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I just doubled my DSL speed wooohoooo

I had 1.5Mbps/256Kbps

now I got 3Mbps/384Kbps and static IP

only $5 more a month $39.99 I cant believe it


Raleigh, NC

Bellsouth FastAccess DSL XTreme

they have 3 spees Lite .750, Ultra 1.5 and Xtreme 3.0

This was released not long after our local cable company

boosted their service to 2Mbps


lol, I am using Bellsouth Fast Access as well, their most expensive option, and still I'm paying more and getting less than my neighbors on cable, I just wish I could get cable, or that Bellsouth would boost my lines to 3.0/512 now instead of "sometime in the next 6 months".


The only reason I found out about this is ... I was gonna switch to Cable and I called to cancel my DSL and they asked why ... I said speed ... they said ... oh we have this new service ... they arent advertising it yet but it is on there website.

@Chaosratt ... have you called them to see if you can get upgraded to Xtreme?


Ill check, but they only made DSL avaiable a few weeks ago. Its the stupidest thing in the world, I can look out my window right now and see the cable lines up on the telephone poles, I can also see where it ends, aprox 1/2 mile down the road.....

It has been like that for 8 years.......

I bet my friend $150 that since bellsouth came in with DSL, Brighthouse would be here in 60 days extending that cable line to the end of the street. So far I'm losing that bet, but theres plent of time left....

Hm... acording to their site the Xtreme is the same price that I am now paying for the Ultra *begins dialing Bellsouth's # *

Dont you love the way they are hideing it ... LOL


Goes to show that when you will stop paying just how fast they can come up with an alternative to keep you paying. In this case at least an alternative was available and worked out to your advantage.

Like a few months ago I upped my plan for about $10.00 more a month, but was not getting the advertised speed. Matter of fact the speed was about the same as the original plan, so I to called and said I wanted to go back to the cheaper plan for that reason. They asked me to wait a few days and they would have a tech look into it. Boom. Speeds were suddenly as advertised!

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