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Vista beta games for XP?


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16 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

You are all correct!  You all have very HIGH "reputations" now.

Well, a couple of days ago, I up-voted six (or so) of your posts in one day, all because I really liked them, I only place likes on what I like. Just post good, interesting content, people will get you the "likes", including me.

As for Vista beta games on XP and this old thread, the bot actually helped me to find it by bumping this old thread. Thanks, dear bot.

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All I know is "keep doing what you are doing".  Three or four of you will be over 10k in no time!

All the power to you!  I agree with the moderators that keep saying it is a meaningless number.

But ask any newcomer and they'll disagree.  They see mod or admin next to a user's name, that means something.  They see a huge "reputation" score and that means something.

literally just laugh each and every time I see one person post ten likes in a row when I launch my MSFN shortcut - https://msfn.org/board/discover/

I just see it as some sort of CONTEST on who will hit 10k first.

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it depents what is being opened again, while others got no solution (like the disc question from cixert regarding the 512 sectors)

it looks simple to do that aka "addressing a 512 bit/maybe byte? and writing 512 bits there - ongoing repeatment) - the idea then was just to use bigger sectors like 4 mb sectors 

i dont see a problem with using 4 mb sectors, however i think xp might have a static value for this. so it has to be changed in the operating system maybe

the next idea was that the firmware actually emulates/translate higher sectors to lower sectors / and oposite 

so far there is no solution regarding that discspace question


while others have solutions like that TLS 1.3 , but it would be better to have it into the crypto modules itself (so a better solution would be good) - also the files that are used to say that make the entrys regarding TLS 1.2 seems to be a little wrong there are 3 upgrades posted doing the same thing 

(also TLS 1.3 was taken by having newer versions of chrome already) 


the codec question also has open questions - there are some solutions but some are missing for example the h.266 (both picture and video) or h.265 regarding (.avif) (.heic was taken)


is it really a bot ? if so he actually makes XP stuff

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