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ACPIOFF pack and patch for win 9x / 3x

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ACPIOFF is a win.com patch (currently only for Windows 98SE), and a small 16-bit WinOff16 utility that both allow you to shutdown Windows and invoke the utility from FreeDOS, FDAPM.COM, with the POWEROFF command, which tries to shutdown the machine through the interfaces APM and ACPI.

Look English doc at end TXT file


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You already can use winoff16 as Windows only (not machine) restarter, if just delete fdapm from windir.

It is will work with both 3X and 9X. But you can't do windows only restart, if using 9X with USB2 drivers! 

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  • 4 years later...

Is it possible to adapt this WIN.COM patch method to Windows 98 FE? I just tried "fdapm poweroff" from MS-DOS and the machine shut down gracefully. The method of shutting down from Windows with the WINOFF16.EXE program also works, but the method with WIN.COM does not work. Even LOGO=0 (Always used) and BootGui=0 (Disabled for the duration of this test) do not help. I renamed WIN.ENG from the "ACPIOFF4.zip" archive to WIN.COM and put it in the WINDOWS folder (Together with: FDAPM.COM; WINEXIT.BAT; WINOFF16.EXE). Did not help.

WINOFF16.EXE shuts down the computer for a long time, but it is guaranteed. As an alternative, is it possible to bind WINOFF16.EXE to "Start=>Shut Down...=>Shut Down=>OK" so that instead of the standard procedure, WINOFF16.EXE will be executed whenever the computer is shut down in the normal way?

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  • 3 months later...
On 8/25/2023 at 8:24 PM, defuser said:

Is it possible to adapt this WIN.COM patch method to Windows 98 FE?

probally, yes. but i not use FE...

moreover, on my new machine (chinese C612 mobo + xeon 2666v3) fdapm not work.

Edited by MERCURY127
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