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Posted (edited)

Could you attach your useroptions.js file and check the lang_it.js (remove line 238), please ?


*Edit: What is your wpiafter.exe?

wpiafter is one script (autoit-script) that put host in read mod, activate uac and other security of so

i have delete line 238 but appear again.

usroption is attached

wait and thank you for all


Edited by frasuperbike
Posted (edited)


Could you upload and share your autoIt script wpiafter.exe, and I will try. Thanks

#cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

AutoIt Version:

Author: myName

Script Function:

Template AutoIt script.

#ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; Script Start - Add your code below here


if @OSVersion = "WIN_8" Then

RegWrite("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer", "SmartScreenEnabled","REG_SZ","RequireAdmin")


$PID1 = run("hostread.exe")


this is a content of wpiafter and is ok because with wpi 8.6.6 version go fine


Edited by frasuperbike
Posted (edited)


Could you upload and share your autoIt script wpiafter.exe, and I will try. Thanks

#cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

AutoIt Version:

Author: myName

Script Function:

Template AutoIt script.

#ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; Script Start - Add your code below here


if @OSVersion = "WIN_8" Then

RegWrite("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer", "SmartScreenEnabled","REG_SZ","RequireAdmin")


$PID1 = run("hostread.exe")


this is a content of wpiafter and is ok because with wpi 8.6.6 version go fine

hostread.exe is this


FileSetAttrib (@windowsdir & "\system32\drivers\etc\hosts", "+R")

if @OSVersion = "WIN_8" Then

RegWrite("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer", "SmartScreenEnabled","REG_SZ","Off")



Edited by frasuperbike
Posted (edited)

It's not possible to download your hostread.exe file! Try to do a zip file please.


do it in my last message



Edited by frasuperbike
Posted (edited)


Tested on my computer and I've no trouble or error.


Fichier journal de l'installation WPIDébut de l'installation: lundi 12 août 2013 20:46:15Information WPI:   Version=8.6.7   Exécutable utilisé=true   Version d'Internet Explorer=10.0   Connexion Internet=trueSystème d'exploitation   Version du Système=6.1   Système d'exploitation=Win7   Version actuelle=7601   ID Edition=Ultimate Edition   Service Pack=1Architecture   Nom de l'Architecture=GenuineIntel   Chaîne du Nom de l'Architecture=Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz   ID Architecture=x86 Family 15 Model 4 Stepping 1   Nombre de Processeurs=1   MHz=3001   Type d'Architecture=x86   Bits Architecture=32   Fichier Configuration=C:\WPI_v8.6.7\UserFiles\config.js   Fichier Options=C:\WPI_v8.6.7\UserFiles\useroptions.js   Fichier Réseau=C:\WPI_v8.6.7\UserFiles\networkoptions.js   Fichier Thème=C:\WPI_v8.6.7\UserFiles\themeoptions.js   Fichier Options Fenêtre=C:\WPI_v8.6.7\UserFiles\windowoptions.js// Window tab   Resolution=0   MainWindowWidth=800   MainWindowHeight=600   MainWindowX=-1   MainWindowY=-1   InstallerWindowX=25   InstallerWindowY=25// General tab   NumCols=3   // ---   Timer=true   Seconds=29   StartBeepAtSecs=10   // ---   Language='fr'   // ---   DefaultInstallPath='%wpipath%'   CustomInstallPath=['']   // ---   AbortInstallIfFailure=false   ExecuteCommandIfFailure=['']   ContinueWhereFailed=false// Features tab   ShowDownloadOutput=true   DisableInstallCombobox=false   ShowExtraButtons=true   DoNotShowIfCD=true   USSFSilentMode=false   VerifyInstallHDD=false   AllowCheckForInternet=false   LoadDesktopBeforeInstall=true   ReOpenAfterInstall=false   DisableCatCheckBoxes=false   SortWithinCats=false   DisableOnDepsNotMet=true   AlwaysUseScrollBar=true   DontSplitCats=true   InstallByCategory=true   ReallyForce=false   DisableIfDoGray=false   InstallFonts=false   ShowCommandInInstaller=true   ShowInstallerImages=true   AlwaysShowOutputWindow=false   EjectCDWhenDone=false   DoNotShowIfUSB=true   DisableHotKeys=false   MaintainAutoLogonCount=false// Tools tab   MonitorResolution=0   MonitorDepth=0   MonitorRefresh=0   // ---   ExecuteBeforeEnabled=false   ExecuteBefore=['']   ExecuteAfterEnabled=true   ExecuteAfter=['"%wpipath%\Install\hostread.exe"']   // ---   RestartComputer=false   RestartType=0   RestartSeconds=30   DoNotLoadDesktop=true   // ---   LogInstallation=true   LogPath=['%systemdrive%\WPI_Log.txt'];   TimeStampLogFile=false// Audio tab   PlayAudioInInstaller=true   InstallAudio=['Kalimba.mp3']   Volume=75   Shuffle=false   CopyAudioFolder=false   CopyAudioPath=['C:\Audio']   DeleteAudioFolder=false// Sounds tab   SndWPIStartCB=true   SndWPIStart=['"%wpipath%\Audio\SoundsScheme\Alert.wav"'];   SndInstallStartCB=true   SndInstallStart=['"%wpipath%\Audio\SoundsScheme\AtBeginning.wav"'];   SndInstallSuccessCB=false   SndInstallSuccess=['"%wpipath%\Audio\SoundsScheme\Yes.wav"'];   SndInstallFailCB=false   SndInstallFail=['"%wpipath%\Audio\SoundsScheme\No.wav"'];   SndInstallFinishCB=true   SndInstallFinish=['"%wpipath%\Audio\SoundsScheme\AtEnd.wav"'];   SndInstallWarningCB=false   SndInstallWarning=['"%wpipath%\Audio\SoundsScheme\Warning.wav"'];   SndWPIExitCB=true   SndWPIExit=['"%wpipath%\Audio\SoundsScheme\Exit.wav"'];// Style tab   Theme='Win7'   Skin='SkyBlue'   BgPicture=''   // ---   LayoutStyle=2   // ---   ShowToolTips=trueVariables Globales:   %OSLANG%=FRS   %WPIPATH%=C:\WPI_v8.6.7   %ROOT%=C:   %CDROM%=   %USB%=   %DOSPATH%=   %SYSTEMDRIVE%=C:   %WINDIR%=C:\Windows   %PROGRAMFILES%=C:\Program Files   %TEMP%=C:\Users\Antoine\AppData\Local\Temp   %SYSDIR%=C:\Windows\System32   %ALLUSERSPROFILE%=C:\ProgramData   %USERPROFILE%=C:\Users\Antoine   %APPDATA%=C:\Users\Antoine\AppData\Roaming   %COMMONPROGRAMFILES%=C:\Program Files\Common FilesListe des programmes à installer:   Ashampoo   Execute After2 Eléments, 3 Commandes-----lundi 12 août 2013 20:46:18   Programme: Ashampoo   ID unique: ASHAMPOO   Ordre: 000002   Catégorie: Applications   lundi 12 août 2013 20:46:48 - cmd1 Succès (Code de retour 0): "C:\WPI_v8.6.7\Tools\Sleep.exe"30   lundi 12 août 2013 20:46:49 - cmd2 *** Abandonné *** (Architecture incorrecte): {OS=Win8 || Vista || XP} "%wpipath%\Install\abs6_free.exe"   lundi 12 août 2013 20:46:49 - Installation terminée.-----lundi 12 août 2013 20:46:49   Programme: Execute After   ID unique: EXECUTE_AFTER   Ordre: 0   Catégorie: WPI Built In   lundi 12 août 2013 20:46:49 - cmd1 Succès (Code de retour 0): "C:\WPI_v8.6.7\Install\hostread.exe"   lundi 12 août 2013 20:46:50 - Installation terminée.-----Nombre d'installations échouées: 0Installation terminée: lundi 12 août 2013 20:46:50
Edited by myselfidem

I think you should try deleting the options files and resetting your options then run a test.

i did it but nothing. The only way is to enable player. in this way i haven't error...

Posted (edited)

Please send me your config file

when i attach file i have and error: this upload failed... give me a mial to send you config.js

thank you

Edited by frasuperbike
  • 3 months later...

Hi there..

Sorry for late response..But Timer [clock] doesn't run in Windows 7 Sp1 x64..with IE11 Integrated..In latest version!.

You do not experience this problem???..It can be it's the way I Integrated my IE11 in Win7..

Maybe you can keeping an eye on^^..THx


This solution looks to work...try in a fast run..tomorrow I can tell you more..

Grt Whatsup


If the solution you referenced works for you, then the current version of WPI should work as well, since that timer code was included since May or so, at least in the supporter version. And since all of those changes will be included in the next public version, due in just a couple of days, you should be good to go.

Cheers and Regards

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