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Jump2RegTen for 10, 11 and 7


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Thought I'd share this Jump2RegTen registry Tool.

If you mess with the registry much then this is a tool you need. I name it with Ten only cause I created in C# on Windows 10

It works on Windows 7, haven't tested on Win 8

Its faster on the reg searches than what I previously used vbs with Jump2Reg

You can copy a reg key from internet searches or whatever and Right click your Desktop or any whitespace in any folder aka ""BACKGROUND"" and choose 'Jump2RegTen with key'

It will work with both 32 bit and 64 registry entries. If you have 64 bit you can switch between by unchecking the 64 and it switch to 32 bit keys. Want to see the difference select the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run and switch between 32 and 64

Link below in my Sig

Any ? just ask


Edited by maxXPsoft
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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice little tool for what it does.  I prefer RegEditX's RegCrawler search function, but that's just personal preference.  While I see the appeal of opening the registry automatically when a key is copied to the clipboard, I'm perplexed at why one wouldn't simply paste the reg key path into regedit, which automatically goes to whatever is pasted.

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Nice little tool for what it does.  I prefer RegEditX's RegCrawler search function, but that's just personal preference.  While I see the appeal of opening the registry automatically when a key is copied to the clipboard, I'm perplexed at why one wouldn't simply paste the reg key path into regedit, which automatically goes to whatever is pasted.


There is 2 sides to the registry 32 bit and 64 bit. 32 bit will write things you can't see unless you open SysWOW64\regedit


Example for me on the 64 bit side you can't see this. It was on the 32 bit side. I want to be able to delete them keys to stop Catalyst from starting up with windows 10. MS forces drivers on me so I take it then disable afterwards.


;"StartCCC"="\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\ATI Technologies\\ATI.ACE\\Core-Static\\amd64\\CLIStart.exe\" MSRun"



My search returns a file you can save like for instance Run as administrator

I see that on right click to powershell, cmd I've pinned to my start.




Interesting, wonder if I can duplicate that on say desktop? I am working on that.

Of course then have to go to each key and export for 'Tampering with'


@="Run as administrator"

"AppliesTo"="System.AppUserModel.RunFlags:=1 OR System.AppUserModel.RunFlags:=3"










Run as administrator.txt

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You're making the disabling of startup items and services far more complicated than it needs to be. There are legitimate uses for editing the registry directly... this is not one of them, mainly because you are literally making what you're trying to accomplish far more difficult than it needs to be.

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You're making the disabling of startup items and services far more complicated than it needs to be. There are legitimate uses for editing the registry directly... this is not one of them, mainly because you are literally making what you're trying to accomplish far more difficult than it needs to be.

So tell us what the better way is then.

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So tell us what the better way is then.


The Task Manager has the ability to disable/enable startup items.  Services.msc allows configuring the auto startup of services.  Nirsoft and Sysinternals both offer free programs to manage startup entries.


There's no right or wrong way to disabling startup programs, and the way you're doing it isn't wrong... it's simply making more work for yourself than needs to be exerted to get what you want.

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You're making the disabling of startup items and services far more complicated than it needs to be. There are legitimate uses for editing the registry directly... this is not one of them, mainly because you are literally making what you're trying to accomplish far more difficult than it needs to be.


That is totally not what I'm doing.


You hold the shift key and right click desktop you get 'Open Command Window Here' on desktop or background

OMG I manipulated the registry.

I don't have to hit shift and its on my right click.

Now I want Administrator cmd prompt on that and discovering them keys helps me figure out these things


I know all about the ways to do this like Win+X and otherwise but its NOT what I want


I repeat I will offend the registry again and again

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That is totally not what I'm doing.


You hold the shift key and right click desktop you get 'Open Command Window Here' on desktop or background

OMG I manipulated the registry.

I don't have to hit shift and its on my right click.

Now I want Administrator cmd prompt on that and discovering them keys helps me figure out these things


I know all about the ways to do this like Win+X and otherwise but its NOT what I want


I repeat I will offend the registry again and again

  • That is totally not what I'm doing.

Per your previous post, "I want to be able to delete them keys to stop Catalyst from starting up with windows 10".  There are far easier ways to do this than by editing the registry directly


I'm confused by the rest of your post, as it's not about disabling startup entries/services, which is all I was addressing in my previous post.

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We're all idiots and have no clue how use the Services.msc.

Administrator Tools->Services (or Computer Management).


WTH is wrong with you? He doesn't want to DISABLE something he did NOT choose to install. He wants to OBLITERATE it! Period.


I say again, We are freakin' GEEKS to the MAX. Truth is, I'm running on Server2003 ATM, with extra boot options for XP Pro and Win98SE, in addition to multiple Virtual PC installations (for testing and assistnace on MSFN) and I *like* to manipulate MY INSTALLATIONS as I choose, NOT how MS wants me to.


I repeat, we are NOT Consumers. Many come here for us to HELP, and YOU, sir, are NOT contributing, just blasting us with your "knowledge".




Thank you.


Side note: This PC is my usual one (dual monitors), the one I mentioned in the PageFile thread (dual monitors) is now downloading Win10 ISO's for testing (and will soon be my NEW Server), my I521 already has Win7Pro (it sits on a shelf), TWO D530's with XP Pro, one on a shelf, the other used by my Step-son, etc etc (yeah, I have several more).



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We're all idiots and have no clue how use the Services.msc.

Administrator Tools->Services (or Computer Management).


WTH is wrong with you? He doesn't want to DISABLE something he did NOT choose to install. He wants to OBLITERATE it! Period.


I say again, We are freakin' GEEKS to the MAX. Truth is, I'm running on Server2003 ATM, with extra boot options for XP Pro and Win98SE, in addition to multiple Virtual PC installations (for testing and assistnace on MSFN) and I *like* to manipulate MY INSTALLATIONS as I choose, NOT how MS wants me to.


I repeat, we are NOT Consumers. Many come here for us to HELP, and YOU, sir, are NOT contributing, just blasting us with your "knowledge".




Thank you.


Side note: This PC is my usual one (dual monitors), the one I mentioned in the PageFile thread (dual monitors) is now downloading Win10 ISO's for testing (and will soon be my NEW Server), my I521 already has Win7Pro (it sits on a shelf), TWO D530's with XP Pro, one on a shelf, the other used by my Step-son, etc etc (yeah, I have several more).



I'd encourage you to learn how to interact with people and read up on social skills... To believe anyone is going to pay any attention to someone with the tonality in your last post is ignorant to say the least. If you're an adult, act like it... if you're a child, gain some maturity.

One would have to choose to install CCC, as it doesn't just magically appear. If someone wants to, in your words, "obliterate it period", that's generally referred to as an uninstall. CCC is installed as it's management software for AMD graphics cards, however, editing the registry to simply prevent it from starting is going overboard. I don't remember if CCC is a required install for AMD drivers since AMD no longer uses CCC. If it is a required install, in your words, "obliterating it" will more than likely lead to issues while utilizing the discrete graphics card.

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Try reading a little closer.

Example for me on the 64 bit side you can't see this. It was on the 32 bit side. I want to be able to delete them keys to stop Catalyst from starting up with windows 10. MS forces drivers on me so I take it then disable afterwards.
Should I hilite the pertinent parts?


I note that you joined nearly ywo years ago and all of a sudden you come back as an Expert on WinX. I suppose you didn't notice all the folks getting th Previews or the tragically long WinX First Impressions thread?


Please also note my status on MSFN. I didn't get it from providing misinformation or belittling someone's accomplishments. Who's the rude one here, Sir J. Monroe? YOU came onto this thread and trounced on someone. NOW (once again) STOP IT, please! :angry:

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Perhaps you're having difficulty reading, as I never once belittled the OP... to the contrary, I gave them a compliment.

On a side note, I could care less how many posts you've made, who you are, or your hubristic perspective... your social skills are horrendous, and I really would encourage you to research how to interact with people in an amicable fashion. By all means, you can continue to behave in this childish manor and you'll be ignored.

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