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Important Windows NT/2000/2003 Threads


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To help clean up the massive amount of pinned threads, I'm following suit similar to a thread in the Windows 98 forum and making a thread for links to important articles. These are articles for tried and true Windows 2000 users and to help keep their systems running as optimally as possible. This thread is a work in progress and can always be added to later for reference. If anyone can think of anything of value that should go here, please feel free to PM me.


Windows 2000

KernelEx (HOT!) - A patch of system files made and maintained by user blackwingcat. This is a must have for anyone who wants to use Windows 2000 past EoL support from Microsoft.

KDW / FCWIN2K - Depreciated, but still useful in certain situations, especially for setting program compatibility for .exe and .msi files. Created by blackwingcat.

Final program versions for Win2K - An ongoing list of final program versions that continue to run on Windows 2000 without unofficial mods such as KernelEx

Anti-virus for Windows 2000 - A thread to discuss anti-virus software available to Windows 2000 without KernelEx of UURollup

List of web browsers working with Windows 2000 - Discussions on what browsers work with patched and unpatched versions of Windows 2000

USB patches for post Windows 2000 SP4 UR1 - List of files that may help improve USB function even though not highly pushed out by Microsoft

Using Win2k on multi-core processor - How to do it correctly

PE Tool for creating patches

Faster Startup - Experiments with NTLDR to make Windows 2000 boot faster

Skype - How to use Skype with Windows 2000 (Page 3/Post #58 is particularly helpful to get Skype 5.5 working with the new Microsoft version limitation check)

Office 2007 - How to run it under Windows 2000 SP4 (Requires at least KernelEx/UURollup v11 daily and FCWIN2K to set compatibility in setup.exe)

Running Windows 2000 on modern motherboards - USB issues - Modern motherboards can be an issue for Windows 2000, Bluebolt explains how to get around USB issues.

(Important Hotstream for Windows 2000)

Windows 2000 Unofficial Service Pack 5.2 - Project led by tomasz86, updated only occasionally as daily unofficial rollups until main service pack is compiled. Unofficial update rollups are comprised of blackwingcat KernelEx files as well as a few other modded files by tomasz86.

Windows NT4

Visual Update 3 - Make Windows NT4 feel more like XP/Vista

Windows Server 2003

Convert from Server to Desktop - How to make Windows Server 2003 work and feel like a traditional Windows XP style workstation


32-Bit / 4GB addressing issue - Information on why Windows 32-bit doesn't address full 4GBs of RAM

SmoothText - WildBill's answer to ClearType for Windows 2000/NT4

Creating Memory Dumps

Edited by Tommy
Added Win2k motherboard thread link
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