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j2se runtime environment 5.0 update 22


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Anybody know where I can get the offline version of this update?  The version I have wants to go online to a now non-existant web page.  I have the app and the jrestub but it wants to download a file named 1.5.0_06-b05.xml to complete installation.  Any help appreciated.  Thaqnks.

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25 minutes ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

Did that earlier today.  Although I'll try it tonight, I'll bet it's the online version.  The only downloads on Oracle's site are the SDK versions (offered as online or off-line) , not the JRE versions.  If someone still had that XML file that would help.  Don't remember if Java does a post install clean-up but it probably does because I checked my ME system and it wasn't there.

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On 1/30/2023 at 5:25 PM, NotHereToPlayGames said:

Offline JRE.

Just installed in a VirtualBox XP with internet disabled.  Would take me a few days to dig up my old ME.  This should be what you are looking for.





Yep.  I looked thru my ME installation but didn't see any XML file.  Probably does a clean up after the install.  I do have copies of all the Java versions I've ever installed but they all seem to be online versions.  I even found one on the web yesterday that was supposedly the offline version but it wasn't.  Every update I've ever done on my systems I've saved and burned to disc in case they disappear from the web.  Appreciate you taking the time to look thru your ME installation.

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Yes, Oracle removed the JavaRuntime offline installer jre-1_5_0_22-windows-i586-p.exe, but why you think the file on oldversion.com is an online installer? It is offline.
You can also look on archive.org, for example  https://web.archive.org/web/20210127174644/https://www.oldapps.com/java.php

Did you try to install it without internet connection. The setup could finish after a short while.

You can try, too.

It is very common that old Java leftovers cause problems.

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On 2/1/2023 at 4:55 AM, schwups said:

Yes, Oracle removed the JavaRuntime offline installer jre-1_5_0_22-windows-i586-p.exe, but why you think the file on oldversion.com is an online installer? It is offline.
You can also look on archive.org, for example  https://web.archive.org/web/20210127174644/https://www.oldapps.com/java.php

Did you try to install it without internet connection. The setup could finish after a short while.

You can try, too.

It is very common that old Java leftovers cause problems.

I'm going by what the Oracle webpage said.  It showed an offline version that ended with a -p.exe and an online version that ended with a -itfw.exe.  Also. the -itfw.exe version was much smaller which makes sense.  So I assumed that all the java -p.exe updates out there were the offline version.  Not all websites really know what they have.  All the versions I've tried so far have cranked up the internet connection and when I cancelled the internet connection, the update ended with nothing done.  That's pretty decisive.  I'll try the one you mention above but I'm pretty sure I already downloaded the version that was on OldApps.

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For now, this is the newest I have found. It is vs

It is the full offline version.

I'll look around a bit more. I tend to avoid Java, so haven't kept bookmarks of online archives.


Here we go, And here, just in case.

Sorry if that does not work. It seemed like you wanted the update? But they are all the JRE 1586-p.

I am Java ignorant.... And maybe then some.

Edited by awkduck
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9 hours ago, justacruzr2 said:

I'm going by what the Oracle webpage said.  It showed an offline version that ended with a -p.exe and an online version that ended with a -itfw.exe.  Also. the -itfw.exe version was much smaller which makes sense.  So I assumed that all the java -p.exe updates out there were the offline version.  Not all websites really know what they have.  All the versions I've tried so far have cranked up the internet connection and when I cancelled the internet connection, the update ended with nothing done.  That's pretty decisive.  I'll try the one you mention above but I'm pretty sure I already downloaded the version that was on OldApps.

"You're killin' me, Smalls."

I've showed you screencaps of the provided link installing without an internet connection.

THAT seems "pretty decisive" to me - yet we're FOUR DAYS in?

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13 hours ago, justacruzr2 said:

All the versions I've tried so far have cranked up the internet connection and when I cancelled the internet connection, the update ended with nothing done.  That's pretty decisive.

I would not classify this as decisive.

It could be something as simple as "Installer Version A" looks for an update (via internet) and decides for itself to NOT install "Version A" but fetches "Version B" instead.

DISABLE your internet connection before doing ANY install.  Good Rule of Thumb because MOST installers "phone home" in some sort of way.

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On 2/3/2023 at 3:47 AM, NotHereToPlayGames said:

"You're killin' me, Smalls."

I've showed you screencaps of the provided link installing without an internet connection.

THAT seems "pretty decisive" to me - yet we're FOUR DAYS in?

I have tried all the versions that have been provided and some that I found.  They all do the same thing.  Start the Internet connection.  When I've allowed them to go ahead with the call they return an error that they can't find some XML file that is required to complete the install.  When I cancel the Internet connection they end and do nothing.  I don't know how to make that any clearer.

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On 2/3/2023 at 7:00 AM, NotHereToPlayGames said:

I would not classify this as decisive.

It could be something as simple as "Installer Version A" looks for an update (via internet) and decides for itself to NOT install "Version A" but fetches "Version B" instead.

DISABLE your internet connection before doing ANY install.  Good Rule of Thumb because MOST installers "phone home" in some sort of way.

That's what I figure too.  But Oracle isn't interested in servicing a nearly 20 year old app and the location, which I think is java.oracle.com/update/ etc, has probably long ago been de-activated.  And as I said above, when I cancel the connection, the install terminates with nothing done.  The only way I see now is to get that XML file and put it in the folder with the executable.  But I have searched for that XML file online and find nothing.  I suppose I could try the Java 6 update 31 which supposedly works with KernelEx and see what happens.  I also have some previous versions that I saved (Java 1.1 and 1.3) and I did try 1.3 to see if it worked and it did.  But that's going backward.

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On 2/2/2023 at 9:42 PM, awkduck said:

For now, this is the newest I have found. It is vs

It is the full offline version.

I'll look around a bit more. I tend to avoid Java, so haven't kept bookmarks of online archives.


Here we go, And here, just in case.

Sorry if that does not work. It seemed like you wanted the update? But they are all the JRE 1586-p.

I am Java ignorant.... And maybe then some.

Thanks awduck.  It looks to be the same as all the others I've tried.  But I'll try it anyway.  Reason for that version is that it was the last to support the 9x series OS's.  Supposedly the Java 6 update 31 will install with KernelEx and I'll try that too as a last resort.

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I know from my own experience that Java installer errors can drive you to despair.
I had a variety of Java errors, but I can't remember this one.

- 1.5.0_06-b05.xml? Did you install version 1.5.0_06 before? Maybe a leftover or something is pending of that installation.
- WindowsInstaller 2 (2.0.2600.2) required.
- Yes, Java 6 requires KernelEx. https://kernelex.sourceforge.net/wiki/Sun_Java_Runtime_Environment

This helps in some cases, but probably it doesn't include a solution for your case:  


Edited by schwups
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@justacruzr2 Do you by chance have 1.5.0_06 already installed? It is weird that it wants a prior Java version XML file.

If so, you could uninstall it. Then try to install via the update 22 file.

You might also try the AUTO_UPDATE=DISABLE argument. Maybe even the STATIC=1 argument.

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