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Running MMC within WinPE


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I've tried registering the DLL files in the Startnet.cmd file with the command line "regsvr32.exe [DLL Filename]", however I get the below error messages;

MMCBASE.DLL - mmcbase.dll was loaded but the DLLRegisterServer entry point was not found. This file can not be registered.

MMCNDMGR.DLL - DLLRegisterServer in mmcndmgr.dll succeded.

MMCSHEXT.DLL - LoadLibrary("MMCshext.dll") failed - The specified module could not be found.

Am I doing the right thing by trying to register the DLL's on bootup??


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I have now found that you need some, if not all of the files listed in the thread (http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=15709) "Tutorial: Add Explorer To Windows PE!"

I have found that the MSC file you are opening, must also reside on a read/write meduim, such as a ramdrive.

Will post response with final resolution for those who would like to know.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Here we as a group of PE users tend to shy away from Bart's as we like to do things ourselves, and also some have legit licenses to use WinPE from MS. But for those of you who like Bart's PE good on you. I personally can't stand trying to use it.

Back on topic:

Did you ever get this working?

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Here we as a group of PE users tend to shy away from Bart's as we like to do things ourselves, and also some have legit licenses to use WinPE from MS.  But for those of you who like Bart's PE good on you.  I personally can't stand trying to use it. 

Back on topic:

Did you ever get this working?

I have it working on read-only media. Complete with opening *.MSC and all ;)

I am using the newest WinPE OPK, however. It is WinPE OPK 2004. It comes with plug and play support and unlimited resources amoung other improvements.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I also have the WinPE 2k4 and have been using it for a while trying to do old things with a new PE. I would LOVE to see a tutorial or a real quick walk thru on how u got the winpe 2k4 working with explorer etc etc.

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I also have the WinPE 2k4 and have been using it for a while trying to do old things with a new PE. I would LOVE to see a tutorial or a real quick walk thru on how u got the winpe 2k4 working with explorer etc etc.

Just search for Metzen on the 911cd forums. I made a couple of tutorials on making the MMC work within WinPE, including the disk defragmenter and disk management console. Here is the link with instructions on how I got it working.

I used the same guide to get the MMC working in WinPE 2004. There was a lot more work involved in getting Explorer and IE working, including getting the MMC's to not need rewritable media (IIRC, you have to create a MMC folder somewhere that makes it so you don't need R/W media).


I used this method to get Explorer working within Windows PE.

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I have tried numerous guides for winpe sp1 but none of them worked with winpe sp2, if your saying these guides worked for winpe sp2 that would rock!! If not ide love to get more information, on any nuances that I might need to know to adapt the older tutorials to the newer winpe. Im more intrested in getting explorer then MMC but it seems if explorer works then MMC should almost fall into place. Thanks soo much for ur linkts Metzen I appreciate it alot. Im hoping the Dr. guide will work with the new winpe.

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well my taskbar is a thin gray line at the bottom no start button, everything is prety messed up I mean it workes but very very minimally, not what I would call a usable explorer. I followed the guide to a T and have even branched out quite a bit and tried adding and doing some stuff myself and it gave it just a little bit more of a working interface but still not good at all, Im wondering if there is anything outside the guides that u may have done with the new winpe that may have yielded better results for you. :)

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Well I was up all night trying to get it working I ended up adding all sorts of stuff and it gets a little better but still very very far from perfect. Ill post some screenshots and stuff of my failed attempts in a little bit. But until then I think there is something new in the new WinPE that im missing er something.

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well my taskbar is a thin gray line at the bottom no start button, everything is prety messed up I mean it workes but very very minimally, not what I would call a usable explorer. I followed the guide to a T and have even branched out quite a bit and  tried adding and doing some stuff myself and it gave it just a little bit more of a working interface but still not good at all, Im wondering if there is anything outside the guides that u may have done with the new winpe that may have yielded better results for you. :)

All problems you face will either be: a missing registry entry (or improper one) or a missing file. The files are an easy fix, you can simply copy them to the \i386\system32 folder.

Registry problems, on the other hand, are more difficult to track down, but possible using the right tools. I use filemon, regmon and regshot. Unfortunately, the lastest versions of filemon and regmon do not work in WinPE because they store their driver files inside the .exe and temporairily install them into your WinPE folder upon launch then delete the drivers upon exit. But I did find a version of FileMon and RegMon that has been modified so that those driver have been extracted.

I've attached the two driver files below (Regsys.sys and filem.sys) and they will need to be put in your Winpe\SYSTEM32\Drivers directory. You can go to sysinternals site and download Filemon.exe and Regmon.exe and put them somewhere on your CD and they should now work.

With the registry, you'll need to make sure of a couple of things:

1) You use relative paths, not absolute.

IOW, if you open your registry and go to:


You'll see the Bitmap is "%SystemRoot%\system32\SHELL32.dll,4"

This is a absolute path and you'll need to change that registry value to:


For ALL of your registry entries. With WinPE 2004, it's a little easier with the CD always being drive X:, so you could use a absolute path, and sadly, some registry entries require an absolute path, but unfortunately that's a huge guess and test scenario that you will have to figure out using regmon.


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Here is a directory structure to get explorer in WinPE working to it's finest:

@set USERPROFILE=Z:\Documents and Settings\Default User
@set TEMP=Z:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Local Settings\TEMP
@set TMP=Z:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Local Settings\TEMP
@mkdir "Z:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Local Settings\TEMP"
@mkdir "Z:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Application Data\Microsoft\MMC"
@mkdir "Z:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Desktop"
@mkdir "Z:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Favorites"
@mkdir "Z:\Documents and Settings\Default User\History"
@mkdir "Z:\Documents and Settings\Default User\NetHood"
@mkdir "Z:\Documents and Settings\Default User\My Documents"
@mkdir "Z:\Documents and Settings\Default User\PrintHood"
@mkdir "Z:\Documents and Settings\Default User\SendTo"
@mkdir "Z:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
@attrib +H "Z:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
@xcopy "%SYSTEMROOT%\STARTMENU\*.*" "Z:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Start Menu\Programs"
@mkdir "Z:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Templates"
@mkdir "Z:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Local Settings\TEMP"
@mkdir "Z:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Application Data\Microsoft\MMC"
@mkdir "Z:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Desktop"
@mkdir "Z:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Favorites"
@mkdir "Z:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\History"
@mkdir "Z:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\NetHood"
@mkdir "Z:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\My Documents"
@mkdir "Z:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\PrintHood"
@mkdir "Z:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Recent"
@mkdir "Z:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\SendTo"
@mkdir "Z:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
@mkdir "Z:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Templates"
@mkdir "Z:\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\Local Settings\TEMP"
@mkdir "Z:\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\Application Data\Microsoft\MMC"
@mkdir "Z:\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\Desktop"
@mkdir "Z:\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\Favorites"
@mkdir "Z:\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\History"
@mkdir "Z:\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\NetHood"
@mkdir "Z:\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\My Documents"
@mkdir "Z:\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\PrintHood"
@mkdir "Z:\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\Recent"
@mkdir "Z:\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\SendTo"
@mkdir "Z:\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
@mkdir "Z:\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\Templates"
@mkdir "Z:\Downloaded Program Files"

NOTE: I have installed a RAMDisk in my WinPE, and you'll need to configure your registry keys "profilesdir", etc to point to these folders, wherever you store them.

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This is great info Metzen im gonna give it a go in a few here. Ill let you know how I fare. Also I am wonfering if I need a ramdrive or not for this, In the end I will be adding a ramdrive but im wondering if it is required to get explorer running still. I was under the impression with winpe2k4 you dont need to have a ramdrive to get explorer working but I dont know for sure.

Oh Funny while I was posting the above you were posting a sequal to your post heh, We musta been typing at the same time. I have just as an expirement taken and I did this in levels not all at once so I can see what effects it. but Ive added all the files from windows the whole dawm dir haha I have a 740 meg winpe right now (Just for experimentation of course) and I am still missing ALOT of Explorer stuff, I know alot of it lies in the reg but Im not sure where, I know most of the reg or the backup I guess is in c:\windows\system32\config so I tried to import them over to PE just to see since I have 740 megs of files in there as well, and a couple things fix them selves but mostly I get more issues hehe. But im gonna give ur info a go now Metzen and see what happens, Thanx Again!

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