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AddOns not "adding on".


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I downloaded some AddOns to install with nLite. The ones for dotNet work fine, but the ones for the programs (like 7-Zip) do not. Looking at the modied folder, I see the installer files in the SVCPACK folder - but they are not actually being installed.


I got my 7-Zip AddOn file from here:



Is there a reason this AddOn isn't working?

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Ok, this is what I found out.


To give a background to my porcessing:

I first run nLite to slipstream hotfixes and addons, and to remove components. I then run HFSLIP do slipstream various files and REG, etc (yes submix - I finally caved into using nLite due to all the hickups I was getting from the FDV fileset and a lack of responce from FDV to resolve/trouble shoot them).


After much trails, and analisit I discovered that HFSLIP will OVERWRITE and SVCPACK.INF file that might exist. This is why the addons were not installing - cause the SVCPACK.INF file that had there command lines was overwritten.


So what I ended up doing was modifying the .CMD file so that instead of overwritting it appends. After doing such resolved the issue.

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There was a big mistake - nLite->HFSLIP. Anytime you mix/match anything (just like *do not* use 98SE Service Pack *plus* 98SE AutoPatcher) something is bound to get clobbered.


You never mentioned you combined them, just that nLite wasn't adding it. IOW, it *was* and HFSLIP killed it.


You *could* have just saved the *first* SVCPACK.INF then manually merged it into the *second* one. That is, after all, what it's purpose is.


So you didn't "break down" and use nLite - you used *both*. Your bad. At least now you know the correct way to do it - *Merge*. ;)


P.S. - Didn't I tell you FDV no longer supports the older stuff? :whistle:

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