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NTLite Windows 7x64 - How To Check if Drivers are in the ISO

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So I built an Windows 7x64 sp1 ISO and added the sp2 updates and usb3 drivers in addition to my Lenovo drivers. I am installing this on a newer UEFI Lenovo laptop. I installed Windows 10 already using the same formula and NTLite. Once I create my Windows 7x64 ISO I then rip it to my usb thumb drive and boot. I start the Windows 7 installer and it says one of my drivers is missing. This is the usb 3 driver that "should be" on the the usb drive but it isn't. Any ideas what could be happening here?

Is there anyway to visually check to make sure that my Lenovo drivers are on the usb drive?

Does NTLite also out of curiosity, make any changes to the original windows x64 iso? When I go to build my ISO I make sure its a new directory and has a different name. What is weird is that if I go back to my original iso and load the windows pro, it seems like it has already integrated my drivers? Maybe this is just me not seeing correctly.



Hi Cloves,

here is well explained driver integration, main key is to integrate USB3 drivers to the boot.wim (2nd image, with the "setup" in the title) itself, not just install.wim.
Both is necessary, install.wim is in effect after setup.

You can check if the driver is there in Components - search box in the toolbar.

Original ISO, as it the one that you loaded and integrated driver into? There is no read-only, copy to temporary dir and edit option, it actually edits what you load on the Source page.

Let me know if you need more info or I misunderstood you, thanks.


Thanks for the reply nuhi!

Ok I will have to try to integrate again and follow your link.

Little confused. So I downloaded the original ISO "Windows 7 ISO". Then I start NTLite and in the Source "Load" the version of Windows 7 from the iso I want to integrate to. So my question was, does the original ISO no longer stay original? Does loading the ISO source in NTLite edit it in anyway or does it stay the same and not change?


Simply loading does not change it. You can also unload it and don't tick save changes, nothing will be done to the image.

I mentioned unloading because when the image is loaded it is also mounted, that is just an NTFS virtual representation of the image content inside a mount directory.
To release the hold on the loaded image you need to unload it fully, not just close the tool.

When you normally apply some action and keep ticked save changes in the toolbar, the unloading with unmounting + saving changes is done automatically.

Some fun fact:
You can load the image, integrate drivers, but not save changes in the Apply page while doing so.
Then reload the mounted (blue icon) image, continue work in a second session.
Then if you change your mind, you can unload without saving changes, and image will again be like the original, regardless that the integration was done to the mounted directory.


Thanks nuhi,

So I downloaded 2 more windows 7 iso's. I MD5 checked both versions. One is directly from microsoft. I am unable to add either or download. I am getting a:

"Invalid Windows image path 'E:\\00 - Downloads\OS\Windows 7 ISO'  <---thats my local path

Please select a folder containing Windows setup DVD, ISO or USB

Both ISO have been MD5 checked and verified. I also moved 1 the the desktop and still getting the same message.


Maybe related (or maybe not) do not use space in paths or folder or file names (you will save yourself lots of headaches), and - by the same token - never use the desktop (which path has spaces) when using this kind of utilities (nowadays *everything* should be able to deal with spaces, but you never know and it costs nothing or next to nothing to avoid it by just using simpler names).

A sensible path would be: C:\workingdir\

The path you posted however is not a valid path anyway as it has two \ (backslash).


Posted (edited)

Thanks, Ill give that a try, typo on my end.

'E:\00 - Downloads\OS\Windows 7 ISO' is the correct path

I should have also mentioned that day before yesterday the above path was working with the other custom ISO I was working on.

Just moved the iso into a single folder in main directory, same error.

Edited by Cloves

Maybe you have still a loaded image as Nuhi hinted earlier? :dubbio:

i.e. for *whatever* reasons the error you are having is misleading and the issue is with the mounting path?




Ok so I ended up rebooting and reinstalling NTLite. I then extracted a new copy of the new iso. It is now mounting! :)


Cloves, ok, let me know if such confusion happens again, to find out why.

Can't wait to add ISO reading support so users don't have to copy the content manually.

  • 4 years later...
On 10/2/2016 at 5:04 AM, nuhi said:

Cloves, ok, let me know if such confusion happens again, to find out why.

Can't wait to add ISO reading support so users don't have to copy the content manually.

i know this is a seperate problem, but no one has been able to answer it in my own thread, and it isn't a complicated question, but do you know if integration of .msu updates / hotfixes, specifically the nvme and usb 3.x updates, do these need to be integrated in both the boot.wim and install.wim, or does it only need to be shown in install.wim? the drivers for them are indicated for both boot.wim and install.wim, however, ntlite only shows the 3 updates as being shown for install.wim. i ask this, because i'm having issues with the setup, causing 0x0000007E error with nvme.sys indicated in there, and it is being tested on a qm87 chipset. could it be from possibly conflicting nvme.sys? as the package has integration of two different nvme drivers, one is the ofa universal nvme.sys, and the other is a realtek one with nvme.sys. 

if you need to solve this issue in the other thread / private message, thats fine, but it would be really nice if you or someone else can help, as quite often, my questions and concerns, never get answered or fully answered / understood. 

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