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Silent installers for AnyDVD, CloneDVD and CloneCD

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Here are three AutoIt scripts and compiled exes for closing the reboot dialog.

The starter actually waits for the dialog to appear which is more secure than sending keystrokes (might be faster too).

Usage in batch:

Starter.exe Setup.exe

The /S switch is included.



i just tried them on virtualpc,

clonecd and clonedvd works,

at the end of anydvd it still ask for reboot (dialog)...

for any-dvd and clone-dvd, my registration-data

works on my real-pc and virtual-pc,

but it seems that the clone-cd registration-data

doesnt work on different machines,

or is it because of the virtual-pc?

but that another topic.... :)


What version of AnyDVD did you use?

I tested it with and

You could modify the script yourself. It's pretty self explaining. Just look at the title of the reboot dialog and replace it in the script.

BTW i still prefer VMWare.


I am using the silent clone cd installer....

this is the syntax im using:

REG ADD %KEY%\040 /VE /D "Installing Clone CD" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\040 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\install\Applications\Clone\CCDSilent.exe SetupCloneCD4322.exe" /f

When it gets to that part of the install process, I get an error about a missing file "framedyn.dll" and it says it cannot continue installing... "srclient.dll" is missing and also has an error shortly after this too but i am not sure if its related


it actually still installed clone cd though... even with the error message.... this is better than i have ever been able to manage with clone cd before (normally it doesnt have an error but doesnt install) this is the first time i've used the silent installer of yours it works good!

perhaps my error is because of something else?


Those are definitely Windows DLLs. Maybe the T-12 stage is too early for clonecd. Have you tried it in the GUIrunonce stage?


i am installing clone cd through guirunonce (initiated from apps.cmd)

i seem to have a major error somewhere because of those missing files :)

runddl32 does not work... at all... can't even open system control panel :rolleyes:

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
Thanx for the scripts, probably a stupid question, but how are the scripts used in a batch file. I always get errors as in screen dump

Any Help much appreciated

same error here :(

EDIT: never mind. figured it out :D


Hmmm, OK I got both Clone CD and CloneDVD to install fine and they run great (thanks for the scripts! :thumbup ) but CloneCD is still not registered when opened.

I imported the key:


"Serial"=hex:xx, xxx, ,xx, x,x,xx,, etc


They imported fine cos when i check the registry they're there but it still comes up with the "Order it" or "Try it" screen. Have I done something wrong or missed something? :huh:

  • 2 weeks later...
Thanx for the scripts, probably a stupid question, but how are the scripts used in a batch file. I always get errors as in screen dump

Any Help much appreciated

EDIT: never mind. figured it out :D

What did you do to make it work

i have tried a few things just need to know how to run and app with another

Ie running CloneCDSetup.exe through the silent installer i dont know how to edit them either so no go there

How do i do it using the cmd method

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