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In-place upgrade to Windows 7 Home Premium

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Subject of the Trojan, we wouldn't have spent so much time if you would have listened to me when I tried to tell you certain things in my system weren't operating as they should.


You say you are still waiting for an answer on how the Administrator's Test account experiment turned out. I answered that in 109 above. Short 'n sweet two-liner. No, it did not work.


I also answered your question regarding making images with DriveImage and keeping the two Dell partitions. I told you to forget about keeping those partitions. It's the second to last paragraph in #109. 


As to saving all links in a folder on my browser, BROWSER is exactly what I meant. I can't believe what a production you insist on making out of everything I say. I have a laptop and I keep my bookmarks synced between the two computers so when this one is occupied with installing Windows 7 I can have the other one open following along with links. I also always keep my bookmarks backed up on both computers on their respective external HDs.


That being out of the way you said it was a simple matter of following one of the links you gave and skipping a step and/or a slight modification. If you want to verify which link below you want me to follow and tell me what modifications to the install process you are talking about that would be fine. But please, no more smart remarks or insults or faces or exclamations. Just give me simple answers for what's left and let's call it a day. Maybe you have enjoyed all this back biting but I'm not normally a mean-spirited person and this has all really worked on me and gotten me down.




Your post above is #106. "Back to the Future" is #109. This one will be #107.

That link is the Upgrade Install. :no:

Scenarios -

1- Upgrade Vista Partition (that's out, since trojan)

2- Clean Wipe Of Whole HDD (all partitions) and Install From Scratch (that's out since loss of Vista Recovery)

3- Completely Replace ONLY Vista Partition (leaving Vista Recovery intact) <-You Chose This



You say you are still waiting for an answer on how the Administrator's Test account experiment turned out. I answered that in 109 above. Short 'n sweet two-liner. No, it did not work.
Uhhhh... ORLY? Post #102 -
I WILL suggest one last thing -
1-Using the Administrator Account, CREATE a NEW UserID (call it "Test") as an Administrator (remember the "Groups" lesson?) and DO give it a Password (use "Test") and if need be a Hint (use "test").
2-Log Off and go into "Test" account and try ye-olde Right-click. Report back what it does.
What you said you did -
It appears I forgot something. You asked me to test that scenario with the Administrator's account. I did that, if you can trust that I was smart enough to do it right, and it didn't work.
You're so good at specifying exactly what you did.

So "Test" ("that scenario" not Administrator) didn;t work either? :w00t:


I don't have time to locate the correct link (and it doesn't matter).

I can, instead, supply a simple action allowing you to boot to the Win7, wipe the Vista and install in its place (option #3).

BE AWARE that there are NO LINKS on the WWW describing what we're going to do. PERIOD! Here, or forget it.



Back-biting? You refused to back up and then get all "You're so mean!" and provide VERY bad responses.

(Why do you fear Imaging those two partitions?)

Read this thread and see what the consequences are of not having an Offline Backup Image.


You're risking total loss of your Option#3, since you DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!

One wrong move/mistake and BAM! It's OVER FOREVER!

Sorry ("I'm so mean!") but that's the TRUTH! Deal with it!


BTW, since PM's are VERY private, I can help simplify that Imaging with a single program that you need not even install. ;)

Ask (via PM) and ye shall receive. :yes:


Why, now, do you openly offer to give me help via PM when you took me to task for asking questions through PM before? You told me you refused to assist through PMs because is not your way of doing things. Now you are offering to give me the big, simple revelation.


I never refused to back up. I just told you I didn't want to work with you on that process of keeping the two Dell partitions.You are too hard to understand and too mean and difficult to work with so I just didn't want to even start down another road. In the meantime, I have made an image backup with another program. 


You're so good at specifying exactly what you did.

So "Test" ("that scenario" not Administrator) didn;t work either?  :w00t:

This isn't really help -- just another heaping of sarcasm and meanness. But I'm afraid you've been far too clever and it's gone right over my head. All I know is that it's meant to be mean and biting. 


Read this thread and see what the consequences are of not having an Offline Backup Image.


I don't need to read your link because I know exactly what the consequences are. I've always known. That's why I came here to get some help, but I fell into the wrong hands. 


I want nothing further from you. You've had me sick to my stomach and upset for long enough. I should have seen long ago, when every post from you came back as or more sarcastic and mean sounding than the last, that this was going nowhere. But I kept hoping that you would snap out of it, and maybe end up giving me some real help, one human being to another. 


God forbid you should ever need help from an expert with something and end up with someone like you.


There is no need for you to answer this back, unless you want the last word If so, go for it. I simply don't care anymore what you think. I hope you can work through whatever eats at or drives you and find a little more peace and joy than you appear to have. 


YAY! You used quotes! Now I can read it!

Why, now, do you openly offer to give me help via PM when you took me to task for asking questions through PM before? You told me you refused to assist through PMs because is not your way of doing things. Now you are offering to give me the big, simple revelation.

Well, I am suggesting directing you on getting something questionable and I prefer to not get banned, thank you very much (you did notice the "MSFN Patron" designation, I assume).


I never refused to back up. I just told you I didn't want to work with you on that process of keeping the two Dell partitions.You are too hard to understand and too mean and difficult to work with so I just didn't want to even start down another road. In the meantime, I have made an image backup with another program.

You said this (Post#102)-

forget about keeping those two Dell partitions.

So, yes, you did refuse, having all along complained "too complicated" (see that post).


Q#1: "Made an image backup" of WHAT? You need BOTH partitions "D" and "Hidden".

Q#2: "With another program" - WHAT program? Are they, indeed Images usable at a later date?

There you go, floating off doing something NOT suggested here.

Q#3: Guess you don't want that "questionable single-program, no need to install solution" via PM?

THIS is why we keep going around-and-around-and...


BTW, this wasn't even directed at you.

And what do you think several of MY links were for? Not videos, but actual written instructions with pretty screen shots. Hey, you don't even have to start/stop/rewind to get the gist!

It was direct @TheOtherPerson. ;)


See the Q's above? Can you JUST ONE SINGLE TIME give simple Answers? JUST ONCE??? Instead of whining how mean I am?




God forbid you should ever need help from an expert with something and end up with someone like you.

Are you still married? Or have you ever been? God help him! (back at ya, snarky a$$).



There is no need for you to answer this back, unless you want the last word...

So you don't want to finish this little project? You're shooing me away from the final stretch? You won't answer the Q's above?


This topic has turned into WAR instead of YOU doing WHAT YOU WERE INSTRUCTED! Say the word! I'll be gone and you may as well begone as well. Shoo!  Be on your own and/or go elsewhere! My wife is EXTREMELY angry that I've spent SO DARN MUCH TIME on your little project.


You have two choices. Choose wisely, Grasshopper.

Posted (edited)

I'm creating instrustions for "Clean Install And Retain Dell-Specific Partitions". The instructions could also apply to any other OEM brand.


Sadly, your Dell-Specific MBR has been destroyed (AFAICT) as it doesn't represent the code to allow for what I found in the Service Manual.


Dell Diagnostics
CAUTION: Before you begin any of the procedures in this section, follow the safety instructions in the Product Information Guide.
NOTICE: The Dell Diagnostics works only on Dell™ computers.
1. Turn on (or restart) your computer.
2. When the DELL™ logo appears, press <F12> immediately.
If you wait too long and the operating system logo appears, continue to wait until you see the Microsoft® Windows® desktop. Then shut down your
computer (see "Turning Off Your Computer" on page 7) and try again.
3. When the boot device list appears, highlight Boot to Utility Partition and press <Enter>.
4. When the Dell Diagnostics Main Menu appears, select the test you want to run.

There used to be a trick to restore it. BUT! I could be wrong and that's built into your BIOS and the "Utility" Partition has been added to the Boot Device Menu? It seems that "F12" brings up the BIOS Boot Menu, used for one-time booting (e.g. for USB Device). How the "Dell Diagnostics (utility) got in there has to be a Dell-specific BIOS modification to cause the MBR's "Boot Bit" to be changed from "OS" to "UTILITY", similar to my older D2D MBR (mine is an odd bird, I guess :unsure: ).


I'm ignoring that particular tidbit ATM and will start a new topic just for the scenario in question, since this appears to not be on the WWW (Clean and Upgrade only, that disregarding retaining and reinstating OEM partitions and Factory Restore).


Side note - Tested the scenario and inputing the Product Key and deselecting "Activate Online" allows for 30-day activation (and probably the Extension via a REARM), thus allowing any necessary Drivers to be installed (e.g. Network) first.


EDIT! Well, well! Both the Dell Dimension PC's (Win XP MCE) I killed (by accident) and recycled had the "F12" (D2D activated?) in addition to my (functioning) Dell Inspiron. It appears that if you need that special MBR, I probably have it tucked away!


Looks like this reference was a good one for GHOST restore of an XP (not Vista/Win7)!




Dsrfix has been tested and found to work on both DOS-style and WinPE-style DSR partitions.

NOTE: Dell systems that shipped with Vista preinstalled do not have a DSR partition. Dsrfix will not repair a Vista system.

This means that Recovery is done via Newer Method (yours) as well as Diagnostics via BIOS. But the info IS very good! :yes:

And this link (already given) is very useful as well as the links inside it.



In any case, we're looking at your Install ATM (At  The Moment).


Come back, Sophy and let's get this over with. We'll just have to trust you have a Full Backup Image of those two paritions (VERY important). I said IMAGE beacuse it will include even the Hidden and System Files and Folders (a COPY will not work, although an "XCOPY" or "XXCOPY might) within a single file(?).


EDIT!!! HAH! This works for Factory Restore (I just tried it)!


We're good to go (provided Images done), including a method of going back!

(Note that even Dan Goodell suggested DriveImageXML.)

Edited by submix8c
Posted (edited)

Thank you.


I used DriveImage to backup D and the hidden volume V and unless I've done something wrong it was almost too simple. 

I backed them up to my external, both to the same folder.

The backup of the hidden volume, V, only took about 2 seconds so I'm questioning if it should have taken longer.

May I ask why you didn't ask me to backup the C drive the same way?

Bootable media for DriveImage. I downloaded the ISO image of Runtime Live CD and burned it to a CD. Is this correct?

Edited by Sophy
Posted (edited)

The "hidden" one is (AFAICT - As Far As I Can Tell) is simply a Dell-Specific (Volume Label being) "UTILITY" Partition accessible via (again, AFAICT) the F12 Key when you first turn your PC on and will be listed in the "Boot Device" (?) screen. The F12 Pop-Up is a one-time-only Boot Device Selection and that Special Boot Paritition is (I believe) detected directly without altering the MBR or anything on the HDD. It's sole purpose (AFAICR - As Far As I Can Remember) is to test Physical Devices for errors. I'm thinking this is done (usually) by request from Dell Support. Pretty sure exiting simply reboots standard MBR Boot.


It's only 55mb (MegaBytes) and has even less than that in the way of actual contents. Probably that's just a "general size guideline" used by Dell for XP/Vista (and maybe Win98/WinME?). It's definitely a FAT16-type Partition (ref Goodells) and (AFAICR) literally runs a version of DOS to run the "Dell Diagnostics" Programs. Therefore, it very well could have backed up in a matter of seconds.


According to this - https://www.runtime.org/driveimage-xml.htm

you should be able to view the contents to check to see if it has "anything" in it? I use Symantec Ghost so have no direct experience with DriveImage. I do know, however that even Ghost required changing the Partition Type (I gave you the instrusctions to flip to "06" for Imaging then flip back to "DE" after finished, so I hope you did that. :unsure:Then again, maybe DriveImage didn't require the flip/flop? :unsure: (Look inside it with the DriveImageXML Viewer.)


Yes, the ISO was a good idea. Be sure to burn it to CD. If you don't know how to burn an ISO, just ask. ;) I'm pretty sure burning an ISO Image is built-in to Vista and up. :unsure:


So, if you have a good backup of the D-Drive and (hopefully) a good backup of "Hidden" V-Drive (I'm assuming you un-hid then re-hid it?) the backing up of C-Drive doesn't matter since (hopefully) "Genie Timeline" will take care of all of your important Docs, Pics, Vids, Music, etc. I still hilghly recommend that (if you can run it) that you use the Vista Built-In "File Settings And Transfer Wizard" as well (another USB-Drive folder?). Be PERFECTLY aware that since you probably have a corrupted User Registry that those items NOT be "backed up" since "restoring" them later (to Windows 7) will only corrupt your brand new User Profile.


I'm probably not going to be able to upload the instructions -or- make a direct post since all the the Pictures will go past my allotted Upload Limit. :( HOWEVER I can link to two separate instruction sets and provide info (very clearly) which steps get altered. I'll try to do it similarly to (ugh!) Tax Return Instructions. "If you are here - STOP! and go to Step#999.". :crazy: And yes, they ABSOLUTELY work! You even get 30 days to finish up Hardware (seem in the Device Manager) before you actually Activate. (Side note - there's even a way of backup/restore of your Activation in case some Program Install boogers the Install.)


BUT, the procedure DOES work! In addition, the procedure to "Go back to Factory" is so simple a Middle School student could do it. I've already tested this as well (uses files inside the D-Drive). I'll provide the link to that. The link that Goodell has to the Dell method is the best one since there should be a special program (PCRestore) that does all the work.


On the above note, I would like to request that you get a Directory Listing of your current D-Drive to ensure that you have the same setup (folders/files) my TESTBED computer has. Sadly, KarenWare website is now in "the Cloud".

BUT this is the program you want to get (No-nag FREEware!!!) -


Note that Karen is deceased, hence the original website's demise as well.

Also, it requires (AFAICR) Visual Basic 6 Runtime installed (already in XP and Vista).

- Download to (probably) your USB-Drive (somewhere to save - you'll like it!)

- Install it and at end select to Run it.

- Click the "Save To Disk" Tab (use all defaults)

- Select your D-Drive

- Click "Save To Disk" button and save the TXT file (somewhere) then Exit

- Zip (7-Zip) the TXT file and upload it.

The above will probably be a bit difficult since you Vista is messed up BUT it does NOT require Administrator Privileges, so you should be able to use it normally.


Hope the above didn't confuse you. I'll be back (said The Terminator). I'm going through everything on my TESTBED computer and it takes time - lots of time.


So... BE PATIENT! Better safe than sorry. ;)

Edited by submix8c


According to this - https://www.runtime....veimage-xml.htm

you should be able to view the contents to check to see if it has "anything" in it?

I checked folder and there are files in it.




I do know, however that even Ghost required changing the Partition Type (I gave you the instrusctions to flip to "06" for Imaging then flip back to "DE" after finished, so I hope you did that.



I'm pretty sure burning an ISO Image is built-in to Vista and up. 

Used ImgBurn


The link that Goodell has to the Dell method is the best one since there should be a special program (PCRestore) that does all the work. http://www.goodells....arecovery.shtml

Marked and saved.

Marked and saved.

So... BE PATIENT! Better safe than sorry.  ;)

I am not in any hurry.






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