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Stuck in loop or installing lots of hotfixes?

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Posted (edited)

last settings ini now posted

i previously could not access the machine i used..it was stuck in a re boot loop...or is it?

Created a XP Pro SP3 plus others..Slipstreamed CD.. .in fact been sat here for 14 hours now..and created ..or tried to create several..but as soon as the routine to compile the slipstream with all the hotfixes got to the .net4 routine...the .net4 would shut down the computer..and I would have to create the Slipstream folder from the basic XP SP1 folder again

Now I finally have a CD that burnt.

Went through the initial install..Formatted the HDD and now it is stuck between the Blue setup screen...and the message...

Setup is being restarted...blue basic Windows desktop screen briefly appears with the mouse pointer..a quick flash of an error message and then it shuts down and re boots again..back to BIOS and setup is being re started message ..

Been here on this bloody machine since 0700..it is now 2200..so 14 hours...plus lots of coffee..and still nothing working...

what now

I can easily do a clean instal again from xp sp1..but what should I look for tomorrow. so I don't waste yet another day.

what is likely? have i removed a critical component?

OK, not given you all al lot to go on..but tried so much in 14 hours..where to start

settings I want to keep.ini

Edited by NeilP


Where did you get that list of hotfixes?

Why are you adding BOTH 64 and 32 bit hotfixes?

Why are there IE8 hotfixes yet no IE8? (IE 8 cannot simply ba added that way anyway)

.net cannot be simply added just by itself either.

There are @ a dozen issues I see and they are mainly from your hotfix list.


List of hotfixes from http://www.windowsupdatesdownloader.com/UpdateLists.aspx

also later ones from MS update cumulative Windows_KB913086_2013-01

downloaded the DVD and pulled Win XP x 86 fixes from there

Not sure how the 64 bit hotfixes got in there.will have another look

I did initially have ie8 installer in there but it gave errors, so I must have removed it.

The first build I had did work and has installed IE 8 correctly

When I ran nlite..any errrors that appeared, I noted the failed KB numbers and removed them..then ran nlite again.. starting from fresh XP CD copy

It does seem that when nlite reaches the .net installer..it runs it on the machine that is running nlite rather than actually integrating it.

I guess I am just going to have to scrap yesterday and start again..for the nth time..or just forget it..it may be beyond what I am capable of

I have attached the first attempt at a working disk ini file..that does work and install just fine, on both machine and VM machine

thanks for taking the time to respond to my tired waffling.



Thanks...did nto get e-mail notification of your replies to htis question..yet they arrived for your other replies.

Thanks again.


Thanks..yes that is one ..of many faq's I had seen..but after seeing so many ..it has all blurred in to one..thanks again

One Piece downloading now

Posted (edited)

Just when you think it is all going well.

I used

http://xdot.tk/updates.html and included all the files it downloaded., but back to same problem I had yesterday. nLite starts integrating dotnet4..and then the dotnet4 installation runs rather than integrating..and it shuts down and re boots the computer. guessing .net4 can't be integrated?

I tried the One Piece d/load and see it needs the RVM intergrator..but cant get me head around how to join them together. The One Piece d/load is not jsut a set of individuall updates..a whole file structure....so that is going to require another load of work to understand how to use that one.

I reckon I am going to need the full 4 weeks of my sick leave to understand how to do this :( with the One Piece and Nunno software which seems to work on a different principle to doing it with nLite

Think that the original way I tried using nLite and multiple tries could well be easier.

I can use the xdot download folder, delete what does not work...with nlite; the .net and MS Security centre installer and WMP11

another edit...now realise wlsetup is..Windows Live...don't need or want that either..Oh well ...run it again...with wlsetup removed..getting there.

Remove the bits I do not want or fail on nLite intergration ...WMP11 .net stuff etc, Silverlight.. the .net4 seems to be the bit that runs during integration and causes the PC to shut down during nlite integration. It tries to run on the PC that is building the nlite slipstream rather than integrate into it.

got it running now..

edit..silvelight install routine ran ..so removed it from the xdot d/load folder and trying again.

Edited by NeilP
Posted (edited)

How is that? The OnePiece download I downloaded from the link


downloads a folder with no actual updates as the Hotfixes page on nLite recognises..It seems that the Onepiece download is a stand alone package that you run on a ready running system rather than something that can be slipstreamed with nlite.

Edited by NeilP

HEY, think I got it..one piece is a zip file..nLite has accepted it like that...may be I have got it this time :)


Just when you think it is all going well.

I used

http://xdot.tk/updates.html and included all the files it downloaded., but back to same problem I had yesterday. nLite starts integrating dotnet4..and then the dotnet4 installation runs rather than integrating..and it shuts down and re boots the computer. guessing .net4 can't be integrated?

the updates from xdot are made to be ran on a machine or to be integrated in a cd, both actions are done by running them (with or xwithout swith). that .net' that you get from Windows update is not made to be integrated, it's only made to be ran and install .net4 on your machine, and that's what it does when nLite runs it. Integrate only xdots files and specially made addons, not "anything from Windows Update".

Posted (edited)

If you want to slipstream DotNet Framework using nLite go here or here and select the version(s) you'd like to include in your slipstreamed XP media. :yes:

Personally, I include the OnePiece Microsoft.NET Framework v2.0.50727.3654.1 True AddOn ENU from RyanVM.net

Edit to add: Sorry, I see Kelsenellenelvian has already provided this info. :blushing::blink:

Edited by PinkFreud
Posted (edited)

Yes, I see that to now.

Because of what I was looking for; a quick all in one addition to nLite slipstream..combined with the name of the initial view of the page Kelsenellenelvian linked to,...slightly different to the lik yu so kindly provided.

The link provided by Kelsenellenelvian was to a All In One d/load.. so I did not even think to look further for Add ons to it..

I d/loaded and used the OnePiece All In One download..thinking and not looking further than the top of that page

My second mistake was forgetting how bloody hard it is to do anything with Windows. Have been on Mac since 2008 for main home machine and not had any of this to do for so long.

Well i got a working SP3 with complete One Piece all in one d/load working before I gave up last night...except it is now coming up with a Windows Genuine software warning notice about Pirate software at bottom right of screen. Just when you are getting somewhere..bill gates's bloody software comes along and gives you another kick in the balls.

Oh well once more to do battle... Done two 12- 14 hr days so far...I have got 3-4 weeks to sort this but had hoped it would not take that long...oh well not going to give up.

My main aim is to create a Win XP pro install CD that is up to date, and I can easily update again come June 2014, so.

off we go..thanks for all your help...day 3 here we come

EDit 1 It does look like the All In One really is all in one...dotnet seems to be there, so won't need the addons.. at moment the Windows update with my latest iteration of an ISO is not working..just sits there after hitting 'Custom ' on the update page...keep trying

Edited by NeilP

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