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USB Format Tool and UEFI_MULTI


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USB Format Tool - Make Bootable USB Drive with MBR and 2 Partitions

USB Multi-Boot of Linux ISO + Windows 10 VHD + Win10XPE in BIOS Or UEFI Secure mode

1 - Format USB Drive with MBR and 2 Partitions = Active FAT32 + NTFS
2 - UEFI_MULTI can Add VHD or PE WIM File Booting from RAMDISK
3 - Copy Linux ISO files to folder images on FAT32 - Boot UEFI Grub2 and BIOS Grub4dos
4 - USB drive Booting with Windows Boot Manager Menu in BIOS or UEFI Mode

Download:  USB Format Tool  and  UEFI_MULTI  at wimb GitHub

More Info:  Install Windows 10 from USB after booting with WIM or VHD and in  Win10_Install.pdf

USB_FORMAT_2020-07-07_160714.jpg.646c6ecd269b5fcad5dfba93a372a2bc.jpg == UEFI_MULTI_2020-07-07_143929.jpg.cf20e0eef1a9fcff492350e087be82a3.jpg

Linux ISO Info:
UEFI Secure boot support requires Format Drive using Grub2 as EFI Manager
Copy and Rename your Linux ISO files to folder images on FAT32 USB Boot drive U-BOOT

Supported filenames for Linux ISO in folder images are:

linuxmint.iso and runtimelivecd.iso and knoppix.iso and ubuntu.iso and kali-linux.iso and Porteus.iso PassWord=toor

Download:  Linux-Mint and Knoppix-Live and Ubuntu and Porteus x86_64 and Kali 64-bit Live

Booting Linux ISO files in images folder:
UEFI mode - Linux Mint Grub2 booting with FAT32 file \EFI\Boot\BOOTx64.EFI and \Boot\grub\grub.cfg and grub_Linux.cfg Menu
UEFI mode - Super UEFI Grub2 booting with FAT32 file \EFI\Boot\BOOTx64.EFI and \grub\grub.cfg  and grub_Linux.cfg Menu
MBR BIOS  - a1ive Grub2 Boot Manager installed in MBR and booting with \grub\grub.cfg and grub_Linux.cfg Menu
MBR BIOS  - also available Grub4dos Menu booting with menu.lst and menu_Linux.lst

Booting Linux ISO files in iso folder:
UEFI mode - GRUB2 Live ISO Multiboot (glim) menu in folder \grub\glim\main.cfg and inc-linux.cfg files
MBR BIOS  - GRUB2 Live ISO Multiboot (glim) menu in folder \grub\glim\main.cfg and inc-linux.cfg files
MBR BIOS  - also available Grub4dos Menu booting with menu.lst and menu_Linux.lst


In case UEFI Grub2 is not available as Boot option in your F8 Boot Menu then you need to use BOOTICE to Add UEFI entry.
Unneeded for USB-Stick, but UEFI Grub2 boot entry is easily lost in case of Portable SSD.
Select as UEFI Boot entry the Linux Mint Grub2 file \EFI\Boot\BOOTx64.EFI



a1ive Grub2 File Manager Info:
Not needed since booting straight with Linux ISO using Grub4dos in BIOS mode and Grub2 in UEFI mode is preferred.
But if you prefer support of a1ive Grub2 File Manager - Download Addons at wimb GitHub

Use R-mouse 7-zip menu to Extract here will Add the content of addon to existing folder and confirm Overwrites with yes

In x64 program use Super EFI Manager as setting for support of a1ive Grub2 File Manager
In this way the files of a1ive Grub2 File Manager and Super-UEFIinSecureBoot-Disk_minimal_v3 (more info) are Added to the USB Multi-Boot Drive



How to Boot from USB with AIO Boot 
- USB_FORMAT - Format USB Drive with MBR and 2 Partitions = Active FAT32 + NTFS
- Download AIOBoot-v0. - Unpack and Copy content of folder AIOBoot-v0.9.9.9 to USB FAT32 and overwrite existing UEFI Boot files
- On USB run  AIOCreator.exe - Select Integration Linux OS and your Linux ISO
- UEFI_MULTI will Keep AIO UEFI files and Add a1ive Grub2 File Manager to AIO\grubfm and Add Boot Manager entry \AIO\grub\grub2win 


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addons  v7-beta3 with support for a1ive Grub2 File Manager - agFM

Use R-mouse 7-zip menu to Extract here will Add the content of addon to existing folder
Confirm Overwrites with yes

x64 Program with setting Other EFI Manager will Copy .....\UEFI_MAN\efi content to folder EFI on USB FAT32 Boot Drive
x64 Program with setting Other EFI Manager will Copy .....\UEFI_MAN\ENROLL_THIS_KEY_IN_MOKMANAGER.cer to root of USB FAT32 Boot Drive

In this way the files of a1ive Grub2 File Manager and Super-UEFIinSecureBoot-Disk_minimal_v3 are Added to the USB Multi-Boot Drive

Personally I prefer to have Portable SSD booting in BIOS and UEFI Secure mode from USB with Win10XPE (most powerful) from RAMDISK and Win10 VHD as FILEDISK.
If desired one can add Ubuntu or Knoppix ISO booting with Grub4dos in BIOS mode and with Grub2 in UEFI Secure mode using the supplied Linux menu entries.
Adding a1ive Grub2 File Manager agFM is not needed and booting through agFM is often slower and less reliable for the Linux ISO files.
agFM is looking nice and is especially quite useful to boot Linux ISO files for which no entries are given yet to boot straight with Grub4dos or Grub2.

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Update of Manual:  

- Added Section: How to make USB Drive booting with various Linux ISO versions in BIOS and in UEFI Secure mode

UEFI_MULTI supports three ways to Boot Linux ISO files:

1. Boot from USB straight with Grub4dos menu entry in BIOS mode Or with Grub2 menu entry in UEFI Secure mode - method is fast and reliable
   menu entries are already available e.g. for linuxmint.iso - runtimelivecd.iso - knoppix.iso - ubuntu.iso - ubuntu-19.10-desktop-amd64.iso
2. Boot from USB with a1ive Grub2 File Manager, which is a blackbox that enables to select Linux ISO - available in BIOS and UEFI Secure mode
3. Boot from USB with AIO Boot - previous Integration of Linux ISO generates Grub4dos and Grub2 menu entries
   Method 2 and 3 are useful in case menu entry for method 1 is not (yet) available, but otherwise method 1 is preferred

Download:  USB_FORMAT  and   UEFI_MULTI


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Update USB_FORMAT-30-addon_v7-beta4.zip and UEFI_MULTI-96-addon_v7-beta4.zip available

Added Support for UEFI Secure booting with a lot of Linux ISO files by using:
- GRUB2 Live ISO Multiboot menu of Super-UEFIinSecureBoot-Disk_v3.zip is present in Addon v7-beta4
- Simply copy your Linux ISO file to USB Boot Drive in folder \iso\YourLinux

Download:  USB_FORMAT  and   UEFI_MULTI


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Update USB_FORMAT-31 and UEFI_MULTI-97 plus the Addon-glim-agFM files

- Added Grub2Win for booting in BIOS mode with GRUB2 Live ISO Multiboot menu for a lot of Linux ISO files like with Grub2 in UEFI Secure mode

- Added Knoppix runtimelivecd.iso support for GRUB2 Live ISO Multiboot menu in BIOS and UEFI Secure mode

- Update of a1ive Grub2 File Manager

Download:  USB_FORMAT  and   UEFI_MULTI

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update USB_FORMAT-41 and UEFI_MULTI-41 plus the Addon-glim-agFM files

- USB_FORMAT - Make PE-Boot-WIM entry in Boot Manager Menu for booting with boot.wim file from RAMDISK
- After Format Drive simply copy your PE boot.wim file to USB Boot drive

- USB_FORMAT - Make Win10x64.vhd  VHD entry in Boot Manager Menu for booting with Win10x64.vhd file as FILEDISK
- After Format Drive simply copy and rename as Win10x64.vhd file in USB NTFS drive  of Portable SSD
- VHD FILEDISK option can only be added for Fixed USB Drives and Windows 10 Or Win10XPE as operating system

- The iso folder of Grub2 Live ISO Multiboot is moved to the root of USB Boot Drive
   instead of being a subfolder of EFI as implemented in SuperUEFIinSecure Boot Disk v3 Release
   The reason is that iso folder inside EFI is a source of trouble for booting Linux ISO files
- Simply Copy Your Linux ISO file to iso\YourLinux folder

- Update of a1ive Grub2 File Manager to v7.1.2
- Update of Manual Win10_Install.pdf
- In Win10x86 Or Win8.1 x86 OS - Support for UEFI x86 with file efi\boot\bootia32.efi from firmware file Windows\Boot\EFI\bootmgfw.efi

Download:  USB_FORMAT  and   UEFI_MULTI

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  • 1 month later...

Update UEFI_MULTI-42 plus the Addon-glim-agFM file

- Update of a1ive Grub2 File Manager to v7.2.0
- UEFI_MULTI-42 Grub4dos menu.lst has entries to boot in BIOS mode straight with Win10XPE_x64.ISO and WinPE.iso
- UEFI_MULTI-42 can make new entries for booting Windows ISO files with Grub4dos in BIOS mode
- UEFI_MULTI-42 is compatible with Ventoy USB Drive that was modified to have unhidden 130 MB FAT32 EFI Drive
- requires to adjust Ventoy EFI file grub\grub.cfg to make Ventoy Boot Menu with added Boot options for Windows Boot Manager and for Grub4dos and Grub2 Menu

USB Portable SSD - MultiBoot Ventoy Drive with support for booting VHD and WIM files in Windows BootManager and Grub4dos Menu and Grub2 Menu

Download:    UEFI_MULTI

Ventoy EFI file grub\grub.cfg - File given in UEFI_MULTI-42\UEFI_MAN\ventoy-1.0.11\grub folder


terminal_output  console

#colect all image files (iso files)
set ventoy_img_count=0
vt_list_img $iso_path ventoy_img_count

#Main menu
if [ $ventoy_img_count -gt 0 ]; then
    if [ $VTOY_DEFAULT_MENU_MODE -eq 0 ]; then
        vt_dynamic_menu 0 0 
        vt_dynamic_menu 0 1

    if [ "${grub_platform}" == "efi" ] -a [ -e "/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi" ]; then
    menuentry "Windows EFI BootManager" {
      chainloader /EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi

    if [ "${grub_platform}" == "pc" ] -a [ -e "/bootmgr" ]; then
    menuentry "Windows BootManager" {
      chainloader +1

    if [ "${grub_platform}" == "pc" ] -a [ -e "/grub.exe" ]; then
    menuentry "Grub4dos Menu" {
        linux /grub.exe

    if [ -e /grub_Linux.cfg ] -a [ -e "(hd0,msdos1)/images" ]; then
    menuentry "Grub2 Menu" {
      set iso_drive=(hd0,msdos1)
      export iso_drive
      configfile /grub_Linux.cfg

    menuentry "No ISO files found (Press enter to reboot ...)" {
        echo -e "\n    Rebooting ... "

UEFI_MULTI_Ventoy-2020-05-24_143621.jpg.e64d2048b60376bf636c677da875e0a8.jpg == 

Ventoy_EFI_2020-05-24_143833.jpg.56768231efe526789da0fb2c65b1419a.jpg == Ventoy_NTFS_2020-05-24_144735.jpg.f0a9626f43961318e4ca0d707f463a28.jpg

How to modify Ventoy USB Drive to have unhidden 130 MB FAT32 EFI Drive

1. Ventoy2Disk.exe is used first to Format USB Portable SSD
2. Ventoy Hidden EFI Drive on USB must be made visible
-  In Windows 10x64 use DiskPart > list vol and than select vol of EFI (in my case nr 14) - assign - EFI drive is mounted as e.g. Q:
-  Also possible is: After booting with Win10XPE from RAMDISK the Hidden EFI Drive is auto mounted
3. Copy folders and files from Ventoy EFI drive to folder e.g. V_EFI on your harddisk
4. In Windows Explorer Format Ventoy and EFI drive with NTFS FileSystem
5. In Windows Disk Management Remove Ventoy EFI partition
6. Reduce Size of Ventoy NTFS drive by 100 MB
7. In unused space Create New simple Volume with Label EFI and Size 130 MB and Format with FAT32 FileSystem
8. Copy folders and files from V_EFI folder back to your new created EFI partition
9. Modify or Replace on Ventoy EFI drive file grub\grub.cfg as indicated above
10. Copy some Linux ISO file and / or Win10XPE_x64.ISO and WinPE.iso file and folder Win10XPE with WIM file to Ventoy NTFS drive
11. Use UEFI_MULTI_x64.exe in Win10x64 OS - Select EFI drive as Boot Drive and Ventoy drive as System drive
12. Use UEFI_MULTI_x64.exe in Win10x64 OS - Select PE WIM e.g. boot.wim or Win10XPE.wim file Or Win10x64.vhd as Boot Image file
13. Click GO to make MultiBoot Ventoy Drive booting with WIM and VHD file in Windows BootManager and booting with Grub4dos Menu and Grub2 Menu

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Update USB_FORMAT-44 and UEFI_MULTI-44 plus the Addon-glim-agFM files

- UEFI_MULTI_x64.exe allows Run Again to Add Other Boot Image
- UEFI_MULTI_x64.exe supports to Make or Modify booting of internal harddisk having MBR or GPT partitioning
- Grub4dos Menu improved taking the effecst of two partition drives and Ventoy into account
- Added menu_Win_ISO.lst with preconfigured Grub4dos entries for Windows ISO files in folder images
- Update Grub4dos Menu files - menu.lst and menu_Linux.lst and menu_Win_ISO.lst

Copy Windows and Linux ISO files to folder images for booting with preconfigured Grub4dos entries as given in menu_Win_ISO.lst and menu_Linux.lst

Download:  USB_FORMAT  and   UEFI_MULTI

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Update USB_FORMAT-45 and UEFI_MULTI-45 plus the Addon-glim-agFM files

- Update of a1ive Grub2 File Manager to v7.3.0
- UEFI_MULTI improved user interface
- UEFI_MULTI can add Grub2Win as MBR Boot option in Windows Bootmanager Menu for booting Linux ISO files

Copy Windows and Linux ISO files to folder images for booting with preconfigured Grub4dos entries as given in menu_Win_ISO.lst and menu_Linux.lst

Download:  USB_FORMAT  and   UEFI_MULTI


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Update USB_FORMAT-47 and UEFI_MULTI-47 plus the Addon-glim-agFM files

- Removed Grub2win for booting from Windows Boot Manager in BIOS mode with Grub2
- Added a1ive Grub2 Boot Manager - installed in MBR for booting in BIOS mode with Grub2
- Added a1ive Grub2 Boot Manager - file efi\boot\grubx64_real.efi and Grub2 system for booting in UEFI mode with Grub2
- Update of Grub2 file grub_Linux.cfg and Grub4dos file menu_Linux.lst with preconfigured Menu entries
- UEFI_MULTI - improved compatibility with other USB Formatting Tools
- Format USB Drive for Booting with Windows Boot Manager Menu and /or Grub2 Boot Manager in MBR BIOS or UEFI mode
  with in MBR BIOS mode additional support of Grub4dos Menu
- Format USB Drive with two partitions FAT32 + NTFS  for booting WIM and VHD and Windows ISO and Linux ISO files using preconfigured Menu entries

Download Linux ISO file:
Linux Mint Cinnamon - https://linuxmint.com/download.php
Knoppix Runtime Live CD - https://www.runtime.org/data-recovery-live-cd.htm
Ubuntu Desktop - https://ubuntu.com/download/desktop
Porteus x86_64 PassWord=toor - http://www.porteus.org/ and http://porteus.org/porteus-mirrors.html and http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/dl.porteus.org/ 

Thanks to:
- a1ive for making Grub2 Boot Manager - https://github.com/a1ive/grub/releases
- a1ive for making Grub2 File Manager - https://github.com/a1ive/grub2-filemanager/releases
- ValdikSS for making Super UEFIinSecureBoot Disk v3 - https://github.com/ValdikSS/Super-UEFIinSecureBoot-Disk/releases  More Info:  https://habr.com/ru/post/446238/
- Matthias Saou - thias - for making glim - https://github.com/thias/glim
- chenall for making Grub4dos - https://github.com/chenall/grub4dos/releases and http://grub4dos.chenall.net/categories/downloads/

Download:  USB_FORMAT  and   UEFI_MULTI  -  More Info:   and  


USB_FORMAT_2020-07-07_160714.jpg.646c6ecd269b5fcad5dfba93a372a2bc.jpg == UEFI_MULTI_2020-07-07_143929.jpg.cf20e0eef1a9fcff492350e087be82a3.jpg


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  • 1 month later...

Update USB_FORMAT-49 and UEFI_MULTI-49 plus the Addon-glim-agFM files

- Added MBR BIOS mode Grub2 support in Grub4dos Menu using file core.img and Grub2 system folder i386-pc located in rootfolder grub
- MBR BIOS mode Grub2 Live ISO MultiBoot Menu for Linux ISO files added to subfolder of iso rootfolder
 e.g. for Kali Linux support add file kali-linux-2020.3-live-amd64.iso to folder iso\kali
- Support for Kali Linux ISO renamed as file kali-linux.iso in folder images
   booting straight with Grub2 Menu in UEFI Secure mode and with Grub4dos Menu in MBR BIOS mode
- Update of a1ive Grub2 Boot Manager Latest - https://github.com/a1ive/grub/releases
- Update of a1ive Grub2 File Manager 7.3.3 - https://github.com/a1ive/grub2-filemanager/releases
- Update for support of AIO Boot, which now also supports UEFI Secure Boot
- Perfect Integration of AIO Boot with USB_FORMAT and UEFI_MULTI to make most versatile MultiBoot USB Drive

How to Boot from USB with AIO Boot 
- USB_FORMAT - Format USB Drive with MBR and 2 Partitions = Active FAT32 + NTFS
- Download AIOBoot-v0. - Unpack and Copy content of folder AIOBoot-v0.9.9.8 to USB FAT32 and overwrite existing UEFI Boot files
- On USB run  AIOCreator.exe - Select Integration Linux OS and your Linux ISO
- UEFI_MULTI will Keep AIO UEFI files and Add a1ive Grub2 File Manager to AIO\grubfm and Add Boot Manager entry \AIO\grub\grub2win

Download Linux ISO file:
Linux Mint Cinnamon - https://linuxmint.com/download.php
Knoppix Runtime Live CD - https://www.runtime.org/data-recovery-live-cd.htm
Ubuntu Desktop - https://ubuntu.com/download/desktop
Porteus x86_64 PassWord=toor - http://www.porteus.org/ and http://porteus.org/porteus-mirrors.html and http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/dl.porteus.org/ 
Kali Linux - 64-bit Live - https://www.kali.org/downloads/

Rename as  linuxmint.iso - runtimelivecd.iso - knoppix.iso - ubuntu.iso - Porteus.iso - kali-linux.iso  in folder images

Download:  USB_FORMAT  and   UEFI_MULTI  -  

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Update USB_FORMAT-50 and UEFI_MULTI-50 plus the Addon-glim-agFM files

- Merged folder \EFI\grub with folder \grub so that a1ive Grub2 System for UEFI and MBR BIOS mode use the same folder  \grub
- AIO Menu has item Search Grub2 configfile that will find \grub\grub.cfg file for Grub2 Menu items of USB_FORMAT and UEFI_MULTI
- in this way AIO can make use of Grub2 Live ISO MultiBoot Menu for Linux ISO files added to subfolder of iso rootfolder
- AIO Menu can make use in MBR BIOS mode and in UEFI Secure mode of unextracted Linux ISO files simply copied to subfolder of iso rootfolder 

Download:  USB_FORMAT  and   UEFI_MULTI  -  





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Update USB_FORMAT-50 and UEFI_MULTI-50 plus the Addon-glim-agFM files

- Update menu_Linux.lst and grub_Linux.cfg menu files for booting Linux with persistence
- Added Make_Ext to make writable file with ext3 filesystem for Linux with persistence
- Update of Manual Win10_Install.pdf

Linux_2020-09-09_073435.jpg.33b3fde3c16dd51812a28931f24c7e30.jpg  Kali_Screenshot_2020-09-09_10-21-49.thumb.png.8ccf582871bb2967263fb29cd35f9ec4.png

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Update USB_FORMAT-50 and UEFI_MULTI-50 plus the Addon-glim-agFM files

- Added: 7-zip Compressed writable files with ext3 filesystem in subfolders of folder images
- Update of Manual Win10_Install.pdf

No need to use Make_Ext Or AIO Creator anymore to make writable files for booting Linux with persistence  

After using USB_FORMAT with Mint UEFI Grub2 support (addon is not needed)
-  Copy and Rename Linux ISO files to folder images on USB as indicated in Manual
-  On USB drive in corresponding Linux subfolder of folder images:
   Expand the 7-zip file to 500 MB writable file for persistence support

Preferred is Kali Linux 64-bit Live for Administrator tasks (forensic tasks and password cracking and wireshark)
For general Office Tasks then Linux Mint Cinnamon is preferred

Adding Linux ISO with persistence support to USB has never been so easy ....

Download:  USB_FORMAT  and   UEFI_MULTI  and Manual: Win10_Install.pdf

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