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switches for all!?!

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ok now that the topic title grabbed your attnetion :rolleyes:...

hi all!

ive been around this forum for about a month now, not really posting at all,

but just listening and reading and learning from all of ur posts, and i must say i really appreciate all the work that people have been doing around here, there are too many names to remember, but thx!

application switches i am looking for (and im sure others are too):

soulseek www.slsknet.org

**** NFO viewer search on google for it

ultraFXP www.ultrafxp.com


if anyone can help me on these i would appreciate it alot! THX! :)

btw if it helps, soulseek uses ginstall, but i couldt find any switches for it

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dude, seriously you need to search before you post...**** nfo viewer has been answered, ultrafxp is a winrar executable - repack it and set it for silent...freshui uses inno setup...now soulseek i dunno, but the others have been answered. If soulseek uses ginstall, youre better off using inctrl5 and logging the install, then making your own installer for it as I couldnt find a way to make ginstall silent

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like evilvoice said, did you even think to try searching the board? or even look in the Application Switch thread.

soulseek uses the ghostinstaller, did you try searching for that? If you did, also search for UltraEdit. It uses the same isntaller.

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and yo!

ultrafxp is NOT! a winrar executable!

the setup file itself its like an installer and its not a winrar installer either its a proper installer like installshield or inno

maybe u got the old version?

and whats inctrl5? im google searching it now , thx for the tips guys

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hmm, try click on UltraFXP v1.07 RAR Package next time :) it doesnt use any reg settings that I could find, and he even offers the rar package...so next time, check the coders webpage before you tell me that it does not come a certain way :rolleyes:...PS I chose this method so I could add the additional packages with ease.

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k thanks evilvoice and weed , really appreciate it, im doing this for myself and also for a school project so im a litle short on time

weed...i want to include the latest version of soulseek (152), could u tell me how u made ur msi file? did u use the discover wizard on wininstall LE?

and anyone still out there...**** nfo viewer isnt anywhere in site (as in, in SITE, the website, lol), ive searched eveywhere and cant find it :)

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soulseek can be repacked with winrar in a sfx rar exe. just put slsk.exe, message.wav and readme.txt in the rar sfx exe. then make a registry file using this:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


"InstallPath"="C:\\Program Files\\Soulseek"

and then put "regedit /s nameofreg.reg" in run after extraction section.

I made a setup using inno setup instead of this. much cleaner than using windows installer IMO.

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I've extracted the UltraFXP.rar in the $Progs-directory of the $oem$-dir. The setup will automatically put this into C:\Programs i.e. Then I made a cmd-file which copies the ultrafxp.lnk (taken from my current installation) into the Startmenue and put it into the runonceex.cmd

That works :)

...simple but effective

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  • 4 months later...
soulseek can be repacked with winrar in a sfx rar exe.  just put slsk.exe, message.wav and readme.txt in the rar sfx exe.  then make a registry file using this:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


"InstallPath"="C:\\Program Files\\Soulseek"

and then put "regedit /s nameofreg.reg" in run after extraction section.

I made a setup using inno setup instead of this.  much cleaner than using windows installer IMO.

how do i silently execute a sfx exe file?

also, what does that reg setting do?

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