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Hello nuhi,

After upgrade to Win10, there are 2 components I can't remove (missing from options).

Home Group & BitLocker


You probably are aware of this, I assume will be fixed in next release?

Thank you.

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Let me share more about my environment, hope these are clues can help nuhi.


  • I am upgrading from Win8.1 to Win10, not fresh install, Win8.1 does not have this issue
  • NTlite is 3250 beta, Language : English, System locale: Traditional Chinese
  • BitLocker and HomeGroup show up in Control Panel, but can't find them in NTLite Components list (under Network and System)


With regarding the Welcome Center error message, it shows LogonUI encounter an exception, has to stop.

I am assuming it is caused by removing Welcome Center, but could be different root cause

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Thanks Tseng for more info.

Just wanted to let you know that I haven't forgotten this, it's on the todo for the next version, it's just I'm busy and this requires a special Upgrade test so didn't want you to think that I ignored it.


Will post when I know more.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Tseng,


NTLite has its own engine written from scratch, not using nor looking at how DISM removes anything.

It was the evolution from vLite experience.

I am guessing they are working similarly by reading packages, of course, no other (stable) way.


I did plan 2 years ago during development to use DISM for removals, but it turned out disastrous and inflexible.

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interessting info that you have created you're own engine... didn't know that. so i guess you're reading out the mum and manifest files and do the "magic?"  sidequestion: did you expand the manifest files by yourself or was there some little help by mdl / superbubble SxSExpander?

of course i was pretty interessed as you announced ntlite in the beginning but as for many of us (no more criticise) the price is/was just out of range for "just some" modding/creating experimental windows versions.

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Yes, did everything myself, it's just compressed, and I don't need more than text. I hear that the rest is compressed more complicated, I just delete it :).

There is the free version for personal use and it can also reduce quite a bit.

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yes... the new DCS1 compression isn't something you luckily have to take care off... just the more or less regular compression. yes of course i tested you're free version but as you also know the interessting part is only in payed version and unless I know it's working the way I think it should/have to work it would be some blind buy (for me, in a technical aspect).

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  • 2 weeks later...

 Tseng, so I finally got to this task and no luck in replicating missing Bitlocker, Homegroup, or any messages on boot after removing Welcome Center.


So this is what I did:

- Win8.1 Pro x64 upgraded to 10

- NTLite 3250 x64

- Live/Online mode


To replicate that LogonUI error, I would need your preset, you can also send it to the support at ntlite dot com.


This was the last task for the next update, so I'll be releasing it today, feel free to retry with it.

I'll be watching this topic for more info on how to replicate.

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Hi nuhi,

I upgrade to 3333 beta.  The missing component issue is still there.

This is my company laptop, using Win10 Pro 10240.  Fresh new install, not upgrade from Win8.1


There are 3 components missing from list preventing me from remove:

1. BitLock

2. Home Group

3. Firewall


And the weird thing is both Live and Off-Line mode, the above 3 components are not to be seen.


Rest seems to be fine.

I have not tried my home computer yet.

Is there any debug file I can provide for further analysis?


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