaudio=1 Xjump=1 Xuser=username Xkey=XXX-KEY-ETC
winamp.msi Xaudio=1 Xjump=1 Xuser=username Xkey=XXX-KEY-ETC /qn

Is that what you mean ? And no I didn't run msiexec.exe /i , why ?


Then what do you think of this

I put this inside my runonceex:

REG ADD %KEY%\074 /VE /D "WinAmp 5.05" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\074 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\install\WinAmp\winamp.msi /qn Xaudio=1 Xjump=1" /f

also tried
REG ADD %KEY%\074 /VE /D "WinAmp 5.05" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\074 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\install\WinAmp\winamp.msi /qn Xfull=1" /f

None worked.


only reason I can see that it didn't work, is that maybe you're overwriting 074 somewhere else in your file. Did you try moving /qn after Xfull=1 or whatever. Other then that, I see NO reason why it won't work for you.


djees!! I've been searching for a simple way to silent install winamp! now finally found it!

I'm using RunOnceEx, have One Question:

Is this possible (check the switches, Xfull...)

REG ADD %KEY%\065 /VE /D "Installing Winamp" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\065 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\install\winamp\winamp.msi Xfull=1 XQuicklaunch=0 XDesktop =0 XStartmenu=0 XAgent=0 Xtray=0" /qb /f

Or will ther be a conflict cos first I'm saying Xfull=1 and then I'm saying no shortcuts, no agent no tray?

I prefer this way because else I have to say 0 or 1 for ALL the switches... then ofcourse I would use an INI file... but if above is allowed.. I do not need an INI file!

Who can tell me?


Xfull negattes all else (in terms of components). It supercedes XAgent and Xtray.

As for the shortcuts....only thing that affects them are those switches.


I kinda found a way to make skins available for Winamp. Basically, copy the Winamp Skins you want (from C:\Program Files\Winamp\Skins) to ($OEM$\$Progs\Winamp\Skins\). This will copy the skins you want for Winamp. Now If someone knows a Reg file to actually load the skin in Winamp instead of having to manually do it, that would be great....


Powerhouse, the below is how to pre-set your WA5 skin auto:

1. Have your skin (K-Jofol_V5.wal, for example) in "%ProgramFiles%\Winamp\Skins" (as you already have).

2. Your Winamp.ini in the "%ProgramFiles%\Winamp" folder should have this:


That's all. You can have a winamp.ini pre-set to how you want it, being copied to that folder, or you can pre-config even more things, and have as much as is required alone in that file, being copied to that folder.

Although, I don't know how the new change in WA 5.05 (which asks for confirmation of skin change) affect this method.


Funny you should mention WA5.05, as that is what I am using....

With 5.05, the skins don't have names like K-Jofol_V5.wal. There is a skin.xml (not sure if this is the same thing or not) as well as a bunch of sub-folders (about, fonts, images, opensource_notifier, scripts, stickmode, window, xml, etc) which appear to be different for each theme.


Probably you're basing that (above post) on the fact that "Winamp Modern" the skin, has itself in a folder.

But no, its not necessarily so. Even the .WAL and .WSZ single-file skins of winamp are actually folders. Try renaming those skin files to .ZIP and opening them! ;) And try ZIPping up the winamp modern folder, and renaming to .wal and using it as a skin! They're all the same, as you can see.


I should note, you don't need to create your own WINAMP.INI if you use this MSI.

there is a switch XSKIN that all it does is set the skin= setting in the winamp.ini file. It puts WHATEVER you specify directly into that setting. So theoretically, if you new the name of the skin, you could put it there, and if present upon first run (meaning you could copy it just before you started Winamp for all it cares)it will use the skin, otherwise it will default to Classic.

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