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longer boot time with SP2


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I downloaded and installed SP2 last night. I would say that my boot time is an average of about 20 seconds longer than SP1.

Anything I can disable to quicken my boot time with SP2?

If I,m not mistaken, when SP2 is installed it automatically adds to the startup 1) Seurity Center, 2) Windows Firewall configuration, 3) Automatic Updates setup, 4) Windows firewall configuration, 5) Wireless networking setup options. None of these need to launch at setup, especially if you have told Windows what you want to use & what not; plus, access to them is available through the Control Panel at anytime if you want to make changes. I would remove them from startup & expect to see a faster boot.

Also, try running HijackThis! program to see what Code 04 startup entries are added (most are in the registry & thus won't show up in the startup folder); you can disable any you don't want.

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When I updated my computer to SP2, I also noticed a longer boot time. On average, I went from 1:30 to over 3:00 minutes. I then reformatted with a slipstreamed SP2 CD, and my boot time is now under a minute, which is shorter than when I had reformatted with SP1a. My advice to you is to reformat with a slipstreamed copy. It may help.

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