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BACKGROUND: My client was hit by a crypto ransomware. The machine has Windows 8.1. However, his disk was partitioned and all datafiles were in disk D:, which is FAT-32. I have created a copy of the D: disk, from which I have already recovered some files still intact, so I have reason to believe the ransomware was not able to encrypt the whole contents of that disk. The folder I recovered contained assorted .jpg .gif .doc .docx and .pdf files, all of them intact, and all those types of files are usually targeted by that malware. However, some other files did get encrypted. I verified that when .pdfs are encrypted they keep the name but the %PDF signature at their 1st four bytes disappears. I intend to do a fast evaluation of how far did the encryptation go, so I thought of transversing the D: tree looking for .pdfs inside each folder, and when found check their 4 1st bytes and output the fully qualified file name to a text log, folowed by "OK" or "BAD".
However, to do such a task with a .cmd requires much more ability at batch writing than I do command.
Would you please help me, at least, get started? Thanks a lot in advance.


Here is a VBS script that output results to CMD prompt window. You will have to add the file type that you want to search for. 

'-> Main Search Object Change 'vbs' to 'FileTypeHere'
Dim Col :Set Col = Wmi.ExecQuery("Select * from CIM_DataFile Where Extension = 'vbs'")

Dim Str :Str = "."
Dim Wmi :Set Wmi = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & Str & "\root\cimv2")
'-> Main Search Object Change 'vbs' to 'FileTypeHere'
Dim Col :Set Col = Wmi.ExecQuery("Select * from CIM_DataFile Where Extension = 'vbs'")
Dim Res
'-> Check To Nake Sure Cscript Is Used
  If InStr(1,WScript.FullName,"cscript",1) Then
  End If
'-> Main Function To Collect All The Files
   Function Main() 
    If Col.count = 0 Then
     WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Can Not Find This File Type"
     WScript.Sleep 3500
      WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Processing..."
      For Each Obj in Col 
'-> Display File Type 
       WScript.StdOut.WriteLine  Obj.Name
       WScript.Sleep 500  
      End If
   End Function
'-> Close The CMD Window
   Function CloseCmd()
    Do While Res = ""
      WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Total File Count : " & Col.count
      WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "   Type quit Or exit to close CMD window"
     Res = Wscript.StdIn.ReadLine
     Select Case LCase(Res)
     Case "exit" 
     Case "quit"
     End Select
   End Function 

I have tested this script on my computer with no run-time error. I will help you edit this script so it will do what you want.


Wow! Thanks! It also runs OK on my machine. And I can see it does somewhat more than required, as it searches all disks, not just one. But, for sure, I'll have to study it some more to understand it enough to be able to propose any changes... Those WMI commands are fully above my head.


I have updated the original script

1:\ Added a message box to appear with instructions on how to use

2:\ Added a new user input to search for the file type

New Code

Dim Col,Str, Res :Str = "."
Dim Wmi :Set Wmi = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & Str & "\root\cimv2")
'-> Check To Nake Sure Cscript Is Used
  If InStr(1,WScript.FullName,"cscript",1) Then
'-> Main Search Object Using The User Input
   Set Col = Wmi.ExecQuery("Select * from CIM_DataFile Where Extension = '" & Res &"'") 
    WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Begin Querry For " & Res
'-> Wrong Script Engine
   MsgBox Space(10) & "Error Wrong Scripting Engine" & vbCrLf & _
   "You must right click this script and select the Cmd Prompt or" & vbCrLf & _
   "Csript option to run this script",4128,"Error Wrong Script Engine"
  End If
'-> Main Function To Collect All The Files
   Function Main() 
    If Col.count = 0 Then
     WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Can Not Find This File Type"
     WScript.Sleep 3500
      WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Processing Please Wait..."
      For Each Obj in Col 
'-> Display File Type 
       WScript.StdOut.WriteLine  Obj.Name
       WScript.Sleep 300  
      End If
     Res = ""
   End Function
'-> Get User Input For File Type
   Function UserImput()
    Do While Res = ""
     WScript.StdOut.WriteBlankLines 1
     WScript.StdOut.WriteLine _
     "Type the file type you are searching for in this" & vbCrLf &_
     "format txt or vbs or cmd no dot is needed." & vbCrLf & _
     "Type exit or quit to stop the script."
     WScript.StdOut.WriteBlankLines 1
     Res = Wscript.StdIn.ReadLine
     Select Case LCase(Res)
     Case "exit" 
     Case "quit"
     End Select
   End Function
'-> Close The CMD Window
   Function CloseCmd()
    Do While Res = ""
      WScript.StdOut.WriteBlankLines 2
      WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Total File Count : " & Col.count
      WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Type quit Or exit to close CMD window"
     Res = Wscript.StdIn.ReadLine
     Select Case LCase(Res)
     Case "exit" 
     Case "quit"
     End Select
   End Function 

Rename WmiUserInExtSearch.vbs.txt to WmiUserInExtSearch.vbs to make active


17 hours ago, dencorso said:

However, to do such a task with a .cmd requires much more ability at batch writing than I do command.

Maybe you are underestimating yourself.

Please meet dumphex:


So you could easily dump the first four bytes of each .pdf and compare the output with the result of a good .pdf, such as:

C:>dumphex /L4 /nc agoodpdf.pdf
DumpHex Version 1.0.1
Copyright (c) 2003 Robert Bachmann

00000000h: 25 50 44 46

BUT, trid:


 might be easier.

Of course using a "whole" database would be probably a tadbit slower, so creating a specific definition file might be better.

Unfortunately current version of trid seemingly chokes on .xml files created by tridscan, you can however use the attached, it is Trid version 1.56 with ONLY the appropriate adobe_pdf.trid.xml

C:\VSS\VSS2\tridpack\Simple>trid agoodpdf.pdf

TrID/32 - File Identifier v1.56 - (C) 2003-04 By M.Pontello

Collecting data from file: agoodpdf.pdf
Definitions found: 1

100.0% (.PDF) Adobe Portable Document Format (7000/1)

C:\VSS\VSS2\tridpack\Simple>trid abadpdf.pdf

TrID/32 - File Identifier v1.56 - (C) 2003-04 By M.Pontello

Collecting data from file: abadpdf.pdf
Definitions found: 1





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