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Explorer stops


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 Since about one month ago, the error message

"Windows Explorer has stopped working"

has been appearing at random in this computer.

 In each case, selecting the option

"Restart Explorer"

has worked, without any problem other than the

closing of any folders that were open on the desktop.

 The option

"Look online for a solution"

does not return anything.

 I did not intentionally install any new software about

the time this problem began.

 I could not see anything suspicious using msconfig.

 The only other thing I noticed is that opening of folders

seems slower.

 I attached two typical "details" of the error messages.

The only diiference between the details messages is in the

offset values. There are quite a few of them, and I selected two

that appear very often. The strings after the semicolons are translations

I added.

 O/S: Win 7 Home Starter X86.

 Desktop: traditional (Not Aero).



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Please download this reg file from my SkyDrive:
and make a double click on the .reg file to import it.
When the Explorer crashes, Windows Error Reporting Service (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb787181%28VS.85%29.aspx) creates a dmp file under C:\Localdumps. Please upload the dump file (compressed as 7z to reduce the size) to your public Skydrive/dropbox folder and post the link here.
After you generated the dump, run this reg file to stop dump creation:

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